Naya, Mid-Range

Standard Dragonfish17


asasinater13 says... #1

against aggro side in Blind Obedience or Imposing Sovereign as your deck prefers. the BO would be more resilient against RDW, though. The name is escaping me at the moment but a 3 CMC white instant that prevents combat damage for the turn and gains life equal to opponents' creatures could help as well, that I believe is in standard

December 15, 2013 10:16 p.m.

Nox.LD says... #2

Seeing as you're playing a midrange deck and you're having trouble against aggro, Sylvan Caryatid would be a perfect fit. Also, you really should be playing more than 21 lands with a midrange deck, especially with your lack of mana accelerants such as Elvish Mystic and the previously suggested Sylvan Caryatid .

December 15, 2013 10:19 p.m.

Nox.LD says... #3

Also, the card asasinater13 is thinking of is Riot Control .

December 15, 2013 10:22 p.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #4

Well the reason I only have 21 Lands is because I find I get enough lands I need plus when xenagos hits I have enough mana to give to my enemy's Lol. I'll consider sylvian, I have used her before and I do like that card.

December 15, 2013 10:26 p.m.

El_Sauce says... #5

Devout Invocation is too expensive to be reliable in a deck without acceleration, I'd replace it with Assemble the Legion

December 20, 2013 11:41 a.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #6

Oh ya I took that out for another storm breath. Sorry I haven't had time to change it. It was more of a filler card anyways.

December 20, 2013 2:35 p.m.

NerdPounder says... #7

I feel like you can do better in these colors with your planeswalkers than Xenagos... Elspeth, Sun's Champion , Garruk, Caller of Beasts , Domri Rade , just to name a few.

Idk if you have noticed this as a problem but you should also probably run Temple of Abandon and Temple of Triumph , because scry is important in standard--everyone else is doing it, and your draw quality will be pretty bad in comparison if you don't, and more importantly you've got some REALLY awkward spells. Fleecemane Lion , Aurelia, the Warleader , Loxodon Smiter , Advent of the Wurm , Boros Charm , Selesnya Charm , Bow of Nylea , Polukranos, World Eater , Xenagos, The Reveler and Ember Swallower in the same deck--while all powerful spells, means your manna has to be spot on, and even then you're gonna have some problems with it. In fact, to have access to all of your 4 drops on t4 you need 2 green, 2 red, and 1 white, which is gonna be hard. So 4 of each temple and 2 more Sacred Foundry will help with consistency, which is how you win in Magic the Gathering. Also scry lands that aren't the right color help you dig to that are the right colors of land, lol.

No offense meant, just trying to help =)

December 23, 2013 10:03 p.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #8

Lol no offense taken, but I honestly haven't had a problem with land? Someone else recommended more land before but honestly I run into more problems if I run more lands. I might put a few scry lands in but not a lot because I really don't like being stuck with taped land. And xenagos isn't that bad? I feel everyone underestimates him, if I was to replace him it'd be with domri Elspeth is great but you said yourself I have enough double spells. And my mana curve is high enough to not need garruk. Garruk in my opinion doesn't do anything for me that xanagos doesn't do. I may take out aurelia for a Elspeth tho. Thanks for the tips though.

December 24, 2013 8:54 a.m.

Z3Rang says... #9

I highly recommend not taking out Aurelia, the Warleader for an Elspeth, Sun's Champion that card is more of a win con against control. It's minus 4 kills most of your creatures and her +1is kind of a do nothing in this kind of deck. Sure she can kill flood the opponent with 1/1's but thats not the point of this deck. If you're spending 5+ mana for something in an aggro deck it better give you the umppff to win you the game ie: Stormbreath Dragon or Aurelia, the Warleader . I would keep Xenagos, The Reveler , If you want to add another walker I would suggest Domri Rade he keeps your hand full and kills of other threats, not to mention his ultimate is sick. Maybe try a 2/2 split?

I do agree with corythackston, that your mana base is really color intensive maybe drop aurelia for something less demanding.

December 25, 2013 8:49 p.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #10

i could take out aurelia and a xanagos for 2 domri? might see how thatll work for me.

December 26, 2013 8:50 a.m.

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