Placed 2nd, out of 16.
played 2 tier 1 decks, and 1 tier 2 deck. The tier 2 deck did the most damage, surprisingly.
vs B/G "tap & toss" friends homebrew scavenge deck.
vs R/B aggro
vs Bant Control
Game #1 vs. R/B Aggro
Both kept initial 7. I took play with a roll of 10 out of 12, against his 6.
Straight forward game, Temple Garden turn one into pilgrim, losing 2 life.
Turn 2 borderland ranger to acquire mountain for Huntmaster turn 3.
Turn 3 Huntmaster, attacks for 2. Rootbound crag end of turn off the draw.
Turn 4 land, attacks pass, 2 to the cackler, 2 to him.
Turn 5 Hellkite, opponent scooped.
Game #2 vs. R/B Aggro
Opponent mulligan down to 6.
Sunpetal tapped turn 1.
Turn 2, draw the Temple Garden ( go figure ), pilgrim + pass.
Turn 3 mountain + huntsmaster.
Turn 4 thragtusk, attacks for 4 forcing blocks to allow thragtusk in next turn.
Turn 5 attacks + pass, huntmaster trigger.
Turn 6 oblivion ring a block, attacks for kill.
Left the series 2-0, proceeded to play casuals & play test some more - he couldn't keep up with the value of the creatures. Out paced him, wiped boards with Serenity all 3 games of casuals.
Game #3 vs. B/G "tap & toss"
I nearly lost the first game, thragtusk saved my life.
Turn 5 he Dread Mangler + rancor attack for 5 on haste, forcing a Selesnya Charm.
turn 6 he scavenged the dread mangler onto a Corpsejacker with a Jarad down, attacked for 10 and Jarad toss'd for 12. Thragtusk saved my life by 3.
Turn #4 vs. B/G "tap & toss"
Out valued, close game though.
life was 6-0 at the end, he tossed a corpsejacker for 14 damage after the attack that i declared to block - was a good call to block that one.
Series ended 2-0.
Game #6 vs. Bant Control
The first game lasted 42 minutes, that says everything.
Angel of Serenity to lock down 2 armanda wurms, destroying 1 token. Selesnya charm the last token, oblivion ring the oblivion ring on my huntmaster to gain 2 life back and a token. Lethal damage after the the huntmaster returned.
Game #7 vs. Bant Control
I lost, horribly. Like slaughtered and skinned in public.
Turn 1 pilgrim, syncopated.
Turn 2 Farseek for a Temple.
Turn 3 Ranger, scattered.
I died turn 6 to armada wurms. :(
Game #8. vs Bant Control
Tied to time @ 1hr
Last 3 turns of the game left my board state @ 2 thragtusk tokens, an angel of serenity and next draw was a thundermaw.
Can't blame the guy, he is a good friend - young, but an excelling and vibrant brain at Magic.
Everyone says he stalled for time, I disagree. He was looking for a way out, as he was staring death in the face for 4 turns - and held me off for 3.
Some minor changes made, should show in the bottom.