Reyalsfeihc says... #2
I can see that he could do decent work in here, but what exactly would you cut/move to sideboard for him?
April 4, 2013 6:51 p.m.
LeadKillgore says... #3
mmm, couple of ideas, lose the mortars for 2 reasons, 1: domri wants about 30 creatures to work right i've heard, and 2: figure that many creatures you could kill with the non overload ability you can also beat in combat, the other idea is garruk, if only because it helps the mana curve slightly, and i personally think rade is better, especially with big creatures. another suggestion i have would be 2x Boros Charm , I think you could see some kills off of that one.
April 5, 2013 10:55 p.m.
LeadKillgore says... #4
Oh, and also, i dont know how the township has been working out for you, but thats the one i'd drop if you wanted to squeeze in another forest.
April 5, 2013 10:57 p.m.
LeadKillgore says... #6
Take the +1 and delete my comments, huh? Nice one dude, classy.
April 6, 2013 7:19 p.m.
Reyalsfeihc says... #7
@LeadKillgore I didn't delete your comments, I cycled them into the update. All the comments from people to this point are there, I've just reformatted the deck description and am trying to steer the conversation.
Also, you never +1'd my deck. You just said +1.
April 6, 2013 7:42 p.m.
LeadKillgore says... #8
Well if that's the case, I apologize. I did +1, I'll try again.
April 6, 2013 11:24 p.m.
Reyalsfeihc says... #9
Haha no problem Lead, sorry for all the confusion. And thanks for the +1!
April 7, 2013 3:46 a.m.
Reyalsfeihc says... #11
@zandl Fixed. Sorry, I wasn't quite sure which direction I was going to take it in and didn't change the hubs until yesterday ha.
April 9, 2013 1:32 p.m.
S'all good.
Looks very similar in essence to Zandl's Junk Ramp (26-5). I think Garruk, Primal Hunter would be more valuable here. Garruk Relentless Flip is very good, but Primal Hunter just has so much more going for him. A free 3/3 token each turn is completely different from a 2/2. Half the time I use Primal Hunter, he just comes out and I use -3 to draw 5+ cards. In Green, 5 cards for 5 mana is a steal.
And Domri Rade with Garruk, Primal Hunter is much better for you and your board-state than Domri with Relentless.
I don't really think you need Gavony Township . I use to run it in my deck (I can have even more creatures than you, with Lingering Souls ) but I always found it to be a bit expensive for what it does. The impact on the board is almost never immediate and Vault of the Archangel is just more powerful and lets you race other midrange decks and win.
I think Kessig Wolf Run is your Vault of the Archangel here. If nothing else, I'd just take out the Township and toss in a third Wolf Run, unless you think 2 is okay and then you could just pop in another dual-land.
April 9, 2013 2:20 p.m.
Reyalsfeihc says... #13
@Zandl thanks for the feedback man! I took a peek at your deck and it looks pretty snazzy. I've considered running Garruk, Primal Hunter over Relentless. I really liked him for his psuedo-removal, but now that I'm running two Bonfire mainboard I'll consider plopping him in instead. Especially since pitching 3/3's against creatures with Domri and Hunter sounds like a good time.
I agree, if you look at my recap of last week's FNM, it definitely underperformed. I was thinking of replacing it with Slayers' Stronghold instead, for the small buffs and vigilance/haste. I haven't had any issues drawing my Wolf Run's surprisingly, so I think for now, unless I have major issues later on, I'll leave it at a 2 of.
What would you say to Flinthoof Boar vs. Blind Obedience for the sideboard in order to handle Blitz-Aggro and RDW?
April 9, 2013 6:48 p.m.
I find that Blind Obedience isn't a very reasonable answer to aggro. Unless you're consistently Extorting and out-tempo-ing your opponent after you play it, it doesn't really do anything. And 70% of the creatures in Naya Blitz don't have Haste, anyways.
My answer to aggro decks is life-gain. Centaur Healer does more work against Blitz than Blind Obedience ever will. Follow it up with a Restoration Angel for the flicker to block a bunch of things, and then smash a Thragtusk into the board the turn after, and you can't really lose (unless your opponent top-decks like a bawse and you draw nothing).
Rhox Faithmender is a HUGE fuck-you to aggro. As long as you don't block with it (or otherwise open it up to removal/combat-tricks), it just sits and nets you some sweet life. Centaur Healer gains you 6, Thragtusk gains you 10... And that's just with one. If you manage to get out a pair of Faithmenders against aggro, it's game-over. Just attacking with both would gain you 8 life.
April 9, 2013 7:45 p.m.
Reyalsfeihc says... #15
Ha the deck I played won T4 so there's no way for me to bounce a centaur healer in the first place. While I agree that out life-gaining is the best way for Naya midrange to win in an aggro matchup (which did work against most aggro decks), blitz was much faster paced and even with my Loxodon Smiters and Centaur healers really early I wasn't able to prevent lethal.
April 9, 2013 7:50 p.m.
If they're winning turn-4, then you had no removal or they had a god-hand. The turn-4 win doesn't happen often, even in solitaire.
April 10, 2013 2:29 a.m.
rockleemyhero says... #17
Blind Obedience isnt very good right now. If you are having trouble with aggro I'd recommend swapping mizzum mortars for another centar healer in the main. In place of the blind obidences, 2 bonfire would be great but if you can't afford them i would go with something as simple as Searing Spear or even just more Boros Reckoner
April 11, 2013 1:31 a.m.
I don't think Blind Obedience was ever really that good to begin with. Sure, it stops Strangleroot Geist for one turn, if you were on the play, but, as I said already, most of the creatures in the Naya Blitz deck don't have haste, so Obedience is dead to them.
April 11, 2013 1:49 a.m.
Reyalsfeihc says... #19
It does stop Hellrider for a turn though, and anything paired up with Lightning Mauler which is quite common. Searing Spear would be easiest for me to accomodate, although I could pick up another Reckoner or two. I really don't feel like a 3rd and 4th Bonfire are necessary, but I will keep it in consideration.
What do you guys think about Flinthoof Boar in the sideboard?
April 11, 2013 11:49 a.m.
Wouldn't Flinthoof Boar almost always be worse than Centaur Healer ? If you have a mana-dork, they both come out turn-2.
April 11, 2013 2:35 p.m.
Reyalsfeihc says... #21
True, I think I just wanted more early threats to throw around and block. But I believe I'm going to be putting Pillar of Flame back into the sideboard.
LeadKillgore says... #1
Domri Rade looks like he could do some work here. +1
April 4, 2013 6:43 p.m.