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Naya Midrange




Ramp and Smash


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4 Rounds

Round 1 Draw 1/1 G/U Control Game 1 Quirion Dryad became too large for my mortars to handle and with him able to flash back think twice to make it even bigger I was gradually worn away

Game 2 I got Armada wurm out T4 with help of Gatecreeper and Axebane T5 played Aurelia in hopes of T5 win however he bounced my Aurelia doing so also for 3 more times before I was able to over run him with a ghor clan bloodrushed onto a 7/7 Hydra

Game 3 Bit more even he got his dryad out and kept it at bay with scavenging oozes, managed to get aurlia out and wittled his life down while being able to keep blockers for his dryad other creature, got him down to 6 life by the 4th turn of time so with one more turn I would've been able to swing with one more turn unhindered and win. so ending in a draw

Round 2 2/0 Mono white Life gain

Game 1 Not much to say realy he played a 1/1 lifelink cat T1 I dropped a T2 Smiter he did bring out two Ajanis chosen eventualy 2 turns in a row which I mortared while swinging with my smiter

Game 2 not very much different from game 1

Rouund 3 2/0 R/G/U/W Slivers

Game 1 didn't get to see much of the deck sadly out of both games he only managed to play 4 different slivers manaweft, predatory, bonescythe and thorncaster of which the only one that worried me was the bonescythe however I was able to counter it with my 3/3 Hydra which I gradually pumped up and bloodrushed for the win

Game 2 much like game 1 except being able to play his thorncaster aswell

Round 4 2/1 Jund

Game 1 Well this one a very interesting deck to say the least running Huntsmasters, Oozes, Thragtusks, liliana of the veil, Garruk, bonfire of the damed, Olivia and many other nasty cards. Well this game I managed to mizzium mortar whatever he brought out and essentially keep smacking him across the face with smiters and advent of the wurm tokens with the odd putrify to delay the inevitable and he scoops

Game 2 this went slightly more downhill instead of me destroying whatever he brought out he instead putrified and doombladed all of mine stalling until he brought out lili, I did make use of his own lili's ability to make me discard in doing so I discarded a smiter getting it for free however he promptly removed it, he eventualy brought out an ooze and pumped it to a 7/7 at the end of his turn I flashed in a 5/5 wurm token from advent, my turn comes I mortar the ooze and swung with the token knowing he would block he took the bait and my token assigned the 3 remaining damage to the ooze and 2 damage to lili which was just enough to kill them both with a clean board he brought out Garruk and produced a 3/3 beast and I was drawing nothing but land mortared his 1st beast in hopes I would draw something but to no avail losing game 2

Game 3 playing T1 Elvish mystic not a bad start however having to pay 2 life to the shockland, he played his standard turn of a tapped shockland nothing special my T2 I put down a T2 Smiter, his T2 he played dragonskull summit and ratchet bomb then immediately tapping it for a counter, T3 played a land and swung for 4, his T3 he played an Ooze and tapped bomb for another counter at the end of his turn flashed in advent for 5/5 wurm token. T4 mortared the ooze and swung with both smiter and wurm his Turn 5 comes and scoops


Date added 11 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 5 Rares

6 - 6 Uncommons

4 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.66
Tokens Emblem Domri Rade, Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Emblem Garruk, Caller of Beasts, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Standard Decks
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