Naya Midrange Post Dragon's Maze

Standard AteTheIsm


Khanye says... #1

Yup. It's a game finisher with reckoner on the table, exile whole graveyard if need be to shoot the reckoner

April 22, 2013 7:54 p.m.

AteTheIsm says... #2

Well I like the deck right now, still no play testing but I like the mana and the curve. More updates after testing. Considering harvest pyre in the side or maybe even main deck in place of rancor. Also considering silverblade, just don't want him getting burned to death before I get a use out of him.

April 24, 2013 4:19 p.m.

tarnash says... #3

I would sideboard Sigarda, Host of Herons to get your 4th Boros Charm Just my opinion though as Sigarda, Host of Herons tends to be really situational for me and I love having 4 Boros Charm . +1

April 29, 2013 4:07 p.m.

AteTheIsm says... #4

I took Sigarda out and have added 1 Aurelia, the Warleader and 1 Angel of Serenity . I put the 3rd Thundermaw back in the mainboard. Fixed the mana dorks, that 5th spot was really bugging me and it seems to run smoother with the farseeks. I took the Burning-trees out and therefore saw so need for domri so he was taken out as well. Feel like the deck need Mizzium Mortars for a bit of removal help.

I want to add Skylasher because he seems really good and Voice of Resurgence seems to also fit the deck well especially when I wipe with Blasphemous Act or Mizzium Mortars . I like the deck now, the biggest problem is Prime Run Bant or whatever people are calling it these days. Played a friend about 6 times and only won twice. Maybe it was the draws or maybe I was misplaying but I didn't have an answer for his answers.

May 9, 2013 10:40 a.m.

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