This is a Naya aggro deck I'm working on. I have chosen Naya over Bant due to Arlinn Kord
being red (I know she can be good), and Bant already being well established in Standard.
Ultimately, this deck idea came to me once Oath of Ajani was spoiled, I thought about how powerful G/W tokens was before, with Nissa, Voice of Zendikar, and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar being total powerhouses. It would be easy enough to just slot Oath of Ajani into the old G/W humans / token decks, or the currently dominant Bant decks, but I like to brew jank. I really only play standard on game day, then trade away my standard cards (I think I have cycled away about 8 Gideon, Ally of Zendikars already, and my Smuggler's Copters that I now wish I kept << I wrote this before bannings. Now I'm glad I got rid of them. Haha), so I like to make my own decks. Sometimes they do well, like my Mono Green 5 colour
Tamiyo's Journal
deck, and sometimes they fail miserably, like my evenly 5 colour Bring to Light deck. Oh Bring to Light... You had so much potential...
As I was building the deck, it became an aggro humans deck anyway. As more cards are revealed for Aether Revolt, I will change this up a bit.
I wanted to include red for Arlinn Kord
, that was my main desire for this. She makes tokens, she anthems the team, she can kill things, and she is a 3 drop with Oath of Ajani down. Everything you want from a planeswalker, right? Red led me to want to meld Hanweir Garrison and Hanweir Battlements to unlock Hanweir, the Writhing Township, the token generation led to the inclusion of Westvale Abbey
(another card I have found myself constantly cycling for game days, and a card I really miss drafting).
There's far less creatures in the deck now.
It might be worth dropping more creatures for a more aggressive tokens strategy. Add Sram's Expertise. A typical early game would be...
1 - Land, Thraben Inspector
2 - Land, hold up removal, or maybe
Servo Exhibition
3 - Land, Tireless Tracker or Hanweir Garrison I like both of these cards. Don't really want to drop them. Tracker is our only draw engine, and the Garisson makes more tokens
4 - Land, Sram's Expertise into Oath of Ajani pump up the team, and swing big.
I guess with an aggro strategy like that, Oath of Ajani making Planeswalkers cheaper isn't super exciting. If you haven't copped a boardwipe by turn 4, you've probably won. In theory, you are swinging on turn 4 with ~~10 power. At least a 4/3 Tireless Tracker, a 3/4 Hanweir Garisson and the 2 tokens it generates.
Of course, curving out like that, and not getting a board wipe, - even a turn 3 Radiant Flames - is pretty unlikely.
Feel free to make suggestions, and upvote my ideas, link me to your own. All that good stuff.