Faithless Looting: Digs for the cards I need and dumps the stuff I don't. Forms a great draw engine with Life from the Loam and facilitates a turn two Tasigur, the Golden Fang.
Commune with the Gods: Does so much in this deck and all of it is good. Dumps lands, flashback and dredge cards, and excess creatures into the graveyard for later reanimation, while digging for the enchantments and creatures I need right now into my hand. Even dumping cards like Lightning Bolt into the graveyard is a good thing, because it allows Tasigur, the Golden Fang to delve something besides my precious lands.
Life from the Loam: The best card in this deck and probably the best source of pure card advantage in modern. Synergizes with everything.
Unburial Rites: Discard fodder with a tremendous upside. Allows me to put The Gitrog Monster in play a turn earlier on average.
Pyroclasm: Cheap sweeper that kills most of the aggressive and hexproof creatures in the format. Usually buys me a turn or two longer to stabilize. Is switched out against midrange and control decks.
Lightning Bolt: Cheap versatile removal.
Lightning Helix: Removal that provides this deck with some much needed lifegain.
Darkblast: Tremendous value in this deck as a 1 of. Is a useful combat trick, can ping creatures like Delver of Secrets
and Dark Confidant, and can even take out 2 toughness creatures if I cast it during my upkeep. Its dredge 3 can also contribute to the occassional explosive start.
For example:
Turn 1) Play and Sac a fetchland. Use Darkblast to kill opponents Birds of Paradise or other turn 1 creature.
Turn 2) Dredge 3, play a land, cast Tasigur, the Golden Fang for 2.
Path to Exile: Unconditional removal for large threats
Knight of the Reliquary: Does degenerate things with The Gitrog Monster, mana ramps, gets scary big fast, and tutors for utility lands.
Tasigur, the Golden Fang: Essentially a one mana 4/5 most of the time with pseudo card drawing upside. Is also a human, which helps out with Cavern of Souls.
The Gitrog Monster: Can be put into play on turn 3 with Utopia Sprawl and Knight of the Reliquary / Unburial Rites. Dodges most removal in modern, is an amazing draw engine, and combos with any card that puts lands in the graveyard.
Seismic Assault: Is a pain to cast, but well worth it. Is a must answer card that either wins the game or puts me way ahead within a couple turns. Can be played on turn 2 with a turn 1 Utopia Sprawl.
Utopia Sprawl: Mana ramp/ color fixing that is more resilient than Birds of Paradise. A reliable target for Commune with the Gods. Allows the deck to make 4 colors work and is immune to my board wipes.