Naya Rides Toxic Waves

Modern Viroids


Desick says... #1

it feels like too many creatures for Delver to actually get a chance to flip.

April 15, 2012 2:04 p.m.

Viroids says... #2

Which would you suggest taking out? Also what would be idea Creature count

April 16, 2012 12:35 a.m.

Desick says... #3

Well, i feel around 12 creatures is the ideal creature count. Maybe drop hellrider and invisible stalker. Stromkirk noble is great since it gets pumped up nicely, but with so much hard hate for 1 1s with cards like tragic slip, its hard to get him anything huge. i'd personally play around with it a bit, until you get the right feel to it.

April 16, 2012 8:02 p.m.

Viroids says... #4

What other spells would you suggest adding into the deck, since ill be dropping some creatures

April 16, 2012 10:07 p.m.

Desick says... #5

probably some burn like incinerate. Dismember is usually a good card for Delvern decks, since it can remove some of those annoying creatures, all for one mana.

April 17, 2012 8:17 p.m.

Father_Titan says... #6

check out my u/r delver. I like Archwing DragonMTG Card: Archwing Dragon much more after running Chandra's PhoenixMTG Card: Chandra's Phoenix for awhile. Also decided to go with Pillar of FlameMTG Card: Pillar of Flame instead of ShockMTG Card: Shock because undying is one of the worst mechanics to play against when you are playing burn. One more tip I would give you is to play your Vexing DevilMTG Card: Vexing Devil on the same turn you flip delver. This way, you are almost always guaranteed to get him on the field because most players would rather try and find some way to deal with his body than take 7 to the dome on turn 2, so it really gives them a hard choice.

May 6, 2012 3:59 p.m.

Viroids says... #7

Thank you for the advice :D, I was thinking about archwing dragon it does have it ups and i do have two. the only think im trying to get a hold of is 3 more vexing devils. thank you

May 6, 2012 9:18 p.m.

Father_Titan says... #8

Yeah the Archwing DragonMTG Card: Archwing Dragon is good because it gets around sorcery speed removal and costs only one more mana for 2 more damage. The drawback being of course that you must play it again to swing with it, but that being said... it's element of surprise is the best part about it, you get into your opponents mind and throws them off their game that little bit more besides the leaks, burn, bounce, and Snapcaster MageMTG Card: Snapcaster Mage. In all I believe my deck cost about 150ish to put together... the snapcasters were like 20 a piece but I bought the devils early when they first got spoiled for like 8 a piece because I knew they were going to shoot up in price. I would suggest waiting a bit to buy or trade for them because everyone is gonna want to play them but people will start to realize that this card might not be for them or whatever and it will drop in value. On a side note, I want to play a Vexing DevilMTG Card: Vexing Devil have them pay 4 life then CloudshiftMTG Card: Cloudshift it and watch them facepalm as they decide to leave it or repeat for another 4 damage haha.

May 8, 2012 1:43 a.m.

check these RU delve, RU cheap delve

May 11, 2012 6:02 a.m.

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