Naya Zoo in Modern

Modern* sharkudi

SCORE: 4 | 8 COMMENTS | 1414 VIEWS Top 8: 03/04

Boza says... #1

Why use drainpipe vermin over something infinitely better as Rakdos Cackler ?

February 27, 2014 5:48 p.m.

Hickorysbane says... #2

I agree with Rakdos Cackler and this is probably just a personal opinion but I feel like Pack Rat usually works best as a one or two-of. I dunno why exactly, I think it's just cause I use him as an alternate just out of nowhere strategy in my black decks

February 27, 2014 6:08 p.m.

sharkudi says... #3

I don't see a reason to run any less than 4 of Pack Rat it's simply the best and most lethal creature in the deck. Even Luis-Scott Vargas says never to run less than 4.

I'd love to run some Rakdos Cackler but i don't have any. I'll try to pick up a playset before the tournament, and run 4 cutting down to 2 Tormented Hero . I've been running Drainpipe Vermin in it's place since a) it's a 1 drop RAT b) it's discard ability is surprisingly relevant. c) it's amazingly resilient because opponents don't seem to be concerned about a 1/1 on the board (until Pack Rat comes out that is :-)

Thanks for the suggestions!

February 28, 2014 9:56 a.m.

Boza says... #4

Pack rat is bad IN THIS DECK. What LSV says is FOR A DIFFERENT DECK. Pack rat requires commitment to it. It is its own wincon. Not to mention it attracts removal like a magnet. I play mono B devotion with 4 rats. I have never had a game with more than 2 in play. You can never get the little buggers to stick around.

If you want to run the aggressive devotion type of deck (this deck just screams "put some Garys in!") You need 8 1-drops. The only good options are the hero and cackler.

February 28, 2014 10:05 a.m.

sharkudi says... #5

I hear where you're coming from Boza. 8 1 drop creatures is ideal in an aggro deck like this. i technically have 10 1 drops with Thoughtseize . the Pack Rat is GREAT in this deck though. What 2 drop creature do you suggest in it's place?

I've been playing with the rat for a long time now at FNM in 3 different decks (MBD, Orzhov Control, and my successful homebrew'd DISCARD deck (#1 T/O deck on 12/4/13 Discarded & Destroyed (Consistent TOP8's @ FNM)), all with great success. I'm rarely out of the TOP 8 with it. And i'm surprised to hear you've never had more than 2 in play. I've had many games with 4-5 copies in play before swinging for lethal. Nothing quite like attacking with 4 5/5 rats on turn 6 ;-)

The idea is to never play it game 1 until i get intel about the opponent's hand from Thoughtseize or Lifebane Zombie to know it's temporarily safe to start racing them. I've been hosed too many times blindly racing them turn 2 game 1. The only other way to "commit" to it is by adding draw power in Read the Bones , Underworld Connections , or my personal favorite combo with the rat Liliana of the Dark Realms which allows for 2 rats a turn with 6 mana out.(hard for this deck being that it curves out at 3 CMC)

Really like the idea of adding Gary, but at 5 CMC he just doesn't fit the curve, is a hazard when running Pain Seer , and really needs Nightveil Specter and Underworld Connections to be at it's best.

Really appreciate your thoughts and critiques. Will definitely be trying to add Rakdos Cackler tonight if my LGS has them.

February 28, 2014 10:51 a.m.

Ender97w says... #6

Why not put Spiteful Returned in the mainboard?

March 2, 2014 10:19 a.m.

Ender97w says... #7

After play testing this deck a little, i would suggest removing some combination of Pack Rat s and Thoughtseize for 2 Devour Flesh in the main to deal with Fiendslayer Paladin , preferably 1 of each. The reason, sometimes i would have preferred to not take the 2 damage from thoughtseize and 4 pack rats seems overkill, whereas 3 feels a little better, you still have good chances of drawing it, but not getting it as often.

March 11, 2014 4:23 p.m.

Julbers says... #8

First... ewwww! I had no idea Brain Maggot was even a thing! haha...awesome lol

Second... I don't remember you showing me Spiteful returned...? Awesome artwork. Cool card. Very... you! :)

Love it.

September 25, 2014 10:30 a.m.

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