This deck used to be a dedicated Naya Midrange deck. Unfortunately, most of the key cards like Dromoka's Command and
Den Protector
are rotating out very soon. With that in mind, I've decided to make a brand new Naya deck.
So tell me, what's better than RW Vehicles and RG Energy?
Both, at the same freaking time.
While this isn't exactly Vehicles meeting Energy, this deck does take their better spells such as Voltaic Brawler and Smuggler's Copter into a Naya Aggro/Midrange build. The main benefit here is that it doesn't flat-out die to, say, Esper Control or other grindy matchups. This is seen with the inclusions of Nissa, Vital Force and Archangel Avacyn
. (Bonus Combo: Needle Spires
Nissa, Vital Force
I chose Arlinn Kord
over Gideon, Ally of Zendikar because the mana base just couldn't support getting double white by turn 4. Arlinn also makes my two-drops actually good draws mid- to late-game.
If you haven't noticed, most of my creatures don't have greater than 4 power, which is where Lupine Prototype comes in. Since this deck as 26 1-2 drop spells, the Hellbent ability is pretty easy to enable, making it an insane 2-mana 5/5. If that doesn't work, the Prototype also provides sweet synergy with
Lambholt Pacifist
, making the pacifist able to attack as a 3/3 as early as turn 3.
For the board, 2 Make a Stand shows up as both an anthem and negate to Fumigate and
Kozilek's Return
. I am, however, hesitant to play a 1x
Clip Wings
in the board, as I do feel it is a bit redundant when I board in the 4th Declaration in Stone. What I could do is try to put in a 1x Gryff's Boon, particularly against planeswalkers and the like. If you have any suggestions for board tech, feel free to let me know.
You probably noticed the 3x Scrapheap Scrounger and 1x Lupine Prototype in the board. To be completely frank, as a aggro player, there is one spell that made my heart break as soon as I saw it.
That spell is
Revolutionary Rebuff
This spell is scary, not in what it does, but what it allows. Against a control matchup, your first three turns could be destroyed by this card. This card can give so much time to a control player in the first few turns, time that could spell the end of your game as an aggro player. In my paranoia of this one counter spell, and for lack of better options, I am boarding 3x Scrapheap Scrounger.
Think about it; Game two, your opponent has 2
Revolutionary Rebuff
in hand, a Ruinous Path, 3 land, and a Planeswalker (A Dovin Baan, most likely). You're likely going first, so turn 2 you drop a Scrapheap Scrounger and pass. They drop their 2nd land and hold it up for the Rebuff. At this point you can keep attacking with your Scrounger, knowing they're holding up a counterspell. I know it's a janky plan, one made out of probably unjustified paranoia, but oh well.
The Lupine Prototype serves a somewhat different function. Against decks that like to board in Harsh Scrutiny, the Hellbent ability on this two-mana 5/5 can make it a threat very quickly. It's also an artifact, which is a plus against the Rebuff.
As expected, the sideboard is shaky, mainly because Kaladesh hasn't released yet. When new decks arise, I'll come back to it for refining.
Oh by the way, Archangel Avacyn
Lathnu Hellion
and Archangel Avacyn
Selfless Spirit
are matches made only in Heaven.
While this is not a zoo deck, this does function very similarly as one, as it can win turn four. The beautiful aspect of this deck is that while it has 26 1-2 drop spells, it still manages to have a decent mid- to late-game plan so it doesn't die that easily to midrange and control strategies.
Currently, Naya isn't getting much attention, which is a shame. I've always been a Naya player at heart, and hopefully this deck will bring it to it's deserved glory.
If you like the deck, go ahead and smash that upvote button and leave a suggestion for improving the deck.