Yep, that's right. its another attempt by someone to build and figure out the best Dinosaur synergy deck fro Standard because why not? I've been waiting for Dinosaurs to be a valid thing FOREVER. i'm a dino nut. So deal with it and lets have some stompy fun. because who doesn't like stompy, tourist eating, chaos theory spewing big boy Magic?
OpenersCommune with Dinosaurs - Not quite Traverse but easily as effective in this new meta. I love Attune, but this not only finds that land I'm missing but finds curve pieces I'm needing as well so I'm not just staring at my big boy drops all game why taking beatings to the face. or late game it CAN find that boy drop I need to finish out. Attune with Aether - because we need lands, guys. I want a land find spell in EVERY opening hand. so 2 Attunes will be Commune 5 and 6 in this deck. Commune is better in this shell but I can only play 4.
Drover of the Mighty: Obvious dork choice is obvious. valid 2 drop dork, can be decent body when Dinosauria are around.
Mid Game:
Oasis Ritualist
: again, relevant ramp dork. Our planned sequence is T1 Dino Dig, T2 Drover, T3 Oasis Ritualist which gives us 7 mana T4. Also, with Grasp of Darkness rotating, this is a hard dork to kill and relevantly blocks early threats.
Ranging Raptors: can defend and thin lands out of the deck
Regisaur Alpha: Easy choice, provides 7 power across 2 bodies for 5 mana, and giving tribe haste is VERY relevant against the control match ups.
Rhonas the Indomitable Big Snake God is still big snake god. Dinos turn him on, and he can assist extra damage with his ability to close the game. Also he survive board wipes, minus Hour of Devastation.Late Game:
Wakening Sun's Avatar: One copy to tutor up. It doesn't have to survive, just land on the field, clear the field for the lethal swing.
Infuriated Gladiodon
: On curve trample body that clears weenies/tokens and activates Enrage. goo against agro matchups.
Fumigate: not my favorite option but still viable. Rhonas can live through it and the life gain can keep you in the game while you finish setting up.