Nayasaurusrex {updated Oct 4th}

Standard* Kizmetto

SCORE: 91 | 128 COMMENTS | 12832 VIEWS | IN 35 FOLDERS

Kizmetto says... #1

xoorath , hey thanks for the comment and the +1 and reference ;)

September 12, 2017 9:59 a.m.

Atroxreaper says... #2

Only issues I'd see is going against RDW and having them kill your mana producers early but your midrange guys can steal games well.

September 12, 2017 11:20 a.m.

Titanco says... #3

What about adding Hour of Promise instead of Ranging Raptors? You are running so many 2 mana ramp creatures that you are very likely to have four mana at turn three, and I'm not so sure about the amount of lands you'll be able to get from it.

September 12, 2017 12:10 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #4

Atroxreaper , agreed, RDW is very scary but aggro will usually beat midrange (based on that triangle right? Aggro > Midrange > Control) But if luck is on our side, we got big butts and a sideboard to try and help (its that damn cant block clause that worries me!)

Titanco , I like Raptors because its a creature count towards the dinosaurs needed to make it a tribal deck, can attack if needed and deters attackers (by letting me ramp numerous times) , though grabbing any two lands is tempting, i dont think dinosaur decks want a big 5cmc sorcery. Thanks for suggesting it though! I will test it still.

xoorath Thats a great point if we do end up running Hour of Promise! I wonder what other lands we could grab as a pseudo sideboard sort of..

As for Snapping Sailback ... Thats actually a really neat trick, i worry if its good for limited or can run as a singleton in here, a 4/4 flash for 4 that gets bigger is damn nice. Im thinking maybe 3 Regisaur Alpha and 1 Snapping Sailback but i still think its just a really good limited bomb, but hey! this is what testing is for! thank you for suggesting :)

September 13, 2017 6:12 a.m.

Atroxreaper says... #5

Yea I run RDW for that reason but tbh I win most control matchups some mid range decks can stack up some what even with RDW.

September 13, 2017 7:58 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #6

Atroxreaper oh you run RDW? Thats great! I'd love to know what stops you, is it going wide or just having bigger in general? I'm really worried about that match up so any insight would be super appreciated, though i suppose its a bit hard while its still spoiler season..

September 13, 2017 8:02 a.m.

Atroxreaper says... #7

So far going wide works to a degree but my version runs 16 main deck burn spells so unless you have decent life gain my burn or lands finish you off. My current nemesis are a uw second sun control deck, cheerios, and a WB angel/vampire mid range that is my current favorite match because the games are very intense at my legs. Zombies isn't too hard nor delirium or constrictor. Ramp and control is too slow and god Pharohs Gift decks again are slow. RDW and or Temur energy are the decks to play maybe gr pummeler because it lost nothing. Aggro out the gate at beginning of rotation because people will be trying a bunch of janky decks.

September 13, 2017 10:32 a.m.

Atroxreaper says... #8

Yea it's a nice 1 drop never seen a reduction creature for one mana before.

September 13, 2017 3:12 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #9

That 1 drop is definately worth testing i think, but i really like having a late game tutor and incremental lifegain early on too. But it also has a big butt, 0/3? thats uh pretty decent!! Im wondering if it might be better suited for a more agressive dinosaur deck, perhaps then curving into the Sky Terror (which i realise doesnt get a discount but good curve anyway) or something. Gonna test it out when its in the system for sure though, in place of the Priest of the Wakening Sun.

September 13, 2017 8:45 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #10

xoorath nice catch! i'll have to remember that for fixing for Unclaimed Territory too!

September 13, 2017 8:47 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #11

upon testing Kinjalli Caller is much better than the Priest mainboard. Going to add 4, replacing priest and Channeler Initiate for it.

September 14, 2017 2:03 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #12

New spoiler in deathgorge scavenger and i like it a lot. Going to try removing Huatli for 2 copies for now.

September 14, 2017 2:09 a.m.

DrNevermore says... #13

Have you considered Kinjalli's Sunwing?

September 14, 2017 12:42 p.m.

DrNevermore says... #14

Forgot to mention Sky Terror in my previous comment

September 14, 2017 12:49 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #15

DrNevermore i have and i do like the Kinjalli's Sunwing , it feels better in the sideboard but then Authority of the Consuls does an even better job. Perhaps worth a slot mainboard though since im going for midrange, it slowing down the board is useful. will test.

as for Sky Terror the mana is too harsh for this deck i think for wanting to cast on t2 or t3. I think it is better suited for a more aggressive dinosaur deck or a boros aggro deck. Thanks for the suggestion.

September 14, 2017 7:48 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #16

xoorath thanks for sharing, I like your inclusions and focus on keeping up the pressure!

Full spoiler is out and im considering the following cards:

Imperial Aerosaur < with reducers, Flying is decent and makes interesting combat also assigns a counter, but not sold on it.

Sheltering Light < not quite Gods Willing

Slash of Talons < removal?? Err... I was hoping for something a little better for white removal.

Steadfast Armasaur < with dinosaur cost reduction, this is cheap and combat tricky.

Territorial Hammerskull < this guy i like a lot. Removes potential big blockers.

Pounce < Instant fight/ enrage trigger

Rallying Roar < +1/+1 to all creatures and untapping? Sounds like suprise shenannigans to me, maybe 2 of!

September 15, 2017 9:57 p.m.

rottenoysters says... #17

Shock will do really well in activating enrage abilities

September 17, 2017 3:05 p.m.

Have you tried Sky Terror + Dowsing Dagger = Gishath, Sun's Avatar?

September 17, 2017 3:44 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #19

rottenoysters Shock is nice, Dual Shot is a better enrage trigger! I wish there were more dinosaurs with the ability. I'll consider it though.

thelostsandwich2 Haha no, cant say i have but i love it. I feel like that could be an entirely different deck to what this deck is trying to do, which is outlast with a midrange strategy. I might...brew up something though, you've inspired me. I'll tag you in it if i do!

September 17, 2017 9:28 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #20

Tested this deck against Death and Taxes XLN Standard

Write up below!

Games 1 and 2 Show

September 18, 2017 10:57 a.m.

multimedia says... #21

Isn't Kinjalli's Sunwing better than Territorial Hammerskull? It can have much more impact on your opponent and it's flying with 3 toughness. A flying Dino is kind of important because otherwise flying creatures, Pirates can just fly right over your Dinos and hit you. Sunwing takes away haste from your opponent while still being a Dino making it very good in the Ramunap Red matchup as well as the mirror match and not letting creatures crew the turn they're played.

I see no reason to not use Commune with Dinosaurs as a 4 of. It's only one mana making it excellent turn one or turn ten. Think of Commune as having the same utility as Attune with Aether does in green energy decks. It allows those decks to play a smaller amount of lands. Commune can find a Dino or a land in the top five which is a lot. Consider cutting 2x Prepare for two more Commune. I would choose between using Prepare or Savage Stomp you don't need both.

I would also choose between playing either Kinjalli's Caller, Otepec Huntmaster and Drover of the Mighty. I don't think you need all of them because I can foresee games where all you draw are these Dino rampers and not actual Dinos. This is another reason that Commune is good because it can help to find a Dino to use these rampers with. Currently the manabase only has six turn one possible lands to give you a white source for a turn one Caller. This is not ideal and is the reason I would cut it. Consider cutting 3x Caller for a fourth Huntmaster, a fourth Drover and a third Carnage Tyrant?

I would take a look at Shaper's Sanctuary, Mouth or Walking Ballista for some draw. Mouth gives you a creature although not a Dino and then Feed is good with quite a few Dinos especially Alpha. Sanctuary is going to surprise a lot of players, it's kind of broken in this format where creatures will rule because it's only one mana. Ramunap Red is relying on Earthshaker, Crasher or burn to kill or tap down you're Dino blockers all these interactions let you draw a card with Sanctuary.

September 19, 2017 12:25 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #22

multimedia Thank you for writing and suggesting many cards! I appreciate it.

You raise a good point, i think i was overvaluing Territorial Hammerskull and the Sunwing is a flier, stops that haste and is the same CMC. Why WOULDNT i run it? I'm doing a direct swap 2:2 for the hammerskull. Expecially with Ramunap Red still rampant.

I like Prepare way too much to drop it, so i'll drop out the Savage Stomp. You're right, the digging spell is great for well...digging. Increased it to 4 of.

I see where you're coming from, and consistency is the key here, and t1 white is uncommon, maybe you're right. I'll test out dropping the caller entirely and increasing the Tyrant and the other two 'rampers'. Whats your thoughts on 1 or 2 Priest of the Wakening Sun?

Im not seeing how Walking Ballista can draw me cards, am i missing an interaction here? but Shaper's Sanctuary... Wow yeah, i didnt really think about those interactions when i first saw the card and dismissed it. Would you mainboard this or sideboard, and what would you drop (maybe 2 copies?)

September 19, 2017 4:40 a.m.

multimedia says... #23

Glad my advice helped.

The problem with cutting Stomp instead of Prepare is Stomp will 90% of the time only cost one mana. That's the reason to play it because it's permanently growing with a counter, the Dino, you target and being a creature removal spell at the same time which is a lot for only one mana. If you're targeting Ripjaw with Stomp you also get to draw a card because opponent's creature you fight is doing damage to Ripjaw. The same can be said for Ranging Raptors they land ramp and get 4 toughness from Stomp.

Walking Ballista can be a draw engine with Ripjaw, that's why I suggested it. It's a very abusable interaction. You can remove a counter from Ballista and target Ripjaw thus doing damage to him and drawing a card. It also works with Raptors to land ramp or any other Dino with enrage.

Priest of the Wakening Sun has the same problem as Caller did because in the matchups where you want lifegain you want Priest turn one because you can only gain life at upkeep which makes it slow unless turn one. I also don't think you need his tutoring ability because of Commune.

Sunwing seems like a card you want more of because he's really pseudo gaining you life because he turns off haste. Haste is a big reason aggro decks can do so much damage so fast. Remember that crewing is pseudo haste because any creature the turn it's played can crew a Vehicle. Sunwing buys you time to get bigger Dinos into play. For these reasons I think he's better than Ranging Raptors because ramp is not a problem here with Commune, the Dino rampers and 23x lands.

You can take more advantage of Rootbound Crag and Sunpetal Grove because either of these lands only need a single Forest to enter untapped. You want a Forest more than any other land which is good with these check lands. Consider cutting some basic Mountains and Plains for more Crag, Grove and Forests.

I'm currently playing 3x Sanctuary main deck in green decks I'm playtesting with. The only reason I'm not playing it as a 4 of is deck space. It's ability to draw a card when one of my creatures is targeted by my opponent stacks. For example, if I have two Sanctuary in play I'm drawing two cards each interaction. The only problem with Sanctuary here is it does nothing against board wipes which for Dinos is the number one threat because they're the only way to kill Tyrant.

September 19, 2017 6:18 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #24

multimedia Oh ! yeah thats really cool with Walking Ballista! Definately an interesting and a great repeatable enrage enabler... Nice!

I've dropped Ranging Raptors to 3 and increased Kinjalli's Sunwing to 3 and feel pretty good about that spread. Also tweaked the land base a bit, but since my sideboard is quite white heavy i dont want to lose more white sources for that reason. Swapped out Prepare / Fight for Savage Stomp , i just really liked being able to untap and lifelink as a combat trick, but the value is so good , its hard to ignore. I've found space for another Sanctuary and i think 2 is good. I'll do some more testing and see how this current list feels. Thank you so much for contributing and discussing these points with me!

September 19, 2017 8:04 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #25

Mirror Match test vs Dinos of the Perfect Curve

Games 1, 2 and 3! Show

September 19, 2017 8:30 p.m.

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