Nayasaurusrex {updated Oct 4th}

Standard* Kizmetto

SCORE: 91 | 128 COMMENTS | 12832 VIEWS | IN 35 FOLDERS

Kizmetto says... #1

xoorath oh man im so glad you're still running the planeswalker package! I think they are all perfectly suited ( i cry that Arlinn Kord is leaving, i feel that wouldve been perfect for this deck...)

Alright i'll give our decks a test run! I'll post it on your deck when im done.

I cannot agree more, these Savage Stomps are amazing, I too want to find room for 1 more in my list, just tweaking stages now.

Sideboard talk tho, its so hard to predict, and i guess it iwll always change based on our own personal metas but i think its a good call to not run Solemnity since you do have a bit of a counter theme going on with the +1/+1s, the planeswalkers (is that something solemnity stops?) and the energy production. And to hose one strat feels a bit bad, its why i dropped Ashes of the Abhorrent to a 1 of.

These dino decks can recover so quickly!! So long as you dont completely commit to the board i think, we're good. Also casting that Carnage Tyrant really provokes a board wipe anyway if the opponent is able heheh. Im glad you're still tweaking too and sharing your thoughts!

September 19, 2017 8:35 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #2

Match against Huatli: The only dino gyno I know...

Games 1, 2 and 3 Mirror Match! Show

September 19, 2017 10:45 p.m.

Well it looks like your build won the long game here

September 20, 2017 1:13 a.m.

Argy says... #4

Nice deck you've got here.

Dinos sure got a lot of support, this set.

September 21, 2017 4:38 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #5

ok here is dinos VS UB Tempo Pirates

games 1 and 2 Show

September 21, 2017 6:29 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #6

Argy Thanks! I'm hoping Enrage is a keyword they keep in the next set, I really like it.

September 21, 2017 6:29 a.m.

pickelchu says... #7

Honestly I think your better off playing a 4th Carnage Tyrant because that's the top of your curve and you have 13 ramp and it's only six mana so getting to it won't be a problem and it's super good!

September 22, 2017 3:12 p.m.

DINOSAURS!!!! I'm so happy Argy turned me onto this deck.

I pulled 1 Kinjalli's Sunwing at the pre-release and it was the MVP of my deck (only went 2-2, but I was happy just playing stompy dinosaurs). Somehow I got it out early and often and it just put the brakes on the pirates I was playing against. At least until they got rid of the sunwing.

I am ready for a dino EDH but this would be a great deck to pilot at FNM's and in my playgroup. I really like what Ixalan is offering and I haven't been this excited about a set in awhile.I look forward to your results in play tests. How is it holding up against those pesky pirates?

+1, Cheers!

September 27, 2017 4:01 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #9

brandonsperry25 oh! I'll have to thank them, thanks for checking my list out!

I got one at my pre-release too and agree, really helped stop the game and i won a few games because they didnt remove it and i kept attacking for 2 in the air!

In testing, pirates kept flopping when it came to targetting my hand with Duress type cards, due to the high content of creatures and land in this deck. But having said that, pirates feel quite even compared to dinosaurs, due to their access to black and Hostage Taker (feels so bad when i lose a ripjaw or alpha to them.) To the point where im not sure what kind of cards i should bring in game 2 and 3. Definately something to look out for. I cannot chump their flyers but they cannot trade favorably against my dinos.

September 27, 2017 9:29 p.m.

Argy says... #10

I think this is the best Naya Dino deck on TappedOut, and said so in a Comment.

Pirates have a WHOLE lot going on than just Hostage Taker, which can be flickered by the way, to grab more than one Dino.

Dreamcaller Siren causes issues for them, and can also be flickered.

You can check out my take on them here, if you want:
Ahoy, Me Hearties!

September 28, 2017 12:50 a.m.

Argy says... #11

Ah sorry, you've already seen my deck.

September 28, 2017 12:59 a.m.

Argy says... #12

If you lose you lose.


That's how #1 Ramunap Red wins, by squeezing the last bit of damage through.

September 30, 2017 5:50 p.m. Edited.

Congrats on the 3-1! That's a hell of a start on opening weekend.

September 30, 2017 7:06 p.m.

Argy says... #14

I agree.

3-1 is an excellent start.

September 30, 2017 9:02 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #15

brandonsperry25 Argy youre right! a loss is a loss, just pumped at how close it was hehe. ive tweaked the deck again but the meta is likely to shift by next friday so we will see how it goes next week! thanks for the congrats and staying tuned! :)

September 30, 2017 10:48 p.m.

Argy says... #16

How would you Side against this?

I Drink Your Milkshake

Also, your Descrition is REALLY good.

Clearly spells out card choices and how the deck should be played.

October 8, 2017 10:38 p.m. Edited.

Kizmetto says... #17

Argy Goodness thats a mean lookin' deck. With this list i would probably side in +2 Heroic Intervention and +2 Deathgorge Scavenger and i think removing -4 Kinjalli's Sunwing in that match up. I have a feeling this list would lose to your deck due to the fact that there isnt any burn style removal which my enrage can benefit from, just solid and flat removal/exile. If this kind of deck became more prominent in my LGS, i would be adding Prowling Serpopard or Sorcerous Spyglass to name Tezzeret? Hm, but those hostage takers.. Maybe Shapers' Sanctuary would be a good board in against this kind of deck..?

And thank you! I finally figured out how to compile them into little neat boxes and feel like the deck is easier to read, im glad you like my descriptions :)

October 8, 2017 11:52 p.m.

Argy says... #18

If you want each of the card names to stand out a bit more do this:

<font size="4"><b>Card Name</b></font>

Put the usual [ [ ] ] (no spaces) around the Card Name.

October 9, 2017 1:05 a.m.

Another FNM, another 3-1. Congrats, and I'm really digging the updates. That gif has me cracking up.

My Temur Energy deck play tested really well against most decks. The speed is the reason I wanted to run it at SCG Fort Worth (Dallas, I know, but I'm from Fort Worth and that's where it was lol). Unfortunately for me, I ran into some buzz saws. I've loaned it to a friend to take so some standard showdowns at our LGS.

The only thing I can say for Temur after play testing is that when you don't get the land you need, other decks will have a shot. That and control. Control wrecked Temur. Forgive me if you have discussed these already, but have you considered Sweltering Suns and a few Magma Spray to help ping the early Longtusk Cub and Bristling Hydra before the energy resolves? This could also help trigger enrage. Maybe an additional Abrade in the sideboard? Abrade can take care of the Skysovereign, Consul Flagship easy enough and Ixalan's Binding to take out the Glorybringer's leaves you a huge opening to swing.

This may be adding too much for a matchup that is very likely a "one of" game. You may never face more than one Temur deck and that stuff may not even be viable for the rest of your matchups.

October 9, 2017 10:29 a.m.

matchgrizzle says... #20

What do you guys think about using Rile to set off enrage? Would it be good enough to try and include, maybe as a sideboard, in a deck like this? Using it on Ripjaw raptor seems like it would be awesome. You draw two cards and he gets trample, which should work pretty well.

October 19, 2017 3:33 a.m.

matchgrizzle I just started putting together a deck similar to this and use Rile. Brilliant combo for triggering enrage. Red draw power and the downside is really an upside for this deck.

October 25, 2017 1:13 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #22

I might like Rile if/when more enrage cards are printed. Its cute but the list is too tight to run the Rile, as i would almost rather any other card over it in dire situations. Yes the enrage trigger is nice and the card draw, but until we have more enragers except for ripjaw, i dont see it being useful in this deck. matchgrizzle

nachodaddy0828 How is Rile working out for you?

November 14, 2017 5:21 a.m.

Argy says... #23

I think I am the lone wolf who DOESN'T like Rile.

I would much rather see something like Nature's Way to positively trigger Enrage.

November 14, 2017 9:01 a.m.

Argy Nature's Way doesn't trigger enrage though. You deal damage to target creature you don't control. It's not like Prey Upon, for example. Ripjaw Raptor is not going to get the enrage benefit unless it's blocked in that scenario.

Nature's Way could also work well. Just pointing out why Rile would be considered.

November 14, 2017 10:48 a.m.

Argy says... #25

Prey Upon is what I meant.

Get rid of that pesky Bomat Courier.

November 14, 2017 11:49 a.m.

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