Nayasaurusrex {updated Oct 4th}

Standard* Kizmetto

SCORE: 91 | 128 COMMENTS | 12832 VIEWS | IN 35 FOLDERS

Argy says... #1

I wouldn't be able to tell you off the cuff if that is the best change. All you can do is test it.

All I can say is that I'm REALLY starting to like Fight with Fire. It reminds me of Roast, which was a card I played a lot.

5 damage for is just insane. The Kicker cost gives you another excellent way to Control the game, or finish it.

I wouldn't have even considered the card if I hadn't seen a Pro playing with it.

October 6, 2018 8:02 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #2

What do you think of Drover of the Mighty or Thunderherd Migration? Pros are that you have a body who can be a 3/3 easily, cons are it can easily be removed. Pros for the sorcery is its an easy ramp which happens on t2 like when you want to play the creature anyway, cons is it is a sorcery which requires a dinosaur to be good (isnt too hard but still sorcery speed feels bad when its kind of meant to be a creature heavy midrange deck?)

Argy Absolutely does feel like Roast and that saw tonnes of play. Maybe worth mainboarding just because of how many targets it demolishes... But i do still like Lava Coil mainboard for spot removal.

Testing out 1 copy of Raging Swordtooth as a sort of small board controller and being a 5/5, where i have tested Territorial Allosaurus as well, but i dont get to use its kicker as much as i had liked, but also liked the 5/5 body. THe swordtooth clears the board of tokens which is what the deck wants to do - clear the board. Maybe the singleton mainboard is good?

I think i'll try mainboarding the Thrashing Brontodon and move Runic Armasaur to sideboard for now. The brontodon still survives Deafening Clarion so thats good.

October 7, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Argy says... #3

Raging Swordtooth unfortunately doesn't clear Goblin Tokens off a board that also has Goblin Trashmaster

Something to consider.

October 7, 2018 5:34 a.m.

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