Hush wing Griff at least in my metta game is very unneeded Idk what you're playing against but that could be removed and vast wood hydra moved to the sideboard
October 28, 2014 10 p.m.
yeah i removed hushwing idk what i was thinking lol. I might add a Wingmate Roc but im not sure
November 9, 2014 9:44 a.m.
I'm running a similar themed deck. I've found that Launch the Fleet and Hordeling Outburst can really seal a game particularly with Purphoros, God of the Forge out. And I've found that some cheap chump blockers can help out against aggro. Good luck! Also, I hadn't thought about Ajani Steadfast. I saw it here and threw it in mine. It works great, so thanks!
December 4, 2014 7:22 p.m.
I think i will put Hordeling Outburst into my sideboard to help against agro decks. this might help me with my problem against jeskai, thanks!
diatryma says... #1
why are there 62 cards
October 28, 2014 9:58 p.m.