The goal was to craft a synergistic mid range powerhouse utilizing recurring reanimation effects, counter magic, board clearing spells, and insurance policies against current modern archetypes. I'd appreciate any feedback that would help pull this from its current casual level up to a more competitive one.

Zombie Infestation, Lingering Souls, Unburial Rites and Forbidden Alchemy populate the graveyard with a "second hand" of cards early on. This also nets you a defensive wall of 2/2's by turn 2. The "free creature" aspect has proven to be very powerful here, as you can leave your lands open for counters while you save up for more powerful moves in the next couple of turns.
Counterspells and cantrips are critical in protecting the engine and keeping the board clear in the 3rd turn: Remand for card draw, Mana Leak for a curve-friendly counter as early as possible, Cyclonic Rift to return anything that sneaks by. These are cheap and effective tools.
Sun Titan
Unburial Rites
gets the reanimation engine online by turn 4. The likelihood of bringing an additional Sun Titan or Phantasmal Image into play on this turn is very high.
-----Known Issues-----
Graveyard removal leaves this deck highly vulnerable as do incredibly aggressive decks (which tend to leave many archetypes vulnerable). I would be interested in ways of adding more versatility to this deck knowing that these threats are rather prevalent in the meta game.
-----In Process-----
I am working to acquire more robust rare lands to enhance the curve as early as possible. I appreciate any suggestions as there are myriad options for this.
I am also working to acquire Snapcaster Mage as I feel that it would open up many more possibilities while also giving the all-important Remands and Mana Leaks flashback.
Extirpate and/or Surgical Extraction seem like nice additions given the counterspells and graveyard-dependent decks in the Modern format
Cryptic Command is too expensive to acquire for this build so I am interested in finding a versatile alternative.
-----Colleagues and Inspiration-----
Efficacy has an interesting build here with Modern Esper Reanimtor that adds Sphinx's Revelation. It could perhaps add Zombie Infestation as a discard outlet for a heavy draw?
Vessago has a very cool Legacy build (Solar Veil) which abuses
Recurring Nightmare
. I would be very interested to see if there is a Modern-legal way of crafting such an engine.
EvenDryke has a nice deck(Mardi Gras that utilizes Restoration Angel. I think that would be an awesome addition for its blink effect. I think Restoration Angel + Sun Titan + Phantasmal Image]] could be pretty crazy.
Lastly, Nusimscaek has a sideboard that I has some pretty versatile additions to it (deck:serene-flare-help-needed).