I feel as though the myrs don't do enough in this deck, they give, but they're far too vulnerable. I'd say put in some early game beaters, like Reckless Waif Flip Flip, Stormblood Berserker , Stromkirk Noble or Kruin Outlaw Flip Flip. Another idea, if you still want to maintain a type of ramp instead of the myr, use Heartless Summoning . Since most of your creatures would benefit from being dropped onto the field early rather than later, and the small power toughness loss wouldn't hurt much, it feels like a valid option.
The Charmbreaker Devils , while flavorful, seem a little heavy since you're running 4. I'd say, drop one or two in favor of the Reaper from the Abyss /Inferno Titan /Grave Titan /Wurmcoil Engine .
I just remembered a good card for ramp that would be beneficial to chump with, Solemn Simulacrum , he's very effective. Although your 4-slot is a bit full at the moment, keep him in mind as you retool the deck.
Your sorceries need some more focus.You seem to have a lot of mana-pumping spells, which can be very effective with Reverberate , but by the time you're casting for a large amount, you should already have the upper hand, or have lost. I would suggest getting a few copies of card:Sorin's Thirst and/or card:Devil's Play. Also, try Unburial Rites over Morbid Plunder , it may be more effective.
As far as your instants go, you have good removal, but you need something to support as well, Brimstone Volley could work nicely in addition to your Doom Blade or a chump block. Surgical Extraction is a really good here, get one or two more to get some more consistent draws of it.
I don't quite understand the Argentum Armor , (yes it is a powerful card, but 12 mana total before you get to use it? not a good investment) you could stand to put in something like Chandra, the Firebrand , Curse of Stalked Prey , or card:Curse of Death's Hold in place of it. Better yet, you could use any of the swords, Sword of Feast and Famine , Sword of Body and Mind , or Sword of War and Peace ! They would be able to offset the Heartless Summoning and give your creatures a nice swing bonus.
You've got a lot going on in this deck, i like your ideas with Charmbreaker Devils , let me have some time to think on what synergizes well with them and I might be able to give you some more ideas.
Hope this helps!
October 22, 2011 6:34 a.m.
Thank you for the very extensive advice! The following is my rationale for the changes/or lack there of to let you know how I see the deck running.
I dropped in the Stromkirk Noble for speed. While I ran some werewolves in a sealed deck tournament, I dont see them as outstanding speed creatures due to the wait to make them turn and it isnt all that hard to turn them back.
The Heartless Summoning is awesome here thank you. I wont ever want more than one on the field, but getting that first one in is very helpful.
I had a Reaper from the Abyss in before and ended up talking myself into taking it out to make room. I have worked him back in here for a bit more creature hate.
The Charmbreaker Devils are almost one of my corner pieces here so I am reluctant to take them out. I know I like them more than most, but being able to abuse my many instants and sorceries again and again just seems powerful and fun to me. Couple them with a raise spell and none of my cards ever go away for good unless they get exiled
Solemn Simulacrum is a good call, even though it is a bit pricey.
I did swap out the raise spell and add an extra Surgical Extraction and remove the Exsanguinate . My idea here is that if I am constantly getting my instants are sorceries back with the devils, variability is going to be extra valuable in this deck. I did want to duplicate a few of them that I feel I need to draw. The constant redraw also means the old fireball would be more effective than a card:Devil's Play, ironic the devils make the card:Devil's Play obsolete.
I did end up dropping the Argentum Armor . You're right that it is way too expensive. I was just trying to think of something that I could do if someone drops a very painful artifact or enchantment. Black and red are very weak on removing enchantments, though I guess I could find some artifact destruction fairly easy.
I tried to work in a Sword of Feast and Famine just now, but am having a really hard time taking something else out for it.
Thank you again for the great time and detail. Any future advice is much appreciated.
October 22, 2011 2 p.m.
Hmm, the Stromkirk Noble and Heartless Summoning seem to be in direct conflict with each other. As soon as the summoning is out, the vamps are a dead draw. Seeing as how the summoning is an important ramp here, I think I need to drop the nobles. When I have more time I will try to find their substitute.
October 22, 2011 2:17 p.m.
So, the main issue I see here is finding some more useful 1-3 drop spells. There's Phyrexian Rager , a nice 2/2 for 3 that nets you a card, and with the summoning, he'd be a steal at a 1/1 for B that nets a card. There are some cheaper burn spells, like Shock and Galvanic Blast although your Charmbreaker Devils seem to be very effective with Fireball already, so putting too many will slow down the effectiveness of their upkeep ability. If any other cheap/useful creatures that can mitigate the negatives from Heartless Summoning jump to mind, I'll let you know.
Just food for thought, card:Altar's Reap with the 2/2 vampire token from Bloodline Keeper Flip Flip.
Also, what's with the Shatter ?
October 22, 2011 3:36 p.m.
Baby Bloodgifts! I love it.
....the Shatter ....well...I just felt really weak against enchantments and artifacts. I thought by dropping the shatter in could help to add a bit of versatility and give me a way to drop artifacts if I need to.
October 23, 2011 1:46 p.m.
OmegaSerris says... #7
Moriok Replica becomes a three cost Sign in Blood with the summoning if you are looking for more card draw. Also provides a body for the Priest to tap. But I guess if you are going that route, card:Tezzeret's Gambit would accomplish the same with a slight bonus. I don't see any thing that would benefit from proliferate though...
Hate to be an echo of every other comment section, but if you have a swamp in your deck you should run Dismember s if you have them.
Can I ask on Cerebral Eruption ? It isn't bad I guess, but doesn't seem to match the rest of the deck. Seems a bit too unreliable to sink 4 mana into.
This is pretty much what I was shooting for with my R/B deck but I just didn't have the cards to bring it together, great job on it so far. +1
October 27, 2011 11:09 p.m.
Thank you.
I put in one Dismember for a Doom Blade ,one Memoricide for Cerebral Eruption ,and Victorious Destruction for Shatter .
I am not 100% about taking out the eruption though. My play tester isn't working right now so I don't know how this will turn out, but I liked the eruption to deal spread damage. You are right that it isn't reliable on its own, but if I am getting to keep recasting it with the devils I think it should function as a decent repeating wipe.
October 28, 2011 12:17 a.m.
OmegaSerris says... #9
Looking pretty formidable. The only real weakness I see now is graveyard hate. That will suck the purpose out of a large portion of your deck. Problem is, there isn't much graveyard-hate hate. Most of what you'll see is either instant speed (Surgical Extraction ) or abilities (Nihil Spellbomb ). For that, you pretty much need the great equalizer, a counter spell.
I mean, Mental Misstep will take care of both of those without needing to splash but I'm not sure if that is a road you want to start down. Really depends on what you foresee you'll be facing, your meta.
October 28, 2011 1 a.m.
OmegaSerris says... #10
On second thought, Cerebral Eruption might be more suited. I wasn't thinking of Heartless Summoning , which puts more of your creatures in shock/pyroclasm-range. Super fast aggro, like W-Humans or even Goblins (Yeah, I've seen a few last friday) may run you over if you don't get that summoning out fast enough to speed you up.
Other choices right now are Whipflare (my choice, for speed), Rolling Temblor (won't hit your demons or vamps), Slagstorm (a bit color heavy), or Blasphemous Act (if you're really nuts).
October 28, 2011 1:15 a.m.
The Rolling Temblor is kinda nice. It is a little expensive for the two damage but being consistent and not really hurting most of my creatures does have some serious value.
October 28, 2011 7:27 p.m.
While I like the idea behind this deck, it is hard to provide good feedback because it is trying to go in so many directions. However, I'll give it a try:
I would try to eliminate the variance in your instants and sorceries so that you have a better idea of what your Charmbreakers will return to you. The Unburial Rites is a little misplaced, since it's expensive for what it does and you cannot flash it back. It brings the card back to the battlefield, but with Heartless, it is almost better to use a card:Ghoulcaller's Chant and just cast said creature again.
I think Memoricide is more of a sideboard card, since you have to know the threat before you can use it and unless you know what is in your opponents deck, you're just kind of guessing. A combo Go for the Throat /Surgical Extraction would be more effective, since you can cast it on their turn instead of burning your mana on your own. It also costs 2 less mana.
The Heartless makes sense with the Solemn ramp, as well as some good early drops of Bloodline Keeper and Olivia.The Phyrexian Rager is a card I personally am not too keen on in Heartless decks, since the earliest you can get them out would be turn 3, which is the same turn you could drop a Bloodgift Demon , which is a much better card anyways.
Another issue with the Bloodgifts and Ragers is that they all damage you while you have no way to regain that lost health. Perhaps a few Vampire Outcasts would serve you well in that regard. Lifelink, 2 drop, and already a vampire that counts for your Bloodkeeper.
I would maybe look at removing the High priest as well, maybe put in another Olivia.
November 5, 2011 10:33 p.m.
I switched out for the cheaper raise spell.
Finally broke down and made a sideboard. I have thought it was needed for a while but hadn't got around to it. I do think it adds to the versatility I enjoy.
Point taken on the Phyrexian Rager I ended up swapping them for another Bloodgift Demon and Sangromancer s.
I also put in a Massacre Wurm but I am not entirely sure how I feel about that yet.
November 6, 2011 1:31 p.m.
MagnaLynx21 says... #15
Secrets of the dead seems to narrow, I would recommend some room for maybe a Whipflare, or Go For The Throat/Doom Blade, in the main board to maintain tempo.
February 23, 2012 4:31 p.m.
Minousmancer says... #16
The problem with Heartless Summoning decks is they fall apart at decks like this: deck:tribute-to-oblivion unless you can get rid of enchantments/curses.
February 23, 2012 4:44 p.m.
Lynx, I might try to sit down and work them back in. I was just trying to abuse heartless as much as possible.
Minous, after some very limited play-testing (you go first once and I go first once) Nercromental won both times. I see what you are getting at though, with some more time/more direct draws to certain cards it would be easy for that deck to lock this one up.
sitri_ says... #1
Some advice here would be appreciated. This feels really close to where I would like it to be but for some reason feels like it is missing something.
October 15, 2011 10:02 p.m.