Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 375 | 432 COMMENTS | 111793 VIEWS | IN 169 FOLDERS
Housegheist Whoops thought I responded to your earlier comment! You're right that I missed some of Elesh Norn Flip's utility at first. She's a much more aggressive card than I thought.
Mirkwood Bats is a good card and would do work in the deck, but I don't think it's better than anything in the current list. I'd sooner play Nightmare Shepherd because, while his effect doesn't stack, the tokens and their death triggers do. Bastion of Remembrance is also 1 less mana and does double with Teysa.
jelwell Made an update since you commented! I added some thoughts on the new cards there. I've prioritized cheaper, creature-based card draw for more consistency, but Bolas's Citadel is still a great card. If it hits the board, you basically win, but I've had too many games where it clogs my hand forever. It'd probably be better with some high CMC support cards like Dark Ritual and Mana Vault.
June 20, 2023 9:20 a.m.
Foster_I_Am says... #3
Masterful Hey hope all is well! Just wanted to see how the play testing is going and if you had any other updates to the deck since June. We always appreciate your insight. Thanks! :)
September 13, 2023 7:13 p.m.
Foster_I_Am I realize I'm super late on the Eldraine update oops! I'll do a double update with Doctor Who once the full set is spoiled. I've been testing some new cards and a certain spirit naga from a relatively recent set has caught my eye
October 4, 2023 10:22 p.m.
Foster_I_Am says... #5
Masterful No worries! I can't wait to see all the new updates you have with the new sets being released...there's so much play testing to do haha. Cheers!
November 6, 2023 5:10 p.m.
Foster_I_Am Yo yo! I finally got around to publishing an update, thanks for the reminders. Glad you're still interested, and I'm excited to hear what you think of all the new cards. Anything you've been testing?
November 9, 2023 9:49 p.m.
RadRobertK says... #7
What is your opinion on Charismatic Conqueror? Seems to have been missed in your considering list!
November 9, 2023 10:47 p.m.
RadRobertK You're right I totally did! Charismatic Conqueror is very interesting and probably worth playtesting. Like other popular EDH cards, Rhystic Study etc., that prey on opponents' greed, it falls off a lot in usefulness against good players. That being said, most people don't play EDH to maximize their win percentage, and even good players like to have fun most of the time. I can see this card essentially reading: "Your opponents' creatures and artifacts enter the battlefield tapped, except for Sol Ring which gives you a 1/1 vampire." I'm hesitant to include it because a creature that causes our opponents' things to enter tapped doesn't help our gameplan and will likely draw hate from the table. On the other hand, it's a 2-drop creature that can generate tons of tokens with no further effort. Even if it generates at least two tokens, it's probably worth it value-wise. I just wonder if the hate drawn will offset such a powerful potential upside.
November 10, 2023 1:57 a.m.
Masterful What are your thoughts on bartolome del presido?
November 10, 2023 12:10 p.m.
Calum13395 says... #10
What are your thoughts on Elenda's Hierophant? It's arguably an upgrade on Hallowed Spiritkeeper, given the large quantities of life gain in the deck.
November 10, 2023 1:09 p.m.
jelwell Bartolome del Presidio is a good sac outlet, but we don't really need any more, and he's worse than any of our current ones. We already have a good amount of sacrifice plus lots of tutors to make sure we have them. We also only need one on board and multiples have no value. I think his real value is as a commander honestly. Always having access to a 2-mana sac outlet that gets super big like Carrion Feeder is an insanely strong utility.
Calum13395 I would say Hallowed Spiritkeeper is stronger overall because it can make a ton of tokens the turn it comes down, making it much better mid-lategame. Elenda's Hierophant seems better than Ministrant of Obligation though and could be in a future version of the deck if I want more 3-mana death triggers. I don't think it'll ever replace spiritkeeper though.
November 11, 2023 12:50 a.m.
KingMinjo91 says... #12
Been following this list for years, huge fan!
I didn't see anything on Greedy Freebooter, any thoughts?
November 17, 2023 10:13 a.m.
Foster_I_Am says... #13
Hey Masterful - Was curious what you thought about the new card Roaming Throne? I think it could be pretty interesting with also doubling a death trigger - or using it's ability with Teysa out. Seems interesting but was curious on your thoughts. There's a few creatures in our deck we could use it with. Thanks!
November 24, 2023 4:16 p.m.
KingMinjo91 | Greedy Freebooter is pretty similar to Shambling Ghast which I had in previous versions of the deck. Personally, I like making creature tokens or the card draw from Market Gnome more than a treasure. Usually the creature ends up being equivalent to card draw or more value while the treasure only has limited synergy in the deck. I could experiment more with these types of cards in the future though!
Foster_I_Am | Roaming Throne is a phat 4/4 with ward which is nice, but I don't think we have enough creature-type synergy to take advantage of it over other more powerful 4-drops. I can see naming human or vampire and getting a good amount of value on certain boards, but I also see it being completely useless in some situations. If you feel like testing it let me know the results!
November 25, 2023 8:12 p.m.
Hey Masterful, I wanted to ask you how Battle Angels of Tyr have been performing for you?
November 30, 2023 2:18 p.m.
Pharac | Battle Angels of Tyr have been awesome so far. It's a must-answer threat that will draw us cards, give us treasures, gain us a ton of life with Teysa out, and kill the whole table. I find myself tutoring for it often in the early game to get into a dominant position. Sometimes we can play aggro in the early game and transition our lead into aristocrat-centric in the mid-lategame
December 1, 2023 4:23 p.m.
IrishPaddys says... #17
What's your thoughts on Illustrious Wanderglyph? Seems to fit in the same spot of Ophiomancer without the stipulation of not having a token already so can build up faster but has the issue of making it's tokens and or artifact creatures out of range for Skullclamp and fighting for a 5 drop slot. Best reason I can see is if we want an a backup aggro plan specially if we still include Hangarback Walker as it'll buff it's tokens too.
December 13, 2023 8:56 a.m.
Hey Masterful, congratulations on the list, it's not easy to find something at the right power level and that gets updated with every release like this deck. With the new Ravnica: Clue Edition set, they are going to print Afterlife Insurance, which seems pretty busted for our deck, what do you think?
January 27, 2024 5:59 p.m.
Afterlife Insurance may very well be the pièce de résistance for every Teysa Karlov pilot from the moment it's released until the sun burns out.
January 28, 2024 4:26 a.m.
Masterful Love this deck and the frequent updates! What is your opinion on Charismatic Conqueror? I was surprised it wasn't mentioned in your latest update.
January 31, 2024 3:45 p.m.
Foster_I_Am says... #21
Hi Masterful Hope all is well! Just wanted to see if you had any more updates or playtesting feedback for us? Karlov Manor is coming out tomorrow and it looks like there are some great cards from it.
Trouble in Pairs looks like it could be great - and a bit better than Smuggler's Share actually.
Looking forward to seeing your latest feedback! :)
February 6, 2024 5:09 p.m.
Foster_I_Am says... #22
Hey Masterful - Hope all is well! Wanted to check-in to see how your play testing is going.
Additionally, ever think of running Culling the Weak? Seems like a great card to get some instant ramp.
Would love to hear your thoughts on some of the newer cards and any cuts you made. Cheers!
March 14, 2024 1:26 p.m.
Halestor19 says... #23
Yo Masterful , Foster_I_Am
I have been testing a couple cards. I really like Feral Ghoul as a potential win con if you can’t get your drainers out. I feel it as a cheaper Elenda, the Dusk Rose. Not the same, I know, but still something that is working. All we need are 10 death triggers to give them 44 rad counters when it dies with teysa out. Could mean death, and usually is.
I haven’t tried Afterlife Insurance yet but it seems like the nail in the coffin if we have the board state. Wouldn’t know what to cut it for though.
I have tried Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate but haven’t actually used it to do anything. I played like 6 games with the card. Maybe not enough play testing.
I really like the idea of Delney, Streetwise Lookout doubling everything if our commander is indisposed.
Those are my ideas for improvements.
March 18, 2024 9:02 a.m.
playboiSwag says... #24
Hi Halestor19 & Masterful
First of all thank you very much for the detailed primer Masterful, it was really helpful to understand Teysa Aristocrat and how to play it.
I tried a few of the new cards from MKM and Fallout and these are my thoughts:
Feral Ghoul: This might be a wincon, but I have two issues with the card. If you can’t get it big enough to give everyone enough rad counters to kill them, this won’t have a big impact on the game (depending on the amount of rad counters) or worst case you just fuel their graveyards which could enable graveyard strategies. Besides that, even if you manage to put a huge amount of rad counters on them, it still takes a full turn cycle to kill all of them which allows them to interact with you before they die. I didn‘t put it in my deck.
Delney, Streetwise Lookout: I playtested it for a while because it sounds so sweet. Not only does it add an additional death trigger on most of out creatures, it also doubles every other trigger (ETBs and so on). Nevertheless, I cutted it because it’s a typical win more card - it is good if you already have a board state established or if you have additional creatures that have ETB trigger. But most of the time there were better play options for me and when I was behind it basically is a dead draw.
Afterlife Insurance: This card is awesome. The amount of fodder you generate with it is unbelievable since with Teysa in play the creatures we give afterlife will spawn 2 spirits. You don’t need to go infinite with this deck to win, you just need a few creatures and this card.
March 26, 2024 7:34 p.m.
Hello Masterful fantastic work on this deck so far. I noticed skimming through old updates that you were once very interesting in adding The Meathook Massacre to this deck. Curious to know why it did not make the cut. I could not find anymore mention of it after that point.
Housegheist says... #1
Nice update. I would fully agree except for Mirkwood Bats. Even though you’re right that Teysa doesn’t double up one of it’s triggers, we are creating and sacrificing sooo many tokens… this thing won’t cool down any time soon once it hits the board.
June 17, 2023 3:01 a.m.