Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

Commander / EDH Masterful

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Masterful says... #1

phsycord Having a non-creature blood artist does seem really powerful, especially since it also provides a creature to sac. I'll find a spot for it soon.

Personally, I wouldn't run Solemnity unless I'm in a counters heavy meta. I don't like including combo pieces that only work with one other card in the deck and do nothing on their own. But broodmoth is an auto-include anyway. I want to have both it and shepherd since they stack so well with other death triggers.

Generally, the amount of draw I have feels good. With all the tutors, I have good access to Necropotence and Skullclamp most games. If you want more card draw, mentor isn't a bad direction. He works well with all the token-making, but I don't like being limited by paying every time.

April 6, 2020 6:18 p.m.

sub780lime says... #2

Bastion of Remembrance is such a nice upgrade. I do run Kokusho, the Evening Star in mine and that seems like the obvious target. I could also pull out Cathars' Crusade.

April 8, 2020 1:51 p.m.

Masterful says... #3

sub780lime As much as it pains me, I think you're right that Kokusho is the best cut. He doesn't work super well with the aristocrats since he provides nothing to the engine after the life point swing. Though, If you're running Cathars' Crusade in a heavy aristocrats build, I'd cut that. I've found it to be clunky due to the mana cost and our creatures dying as often as they enter. But if you're running a more token-centered build around Teysa's second ability, I can see crusade putting in work.

April 9, 2020 12:45 p.m.

sub780lime says... #4

Thanks, Masterful. I always follow your deck and upgrades closely. it definitely helps inform my own upgrades. If you are curious, mines here: Teysa Karlov - Death is Only the Beginning

April 11, 2020 2:45 p.m.

Masterful says... #5

sub780lime Glad I can help with your deckbuilding. Your list looks solid; I left a comment. Cheers!

April 12, 2020 1:50 a.m.

sub780lime says... #6

April 12, 2020 2:32 p.m.

GertzDK says... #7

What about Gate to Phyrexia ? Too meta?

April 13, 2020 3:55 p.m.

phsycord says... #8

GertzDK I don't like Gate to Phyrexia because you can't use it as a sack outlet, since it only works once in your upkeep. It might be annoying for other people, but nothing you can get around with. Considering how often you will activate this in a game, most likely just better to play a good instant speed removal card like Despark or even a Merciless Eviction instead.

April 13, 2020 4:15 p.m.

Masterful says... #9

GertzDK phsycord I agree with phsycord. However, I could maaaybe see running it in a heavy artifact meta in which you can get value out of it every turn. It's certainly not a good sac outlet. All it does well is repeatedly kill the most threatening artifact which, in a non-artifact meta, may not be that threatening. Because of how much single-target permanent-exile we have in BW, we don't have a hard time dealing with problem artifacts. I can only see it getting out of hand when up against multiple artifact-reliant decks.

April 13, 2020 7:56 p.m.

Eloniel says... #10

What do you think of Lurrus of the Dream-Den ?

May 3, 2020 5:21 p.m.

sub780lime says... #11

I am planning to put Lurrus of the Dream-Den in my Teysa deck. The recursion is great!

May 3, 2020 7:30 p.m.

Eloniel says... #12

You still have Massacre Wurm in combo but it's neither in the main nor maybeboard.

Also another card suggestion: Hell's Caretaker

May 4, 2020 4:48 p.m.

Eloniel says... #13

And another one from Ikoria: Garrison Cat

May 4, 2020 4:57 p.m.

sub780lime says... #14

I run Hell's Caretaker of mine and have gotten quite a bit of mileage out of it. I look at Garrison Cat and while it does what the deck wants to do, I don't know if it does it better than anything else already in the deck. The other afterlife one drops do other things (flying or lifelink).

May 4, 2020 10:03 p.m.

Eloniel says... #15

Garrison cat is similar to Doomed Traveler and Hunted Witness, with Teysa on the battlefield they give 3 death triggers for only 1 mana. They are the "best" card that give 3 death triggers, the others ones cost 2 mana (Orzhov Enforcer, Doomed Dissenter, Tithe Taker, Carrier Thrall, Imperious Oligarch) you could argue about the purpose of token flying, deathtouch, 2/2 but from a cost for deathtrigger perspective it's strickly better.

May 5, 2020 12:02 p.m.

sub780lime says... #16

I definitely wouldn't remove Tithe Taker for Garrison Cat, but I see your point and if there's a desire to lower the curve further, I do agree the others could be swapped out, especially Imperious Oligarch.

May 6, 2020 5:37 p.m.

Masterful says... #17

Eloniel Lurrus is alright, but I don't think any of the CMC < 2 permanents in the deck are worth recurring only once per turn. I already have Phyrexian Reclamation and the Reassembling Skeleton which do a better job. Massacre Wurm is still in the combos since unfortunately, right now I can't edit the description. Every time I save a new description, the editor deletes half of it. I've been waiting to see if it fixes itself, but it hasn't yet, so eventually, I'll have to get the admins' attention. I like Hell's Caretaker but it seems very slow and costly. Cards like that die quickly in my meta, and I don't like playing such slow cards.

sub780lime Personally, I like 1-drop fodder like Garrison Cat more than 2-drops like Tithe Taker. The extra abilities tacked onto two drop fodder don't interest me compared to the tokens they make on death. Since I'm mainly aiming for the tokens, I'd rather them be 1 less mana. That being said, I don't think I'll include the cat since Hunted Witness and Doomed Traveler have been enough.

May 11, 2020 6:08 p.m.

sub780lime says... #18

Masterful, the description might have corona

May 15, 2020 10:39 p.m.

Masterful says... #19

sub780lime It did. Fortunately, it's cured now. I also fixed the problem where the Teysa image wasn't showing in the description. Don't know if that was a problem for anyone else though.

May 29, 2020 11:21 p.m.

Eloniel says... #20

Hi,i don't understand why Boreas Charger is not in the main deck ? After checking, if it die, Teysa will double it's ability, so we could have a way to ramp 2 land each turn if an opponent is ramping and satisfy our land drop each turn.

June 11, 2020 2:20 a.m.

Masterful says... #21

Eloniel I updated the deck to include it. The reason I haven't included it until now is that I thought it was too inconsistent. While it is pretty inconsistent as ramp, when it is ramp, it's really good, and when it isn't, it's at least a creature.

June 11, 2020 8:14 p.m.

Soad622 says... #22

Questions about includes:

Why no ophiomancer? gives creature with death touch which scares away attackers and sack fodder each PLAYERS upkeep for 3 mana and a body.

Why no lurrus the dream den in 99? - gets back fodder and sac outlets, also some artifacts that get destroyed. Even getting back a doomed traveler every turn to sac is dope.

why no lightning greaves?- protects creatures that will be targeted

Why no Elspeth Sun's Champion? versatile in that it generates 3 tokens for blockers and fodder, and destroying power 4 or greater is irrelevant to you, but not for most decks.

Would you put grand abolisher to prevent counter magic? It also can be tutored by recruiter and brought back by lurrus etc.

also is wurmcoil engine really that bad? It fits a defensive game plan in using him to deter attacks and block.

Would you put austere command? I know its 6 mana but its super versatile since there isn't a lot of non creature removal in the deck. This is a good card when behind or to prevent a combo deck from winning.

June 11, 2020 9:53 p.m.

Masterful says... #23


  • I think I overlooked Ophiomancer because it doesn't have a death trigger. I'm considering replacing Hallowed Spiritkeeper for it.

  • I'm not a huge fan of Lurrus of the Dream-Den. She's good to recur dead sac-outlets, blood artists, or sac fodder, but we won't always have them in our graveyard. This deck has 11 creatures of 2 or less CMC, and 2 of them can reassemble themselves. With only 9 small creatures to work with, Lurrus could very well sit in hand for most of the game with nothing to do. Even if we draw one of the 9, it won't necessarily die immediately. I also haven't had much of a problem with people destroying my small artifacts/enchantments; usually we're not the target for that stuff. That's not to say Lurrus is bad. She's good in grindier games where she can get a lot of value over several turns. If we had more small creatures, like 15 or so, I'd probably try to find room.

  • How the deck is currently designed, there isn't much need for Lightning Greaves. We have enough redundancy in our creatures to cover losing a few. And we have recursion to get them back. This also means our opponents get discouraged from targeting our creatures, especially since all of them look individually weak. I don't even mind losing Teysa most of the time since I'll just recast her later, and she's not necessary for the deck to function. The creatures that get killed on sight are Elenda, the Dusk Rose, Vilis, Broker of Blood, Razaketh, the Foulblooded, and sometimes Luminous Broodmoth and Nightmare Shepherd. So compared to most decks that run greaves, we don't have that many huge threats to take advantage. One thing I've also noticed is that players love to wait until our combo turn to kill our stuff, but since we can usually combo in response, it doesn't matter if they aim a removal spell at our win-condition. I'd run greaves if you have a hardcore-control player in your playgroup who always likes to kill your creatures while you're setting up, or some similar situation.

  • Elspeth, Sun's Champion is really good. I played her quite a bit before Liliana, Dreadhorde General came out. I can see running both, but as it stands, we don't have room for two big planeswalkers. The main reason I play Liliana over Elspeth is that Elspeth doesn't work in a repeatable combo.

  • If you're having a hard time against counterspells, Grand Abolisher could do the trick. Like you said, it's tutorable with recruiter, recurable with Lurrus, but it can also be sac'd in a pinch. I would definitely consider it in a counter-heavy meta.

  • Wurmcoil Engine isn't bad at all. It makes attacking really hard for our opponents, can gain life, and is great to have its death trigger doubled. It is a bit slow, and I prioritize cheap sac fodder for this deck, but in a more-creature heavy meta it could do work.

  • Austere Command is great. If you need another board wipe, especially one that can hit enchantments and artifacts, it would be really good. Currently, this build does struggle to interact with decks that swarm the board with artifacts and enchantments, so I would play more stuff like austere command if I ran into these decks more. In terms of creatures though, we're more than covered by Grave Pact effects, Toxic Deluge, Liliana, Dreadhorde General, etc.

These are all good cards that I would play if I had more room. There are many cards that fit into an Orzhov-aristocrats shell, so there are many viable builds.

June 12, 2020 3:56 a.m.

sub780lime says... #24

For Reflecting Pool/Exotic Orchard are you avoiding the life loss for the more consistent City of Brass/Mana Confluence?

July 31, 2020 6:30 p.m.

sub780lime says... #25

For Austere Command, the only thing I can think is to drop one of your sac outlets (from 11 to 10). Your current control package seems hard to trim from, especially since your targeting removal is designed to hit any permanent

July 31, 2020 6:41 p.m.

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