Necropolis MBC

Standard Killabeetle

SCORE: 13 | 16 COMMENTS | 4392 VIEWS | IN 5 FOLDERS Top 8: 08/16

Why no Shadowborn Apostle for all your Demons?

August 8, 2013 11:38 a.m.

Killabeetle says... #2

they don't really fit into this deck

August 8, 2013 11:41 a.m.

Killabeetle says... #3

Shadowborn Demon is a card i may run 2 of just for his EtB effect though.

August 8, 2013 11:44 a.m.

WoopWoop says... #4

August 12, 2013 6:30 p.m.

Komododragon says... #5

Nice deck. +1! Try Nightmare or Corrupt .

August 20, 2013 10:51 a.m.

Killabeetle says... #6

Thank you Komododragon. I will give them a try.

August 20, 2013 11:30 a.m.

Beetall says... #7

Don't touch shadowborn demon, in your deck it's nothing more than a Murder for 5 mana since you will never have 6 creatures in your graveyard.

Doom Blade is better than Ultimate Price

Lifebane Zombie would be great in this deck.

If you're struggling against aggro, I would recommend trying Child of Night

If you're struggling against control, I would recommend Underworld Connections

You also might want to try 1-2 Mutilate , since your Necropolis Regent and desecration demons will survive that. (and if it's turn 4, you'll only lose 1 nighthawk MAX and that will be the only creature you lose. Against aggro, a -4/-4 boardwipe is brutal.)

August 23, 2013 12:47 a.m.

Killabeetle says... #8

@ Beetall You are absolutely right about Shadowborn Demon I tried him in here but he is just an expensive kill spell. I do agree Doom Blade is better then Ultimate Price however I only own 2 and my LGS has a real shortage of them seems everyone is using them. Lifebane Zombie would be a great side board card here have to find one. Aggro is not a problem for this deck I did once get beat T3 by a G/R Burning-Tree Emissary combo but was able to win the next 2 rounds easily. as for control it is a little harder to face but i have also done well against it before Underworld Connections will probably get put in post rotation. I would love to add 1x more Mutilate but only own 2 that is why the Diabolic Tutor is in so i can fetch it if it is needed or late game pull something more useful. Thank you for the comment very knowledgeable and helpful.

August 23, 2013 11:24 a.m.

Lifebane Zombie makes a great sideboard card. Also, Liliana of the Dark Realms seems like more of a mainboard card. Great deck. +1

August 23, 2013 1:42 p.m.

Killabeetle says... #10

Thanks catcherinbaseball I use Mutilate main board because of the oh so many aggro decks in my area until i go against a control deck then i swap in Liliana of the Dark Realms over the Mutilate i would love to main board both but then that would leave Desecration Demon in the dark there are way to many good black 4 drops its hard to choose lol. Thanks for the +1

August 23, 2013 2:16 p.m.

Snowballz says... #11

I like this. I also have a mono black that I occassionally use. +1

August 26, 2013 5:59 p.m.

Killabeetle says... #12

Thank you sir.

August 26, 2013 7:33 p.m.

H8theGame says... #13

You might consider using Underworld Connections for card advantage. Seems to me you probably experience some games where you aren't seeing much card advantage, and these guys stick around longer than a one off, and are also usable while you have more than zero cards in hand.

Recommend removal of Sign in Blood x 2 and Blood Scrivener x 1 and Ultimate Price x 1

Also suggest removing some of your target specific removals (namely Doom Blade x2 and the remaining Ultimate Price x 2, as well as 1 of the Bloodgift Demon and recommend putting in Tribute to Hunger x 3 and 2 more Murder in their place. (the Tribute to Hunger is great for those pesky hex proof buggers.)

Also another change I might recommend if you can fit it in is some sort of mana ramp. (I'd suggest Crypt Ghast since he also packs that nifty extort and the benefit of being able to put out the cards you're picking up with your card advantage much sooner as opposed to later.) I wouldn't know what to take out for them from a glance, but you probably have a better idea with that than I do.

Just some thoughts. Hope this is helpful.

September 1, 2013 8:20 p.m.

Killabeetle says... #14

Thanks H8theGame those are great suggestions. I will keep them in mind however most of this deck rotates out so I will most likely start on a new deck idea

September 3, 2013 12:15 p.m.

primalruin says... #15

I think this is a really great constructed deck, I made a version with a few changes to beef up the theme depending on the deck i'm playing against.I added another Bloodgift Demon instead of Blood Scrivener because I never wanted to be without cards for it's effect to take place, plus it adds to the flying arsenal.Instead of Dark Impostor I went with Deathrite Shaman for the numerous abilities that it offers.The sideboard was the biggest difference mainly bc as a new player I didn't have access to a lot of those cards..4x Appetite for Brains 2x Tribute to Hunger 1x Witchbane Orb 3x Deathrite Shaman 1x Glaring Spotlight 4x Maw of the Mire (Which made a huge difference in matchups vs control or burn where they didn't have creatures, destroying their landbase along with your idea of Encroaching Wastes was amazing!!!!)+1 from me and I ended up placing second at my lgs with this great decklist! :D

September 9, 2013 9:41 p.m.

Killabeetle says... #16

@ primalruin Let me start off by saying thank you for the complement and +1. I am super happy you were able to Top 8 and 2nd is better then I have ever done with it. The Deathrite Shaman is a great addition and I would also run them if I had any left (sold my copies). Maw of the Mire is an interesting choice and one I would have never thought of but certainly makes a lot of sense. I don't blame you for scraping the Blood Scrivener or Dark Impostor I used them because I do not own Liliana of the Veil they are proxies for her. Also you may want to have a look at the comment above left by H8theGame there are some very intelligent suggestions there if you plan to stay with mono-black till rotation. If you are interested in what I am working on now then have a look at Dimir mill Theros ready and again thank you for the great feedback.

September 10, 2013 11:38 a.m.

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