The Five Laws of NecroWarfare: A ZomboCombo Primer

Commander / EDH* ElspethOfValeron

SCORE: 176 | 89 COMMENTS | 24422 VIEWS | IN 99 FOLDERS

Haha, totally.

July 7, 2016 6:07 p.m.

TheRedGoat says... #2

@dragoniguana Okay, I have tried to give some thought to it, and I know what your deck was missing when I first saw it.

You need to find space for the Ever After + Sidisi, Undead Vizier combo reanimation. Which, if you've never heard of it, involves having Sidisi be one of the targets brought back, then, when her exploit trigger is on the stack, Ever After is still resolving. Thusly, by the time Sidisi exploits a creature (probably herself) Ever After has resolved and is a valid target sitting for you at the bottom of your library.

The tricky part of finding space in your build, assuming you like this idea, is that I only see space if you were to remove Corpse Connoisseur or Recall as these to me have the most similar effect. Let me know if you think that set up would be worth including. I've tried it before and its UBER broken!

July 8, 2016 12:15 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #3

TheRedGoat: To be honest, it sounds kind of bad: a repeatable six-mana reanimation spell, requiring significant setup.

Meanwhile, your commander gives you one ever turn, and you could use something like Strands of Night instead?

Especially when one of the cards - Ever After - is pretty meh on its own.

July 8, 2016 1:45 a.m.

I noticed you have Volrath's Stronghold, so why no Unholy Grotto? Or Lord of the Undead for that matter.

July 8, 2016 2:07 a.m.

TheRedGoat: That combo is pretty awesome, but unfortunately, it's just a bit too clunky to slot in here, especially when we have other methods of achieving the same end which require less setup and commitment.

midget_overlord: Volrath's Stronghold is mostly in here to save our non-zombie creatures from removal or accidental milling; something like Lord of the Undead isn't really needed, as we already have our commander and a few other ways to recur zombies. That said, as Unholy Grotto has little to no opportunity cost, it's going in here. Thanks!

July 8, 2016 2:46 p.m.

TheRedGoat says... #6

@dragoniguana I can understand that, but I would still ask if you think the card is worth a fit into this kind of deck (being reanimator/combo as I see it). Maybe even a G/B one?

July 8, 2016 11:10 p.m.

I definitely think that combo is worth slotting into a deck with less natural recursion, or even a deck that just wants a lot more of it. I could see it going into something like Meren.

July 9, 2016 7:14 a.m.

Rikeus says... #8

Might be worth putting in a Thornbite Staff to combo with Ghoulcaller Gisa

July 21, 2016 8:01 a.m.

ChronosChris says... #9

brilliant deck... by far in my honest opinion the best build of gisa and geralf I've saw to date... reason I love this so much is exactly as u put at the beginning... the idea of simply using a massive amount of zombies and killing with lords is nice on paper but very easy to disrupt in a game and this basically brings all the good elements of gisa and geralf and melds them into an almost prefect deck for the commander as I honestly can see maybe 1 or 2 additions I can make and when u have 99 spots that's pretty impressive. Huge thanks for some help towards my own deck... pinching a few pieces here and there though we had a very similar idea with the build though I'll say a few of your suggestions will easily be implemented into my own edh deck. Just big thumbs up and the amount of work u put into this... all that flavour just aye 10/10

July 26, 2016 8:06 a.m.

Contamination is a great control card especially when you're recurring sac fodder every turn. You don't need it out forever, but every turn you do gives you a huge advantage.

Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed. He's not a zombie, sure, but his ability is so powerful and useful that he's included in my G&G deck. The ability to return any black card is much needed in Dimir colors. Getting back those milled/spent enchantments/instants/sorceries work great. (Don't worry about the price, there's a judge promo version for only $30)

July 30, 2016 2:54 p.m.

@ChronosChris: Thank you so much! That means a lot to hear.

@Raging_Squiggle: Contamination is something I plan on testing out later on down the road. It does seem pretty great. As for Xiahou Dun, I'm unfortunately just not willing to spend $30 on what I believe would be, in this deck, only a marginal upgrade over anything I could cut for him.

July 30, 2016 4:03 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #12

Rite of Replication can make for a nasty win condition when copying Gray Merchant of Asphodel. It's also great when copying Sidisi, Undead Vizier.

Check out my version at Gisa and Geralf: Siblings of Self-Mill and let me know what you think :)

August 7, 2016 10:43 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #13

Oooo one more suggestion: Altar of Dementia can combo infinitely with Gravecrawler and Rooftop Storm to mill people out. It can also mill yourself to dump more zombies in your graveyard.

August 7, 2016 10:46 p.m.

Rite of Replication definitely would be amazing. I should try to find room for it. It unfortunately doesn't work with Sidis, though. The copies get legend ruled away, and while you can sacrifice things to the dead copies' exploit triggers, nothing happens (see this ruling on Sidisi, Undead Vizier: "If the creature with exploit isn't on the battlefield as the exploit ability resolves, you wont get any bonus from the creature with exploit, even if you sacrifice a creature. Because the creature with exploit isnt on the battlefield, its other triggered ability wont trigger."). That said, you're right that it's a great win con when paired up with Gary, and it also works really well with everything from Undead Alchemist to Diregraf Captain to Grave Titan to Corpse Augur to Graveborn Muse to Corpse Connoisseur.

I personally don't want to run Altar of Dementia. I have enough combo enablers and enough tutors that finding all my pieces isn't usually an issue, and my build is a lot less big on self-mill than a lot of Gisa and Geralf builds, so it doesn't really provide benefit in that way.

Your deck looks awesome, by the way!

August 10, 2016 1:32 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #15

(smacks forehead) I totally forgot about the legendary rule in regards to Sidisi. As you said, there are still lots of other great targets for Rite of Replication though. I was wondering if Silence the Believers may be a better option than Sever the Bloodline. It's instant speed and can target multiple creatures (with enough mana).

Thanks for voting my deck. It's definitely a work in progress.

August 10, 2016 2:38 p.m.

I'm a big fan of Ashes to Ashes. It immediately hits 2 creatures, and the 5 damage doesn't mean much in edh life totals.

August 10, 2016 3:07 p.m.

Soldcastro says... #17

May i suggest Pact of Negation? It can protect your endgame combo.

October 5, 2016 4:20 p.m.

Pact is a good choice, you're right. I don't really have disposable income at the moment, but the second I manage to grab a Pact, I'll find a place for it here. Thanks!

October 6, 2016 4:30 p.m.

collazoch says... #19

What would you take out in favor of pact of negation?

November 8, 2016 2:33 p.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #20

Have you considered Liliana, the Last Hope? Theres a very funny way to quadruple the boards zombies with her and another card in here... Lets see if you can find the combo...

January 24, 2017 2:15 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #21

Yep, the pictures came out pretty good! The words were a little hard to read, but not impossible, but other than that, looks great!

It's so nice to see such beautiful descriptions ;D


June 13, 2017 11:19 a.m.

Thanks, MagicalHacker! I did those in Photoshop last night at about 5AM, when I was too tired to think but determined to get it done right then, so they're not great. I'm gonna go back and mess around with them later. Thanks so much for your help!

June 13, 2017 3:12 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #23

Anytime, friend!

June 13, 2017 5:03 p.m.

Chris15Henry says... #24

Gisa and Geralf can be a tough build, I'm working on adding things to mine, but it's cutting cards out that's tricky.

June 20, 2017 9:05 p.m.

Cirksena says... #25

How is Unholy Grotto not in here

June 23, 2017 9:45 a.m.

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