megawurmple says... #2
If you're worried about man-lands, run Dismember . I cannot stress this enough. That thing basically reads "get rid of target creature, even if it's indestructible". It's instant speed, so it can hit man lands when they are activated. It even takes down Celestial Colonnade , the biggest of the man lands. If you want a land that blows up other lands, Tectonic Edge is the card for you.
Not every card in the deck needs to control the game for you. You still need some win-cons, which is why The Rack and Shrieking Affliction need to be in there. Badly. They are significantly harder to remove than creatures, so are a way better option than Nyxathid . No-one runs artifact hate in the main board unless it's an Abrupt Decay (which you need to run if you are splashing green as it's basically the best removal in Modern). For the same reason, I really think Ensnaring Bridge belongs in this deck. You can't disregard something just because there are answers to it, or no-one would ever play permanents.
As for Damnation , I take the same stance as before. If you're playing against hexproof guys, just Thoughtseize their Hexproof guys away before they can cast them. Liliana of the Veil also takes care of Hexproof creatures. Damnation is never going to be necessary in a deck with so much disruption as the best you'll do is maybe a 2-for-1 if your deck is actually working.
May 8, 2014 5:29 p.m.
Well, I like Ghost Quarter over Encroaching Wastes , but even better Tectonic Edge . You don't need absolute removal of land quantity since your deck is focused on controlling the enemies hand rather than their mana. Ghost Quarter would kill the land critters and any other threatening lands for far less mana so you may discard/control at the same time; this way they don't grow when you dedicate a turn to kill a threat.
Nyxathid ....WWWOOOOOTTT!!!!!!!! I STRONGLY disagree with replacing that precious critter! he is so beautiful!.... If he leaves the deck...(i know where you live), we shall deal with are differences in a, diplomatic, face to face discussion.
I agree with kylothian, Victim of Night is pure crap. This deck needs to affect everyone.
I really like the creature lands. Keep the critter lands and Nyxathid . Combined you will have a powerful arsenal.
I personally don't agree with Abrupt Decay . Yah, it cosst less and can instantly deal with small threats. But, Maelstrom Pulse allows multiple kills of the same thing, tokens included.
I do not believe that this deck can depend on always having an instant speed discard to remove a threatning card from their hand. I believe it would be better to decrease offenses/control a pinch to balance offense with defense. Have the instant removal and whatnot, as it is necessary, but have Damnation just in the case of the enemy getting outa hand or being lucky and dropping some fat ass that is higher cost than 3 mana, which again I disagree with Abrupt Decay for that reason.
Haha, "outa hand:" bad pun about this deck....
Don't matter how fat it is, Maelstrom Pulse kills it and any other of its kind, and Damnation kills hexproof/shrouds. I do agree, maybe drop the nukes to 2.... 3 at most. If you have enough win con, then you won't need that many nukes. As long as you run into at least one per game to wipe a threat that unfortunately got out and use your critter lands to kill thereafter, you got em.
May 8, 2014 5:47 p.m.
Hmmmm tell you what I'm not being snippy ,but i'll copy and paste this deck into a new deck. I'll make the modifications you and titan are suggesting and play it against other people at the website and see how it does.
Abrupt decay is a beautiful card and it's at instant speed. I was originally running it in the deck ,but like you said it doesn't cover every threat only 90%. I've been playing this deck against other people and well there have been times when pod decks have drawn their pod that turn and played it. Pod is 4 cost I had abrupt decay at the time and was sorry i didn't have a maelstrom instead.
I have never been sorry for having maelstrom in my hand however it doesn't cover every threat ,but it does cover more than abrupt decay.
And you are right focused hand removal is pretty powerful i should increase it.
You are right though i dont want this to be the typical discard deck ,but if that is far superior to mine i might switch over to that school of thought.
May 8, 2014 5:49 p.m.
I am warming up to Dismember , as you can pay life and 1 mana so you can cast other crap while removing a threat.... But, then again, you will have that occasional beast that hits the field. Like when you fought my land destruction: I got Deus of Calamity or Simic Sky Swallower out and you luckily had a nuke for simic and Maelstrom Pulse for deus. There is no way you would have won if you didn't have removal like that. If you had Abrupt Decay and Dismember instead, I surely would have won.
Though you won't fight land destruction, you will fight big creatures like deus and simic that will occasionally slip by your control. You must have proper, capable removal to save your hide.
There's my 2 cents.
May 8, 2014 5:53 p.m.
I really don't understand the preoccupation with Nyxathid . He really just isn't that good. He's certainly not good enough to be your primary win con. I mean come on, he's basically a vanilla 7/7, assuming you've been able to completely wipe your opponent's hand. He's vulnerable to pretty much every piece of spot removal out there, he can be chump blocked into eternity, and 7 damage is not back breaking by any stretch of the imagination. I get it, he's fun and flavorful, but if you want this deck to truly compete, you need to switch him with something more impactful.
May 8, 2014 5:54 p.m.
TitansFTW You have an excellent point about Dismember and liliana.
How ever you and kmcree keep pushing for abrupt decay. Why? Because it is a good card. That cards is the reason i hesitate to run a win con less than 4 including rack, bridge, and lil. It's very common.
May 8, 2014 5:59 p.m.
strongly He has been helpful in testing ,but not a game changer.
May 8, 2014 6:13 p.m.
hmmmmmhmm, Batterskull ?
Or my favorite, Simic Sky Swallower . Though he is a 7 cost, he has shroud as well as flying and trample. He is a game changer, I haven't seen anyone survive my simic.
Here are a couple critters that may be of interest: Lone Revenant , Witchstalker , mainly because they have hexproof...
I'm just thinkin out loud.....
May 8, 2014 10:29 p.m.
maybe, I was playing tic tacy and he slaughter gamed the shrieking afflictions and then pointed out that he had removed one of my win conditions so in order to prevent stuff like that happening I'm going to vary my cards more. Keep similar purposes ,but vary them so stuff like that and Surgical Extraction doesn't remove masses of important cards.
May 8, 2014 11:36 p.m.
Ok guys so what do you think of this Mogis, God of Slaughter .I know I'd never be able to use it as a creature ,but its indestructible recurring damage.
I'd only be adding 1 in replacement of a Bloodchief Ascension .
May 9, 2014 1:43 a.m.
I like Bloodchief Ascension way more. It only costs 1 mana and it deals 2 damage per card entering the graveyard which will be at least 1 per turn which is equivalent to Mogis, God of Slaughter , also it is life gain.
I like the indestructibility, but enchantments hardly get targeted in modern, from what I have seen. And because it costs 1 mana, you can set it out and control your enemy at the same time, not devote a whole turn for mogis who costs 4 mana.
I still prefer Quest for the Nihil Stone , it does 5 damage per turn and is way easier to get working. You must deal damage for ascension to work which implies sticking your neck out and being aggressive/risky. Whereas the nihil stone gets going by you simply controlling the enemy's hand so your aggressive capabilities can be focused on defending yourself until the right time to strike.
May 9, 2014 12:29 p.m.
megawurmple says... #16
Dude. You need way more win-cons. You currently run 3. You aren't going to draw those consistently. It's all well and good being able to control your opponent, but it's useless if you can't fucking win (I assume the "cuss it out" rule still applies). You need at least 8 win-cons to draw into them consistently. The more the better. I would personally go for 4 The Rack , 4 Shrieking Affliction and 1-2 Quest for the Nihil Stone if you think you need more than 8.
May 9, 2014 4:09 p.m.
I second the more win cons suggestion. If you really really really want to avoid the 8rack mold and be more creative, at least look at something like Dread Slag . Its so much better than Nyxathid because it tramples.
May 9, 2014 4:23 p.m.
Now i ask If i either of you have actually looked at my deck lately.I modified it.
So i have 13 cards that are win con
1 The Rack
This is literally almost a fucking quarter of my deck .(i assume i can curse as well)
Now i know you guys dont like man lands for some reason ,but think about it.
If the enemy hand is empty i can activate them without them being threatened. They are the most secure win con you could possibly have. The only thing that can currently threaten them is other lands that can sacrifice and destroy a land.
The creeping tarpits are especially nice. They are unblockable.
I draw my win cons very consistently.
May 9, 2014 4:50 p.m.
also kmcree if you havent noticed You sold me on getting rid of Nyxathid
Thankyou for the suggestion though that creature is far better than Nyxathid
, but i think it'd be better for your deck not mine.
May 9, 2014 4:55 p.m.
I am 99% sure I just playtested against you with my deck Swarm and Conquer V 2.0. +1 for the fun duel!
May 19, 2014 1:50 p.m.
Haha I thought I recognized your name on So what inspired you to make this deck?
May 20, 2014 12:04 a.m.
nickiru's The Ultimate Land Decimator! deck. He was attacking a resource that every deck uses and it was pretty succesfull. So i was trying to create something that attacked a different resource that everyone uses which is cards in hand. however creatures can still be top deck drawn so i put in lots of permanent removal. And then the creature lands multi task as a win con and mana and they avoid board wipes and removal. They are very hardy because if a hand is empty i can activate them without having to worry about them being pathed to exile.
May 20, 2014 12:15 a.m.
Interesting. I know you mentioned earlier you usually win against tier 1 decks, what kind of decks would give this the most trouble then?
kmcree says... #1
If you're insistent on running 3 colors (which I would advise against) and you really want to keep the green, you should really consider dropping Maelstrom in favor of Abrupt Decay . 90% of the threats you'll see in modern are 3 cmc or less. Its instant speed. Its probably one of the top 5 removal spells available.
You definitely don't need 4 Damnation . Yes its an amazing card, possibly my favorite card ever printed. But 4 is way too many. You mentioned hexproof/regen creatures avoiding your other removal. Well that's what you have hand disruption like Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek for. Use the hand disruption, its by far your most powerful tool.
Finally, a win con. I really would recommend The Rack and/or Shrieking Affliction . In fact, why not both? I get that you're trying to avoid a typical 8rack build, but that's kind of inevitably what you're moving towards with all the discard and hand disruption. Might as well take advantage of your opponent's empty hand. As far as the manlands, I really don't like relying on them as a main win con. If you really want to keep a couple in, fine. But don't bank on them winning you games. It will hurt you more often than you'd like.
May 8, 2014 5:28 p.m.