Unwilling to die (for very long) Exalted Army
GimmeYourKFC says... #2
HumanOverlord I haven't been playing for very long and am still learning. I was under the impression I couldn't play any sorcery carding during the combat phase only instant? or is it because its still my turn I can play Essence Harvest whenever I want during my entire turn/preferable while the exalted is staked on a creature.
January 23, 2014 3:59 p.m.
Well a turn consists of five phases, in this order: beginning, precombat main, combat, postcombat main, and ending. These happen every turn, even if nothing actually happens in a phase. You can only cast sorceries during one of your main phases, so you're right, you can't play one during combat. However because the exalted effect lasts until the end of the turn, if the creature doesn't die, you can cast Essence Harvest in your postcombat main phase (or second main phase if you like).
January 24, 2014 1:09 a.m.
GimmeYourKFC says... #4
Nice, with this new information I think I'm gonna tweak this build a bit so that it revolves around Essence Harvest thanks you HumanOverlord for the information.
January 25, 2014 3:26 a.m.
Tigerhawk55 says... #5
I like your deck, I was gonna build a W/B version of this but mine ended up mono white. I've found Humble and Righteousness to be good ways to keep the exalted support around. Also True Conviction helps keeps blockers alive, mana cost is a little high but it's fun when it drops. Hope this was helpful yours Looks like fun to play.
August 14, 2014 1:52 a.m.
GimmeYourKFC says... #7
Tigerhawk55 thank you for the suggestions all three cards would fit nicely im going to sideboard them and do some testing Humble and True Conviction look like a lot of fun.
Jonatanvc94 thanks for showing me the deck.
August 15, 2014 10:31 a.m.
nevadathestate says... #9
Hmm... Cathedral of War tends to be pretty helpful in exalted decks. I also am a fan of Fencing Ace as well, in spite of his exaltedlessness. Does some serious work.
Nice addition with Immortal Servitude. Never thought to run it in my exalted, but that certainly makes a difference in the late game.
Loyalty says... #1
Given those exalted creatures, Akrasan Squire , Duty-Bound Dead and Sublime Archangel , and the theme of the deck, Essence Harvest fits nice. Use it after attacking in your postcombat main phase and deal a decent amount of damage and gain a decent amount of life (for 3 mana atleast)
January 23, 2014 6:51 a.m.