Phillygreenman007 says... #2
Scarscale Ritual i saw last night to. Looked promising. My problem i think is card draw when i play my version
December 19, 2018 7:42 a.m.
PhthisisClock says... #3
Phillygreenman007, I always forget about Scarscale Ritual... I've been meaning to try that. Between a couple copies of it (maybe 3) and 2x Beseech the Queens I should be able to find whatever I need.
December 19, 2018 5:57 p.m.
Bitchboideckbuilder says... #4
Hapatra's Mark seems like a great way to counter any negative effects of Blowfly Infestation
December 25, 2018 1:08 p.m.
PhthisisClock says... #5
Bitchboideckbuilder, Hapatra's Mark does stop Blowfly Infestation, but I'm not sure I'd want to dedicate the slots to it. I wouldn't want to tutor for Mark, so I'd almost have to dedicate 4x slots to it. I'm keeping Blowfly in for now, as I added 2x Canker Abominations for a 6/6 body... still considering Soulstinger as a counter-dump as well. Canker and Soulstinger both have unique advantages, and I'm planning to try the deck both ways for a bit. Another trial I ran this weekend involved Oona's Gatewarden, for the 1-slot. It ended up making no difference at all, really. With the removal available in this deck, I can (usually) pretty much keep the board in stasis for 2-3 turns, which is plenty of time to get my token engine built. So Gatewarden has been rejected. I'll post with results of trying out Canker and Soulstinger after I get a handful of games in with each. Thanks for checking out my build!
December 25, 2018 7:23 p.m.
PhthisisClock says... #6
Trying a new configuration of sideboard today... removed Temporal Extortion and Dispossess for 3x Scarscale Ritual and one more Assassin's Trophy.
January 1, 2019 10:01 a.m.
PhthisisClock says... #7
Tested against a few different decks today. A few observations:
1) Necroskitter and Wickerbough Elder are the utility players, completely interchangeable depending on opposing deck. Obviously, Necroskitter against creature-heavy builds, and Elder against creature-light builds. Deck performed fine no matter which was used.
2) Scarscale Ritual is maybe more useful than Fatal Push. I'm leaning this way because I subbed in Ritual, and not having Push made no difference whatever. The deck seems to handle small threats through counters, and card draw was far more beneficial than simply removing smaller creatures.
3) Having a large body like Canker Abomination (a 6/6) makes it easier to manage Blowfly Infestation. Abomination occasionally came in as small as 3/3 but I was able to generate tokens, so not a bad tradeoff. I'm still considering Soulstinger though, because it will also generate tokens but has the added advantage of providing counter distribution upon LTB. I did not use Soulstinger today, though. I assume Stinger and Abomination are equally as interchangeable as Necroskitter and Wickerbough Elder.
More to come, cheers!!
January 1, 2019 3:59 p.m.
Phillygreenman007 says... #8
Id like to know if that works, because it says -0/-1 counter. Magics so specific that it might not trigger it because it says -1/-1 counter
January 3, 2019 10:07 p.m.
PhthisisClock says... #9
itachi45... I hadn't considered additional ramp, mainly because I have nowhere to put it. I appreciate the suggestion though. Phillygreenman007... unfortunately Wall of Roots wouldn't trigger anything in this build. You are correct that the counters must be -1/-1. The only way Wall of Roots could be utilized, other than ramp, is with Fate Transfer.
January 3, 2019 10:50 p.m.
I run something similar to this in multiplayer games, although my focus is more on one shotting people with Zenith and Spider, but I do run Everlasting Torment in that deck, which might be useful to you here. Tokens making more tokens whenever they block/are blocked and whittling down big creatures has proven absurdly valuable in my games, and your archer here effectively does what my spider does there, since those tokens are going to die pretty much no matter what they do.
I've stepped away from Blowfly myself, because while it basically instantly wins games with a spider and nest out, other times it simply gets in the way, especially when a lot of things with minus counters all die at once and I have to drop them all on my stuff. . _.
February 12, 2019 7:49 a.m.
PhthisisClock says... #11
Rez09... thanks for your comments. I'm actually going to try running Everlasting Torment ... I think it was suggested a while back but I never tried it, and subsequently forgot about it. I updated my decklist to accurately reflect the deck as-of-late. I switched out a few things, moved Fatal Push and Blowfly Infestation to sideboard, added 3x Scarscale Ritual s (insane draw value really), moved Duress back to mainboard... the Vraska will be removed, as I don't need it, and Fate Transfer may be removed ultimately.
I've faced only a few different builds recently, but this encarnation seems to be pretty strong. I'm finally getting to the point where I have almost all the elements that I want (removal, draw, control, tutoring, disruption, strength) but am trying to get the balance down now.
Thanks for checking out my build. Cheers!
February 12, 2019 8:45 p.m.
Evolution Sage, perhaps? (War of the Spark, no English spoiler) - proliferating with each land drop could make a lot of tokens. Time of Need would help you get Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons.
April 7, 2019 6:31 p.m.
PhthisisClock says... #13
@kamarupa, thanks for stopping by! Checked out Evolution Sage , but proliferate can be very risky in this deck, as the pilot has to target their own creatures occasionally. I have found a great balance I think, and am updating the decklist tonight. The current build is the most consistent, brutal, unrelenting, and fastest configuration yet. Cheers!!
April 14, 2019 11:34 p.m.
PhthisisClock says... #14
kamarupa... I misunderstood that proliferate allows you to choose targets. I will consider it after all. Thank you!
April 15, 2019 12:13 a.m.
I have a deck similar to this one and I am really looking forward to Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
May 27, 2019 12:02 p.m.
Hello, nice deck!
I did not see anyone mention this card yet and wondered if you might like it as a good anti-creature tool. Kulrath Knight has potential to totally destroy any opposing creature-based strategy and can with an evasive-wither body can be it's own win condition. It may not be appropriate to your meta but wanted to share it as another possible tool for the deck.
June 28, 2019 1:10 p.m.
PhthisisClock says... #17
MagicMarc, frousseau... thanks for checking out the deck!! The description isn't updated, but my list is current...
I've considered Kulrath Knight in the past, but generally I want to either chain-kill opponents' tokens with Blowfly Infestation or steal non-tokens with Necroskitter . Kulrath Knight would be a bonus with Necroskitter, but I really like the overall balance of the build currently. I'm not sure there is room for Kulrath Knight.
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician is one I am curious about. I plan to proxy test it and see how it works out.
June 30, 2019 10:49 p.m.
PhthisisClock says... #18
Mainboard Changes: Replaced one Bankrupt in Blood with a third Beseech the Queen .
Sideboard Changes: Removed Fatal Push , added Raking Canopy .
July 5, 2019 12:55 p.m.
As much as I hate to put my main man down, I'm questioning Necroskitter in this deck. You say Hapatra rarely attacks, and the skitters themselves aren't much in a fight, so you've really only got three main-deck cards that realistically put -1/-1 counters on the other guy's stuff. How often are they stealing things?
July 8, 2019 3:55 p.m.
PhthisisClock says... #20
Zakuzelo, thanks for checking out my build. Lately I find myself running Wickerbough Elder more often than Necroskitter . Necroskitter isn't as useful as it was when I was running Fate Transfer . However, it is theoretically handy if I side-in Everlasting Torment . Problem is, Torment is usually countered or destroyed before anything can happen. So you are right, in practice, I could likely open up the space to something else. That "something else" is the mystery. I have three tutors now, so running one-of answers is always an option, but not ideal. I don't want to muff up a good thing, but at the same time I feel like there is something I could put in here to really make it a very painful deck to deal with. It already is a pretty hated deck, mostly because it's not straight-ahead or as predictable as some other modern builds. So I want to keep it diverse. I've been thinking about going back to Throne of the God-Pharaoh , or possibly even bringing Crocodile of the Crossing back. Also tossed around Cryptolith Rite for extreme ramp. I'm just not sure if the process of replacing cards will ever end with this build. It plays on a pretty good level, but I want to make it a pretty amazing build.
July 9, 2019 3 p.m.
PhthisisClock says... #21
Gearing up for FNM: Modern at my LGS tonight. A couple of major changes coming, including possibly Maelstrom Pulse , Cabal Therapist , and Hogaak, Risen Necropolis.
July 12, 2019 8:50 a.m.
PhthisisClock says... #22
Got crushed in FNM tonight... no idea what was happening. 0-2 against Elves, 1-2 against Storm, and 0-2 against some janky UW prison deck. Nothing was really working. Mulled 3 times total, down to 5 once. It was just not working.
Added 2x Maelstrom Pulse to sideboard, replacing Assassin's Trophy and one Creeping Corrosion.
Had Cabal Therapist in sideboard tonight, but didn't get to use it.
July 13, 2019 1:20 a.m.
You know, I was really hoping you'd point out some key thing I was missing about Necroskitter that warranted keeping him. Damn. Love that guy.
Anyway...the biggest issue I can see with this build is that so many picks revolve around having Hapatra and/or Scarabs in play, or in having lots of snakes and bugs from those two cards. Even with seven of those cards and three tutors, that seems questionable. Therefore, I think the best stuff too look at would be cards that work better with your token generators, but are still strong without them.
Carnifex Demon ? Deity of Scars ? Midnight Banshee ? Dusk Urchins ?
July 20, 2019 12:38 a.m.
PhthisisClock says... #24
Zakuzelo... Necroskitter has been useful in the past in conjunction with Fate Transfer (no longer in the deck), Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons , Blowfly Infestation , and Soul Snuffers . But it's only useful against non-token creature-heavy builds. Unfortunately I'm not seeing many of those builds lately, and so it's a piece of combos that are somewhat pointless, at this time. I agree about Dusk Urchins . Could be worth trying. As far as reliably drawing Hapatra or Nest of Scarabs... it's generally not been an issue to have one or both from the opening hand. But it does happen that I don't, and usually at the worst possible times. As far as the larger creatures you mentioned... I don't think I could afford to slow this down any more than it already is. While I take pride in trying to cobble together a viable build, most people I play against are netdeckers and are slinging top tier decks; fast is an understatement. I'm going to consider Dusk Urchins. Thanks!
July 24, 2019 9:47 p.m.
I play a bunch of Dusk Urchins in my deck. I side them out against Path to Exile, otherwise they are great
Phillygreenman007 says... #1
Dusk Urchins seems legit good
December 19, 2018 7:40 a.m.