A casual multiplayer Superfriends deck built around Ichormoon Gauntlet. Giving each planeswalker the ability to "0: Proliferate," means we can quickly ramp loyalty counters to ultimate our 'friends. This build is currently geared toward a 1v1v1+ format.
As ToxicMCTV helpfully pointed out, it's possible to get infinite turns from Ichormoon Gauntlet with 4 planeswalkers on the board at a staggered number of loyalty counters. With Carth the Lion's "Planeswalkers' loyalty abilities you activate cost an addtional +1 to activate," Ichormoon Gauntlet's granting planeswalkers "...-12: take an extra turn," only costs -11.
The Friends list: I chose these planeswalkers for their utility and to avoid the most hated effects that tend to paint a target on the planeswalker or entire deck. In my play group, people really hate discard and mill, so I avoided some powerful planeswalkers in favor of others I think have a little better chance of sticking. My target utilities are: Mana fix, draw card, token blockers, and removal.
Wrenn and Six primarily keeps lands coming and is a good proliferater late-game.
Chandra, Torch of Defiance & Garruk Wildspeaker both help mana ramp with +1 abilities. While Chandra is better for attacking, Garruk helps by making cheap 3/3 blockers.
Kiora, the Crashing Wave
is a good early game proliferater, draws cards, and it pretty easy to ultimate for a 9/9 every turn.
Sorin the Mirthless is good card draw, fairly easy to ultimate as a wincon, and also provides good blockers if needed.
Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God is the best finisher, providing more card draw, removal, and of course, a game ending ultimate, especially paired with Cyclonic Rift on Overload.
Sorin Markov provides a little lifegain/revomal, and knocks opponents down to a manageable 10 life the same turn he hits. His ultimate doesn't seem necessary, but it's an extra option if applicable.
Vraska the Unseen is mostly here for -3: Destroy target non-land permanent, but her other abilities can be useful as well.
Other Spells:
Carth the Lion - I know everyone is playing this badboy, and I can see the value, but in this deck, it's not uncommon to have more than one 4MV planeswalker already in hand. It doesn't make sense to me to play Carth when I can cast a planeswalker already, so I've only included 2.
Ichormoon Gauntlet - the guts of the deck. Giving each planeswalker '0: Proliferate' is our primary interest, but the pseudo proliferate trigger on non-creature spells and '12: take an extra turn' just make this artifact all the sweeter. Getting one of these down early really makes the deck so much smoother.
Tekuthal, Inquiry Dominus - not essential, but wow can this guy really ramp things up!
Thrummingbird - just good enough to warrant one.
The Chain Veil - not essential, but this can making ending the game a lot faster.
Oath of Nissa - useful in a 4-color deck, but takes up space and not spell I want to ever have more than 1 of in my hand.
Negate - Gotta have something like this in 1v1v1+
Fog - ""
Cyclonic Rift "" + pairs well with Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God's ultimate.