Nekusar, the Friendship Destroyer [[PRIMER]]
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 342 | 188 COMMENTS | 73920 VIEWS | IN 151 FOLDERS
May 29, 2018 8:04 p.m.
I found Fascination to be a really good card in Nekusar. Problem I've had with Nekusar is once my playgroup figured out what it did they just targeted me and killed me immediately. Ugh... I love Nekusar too. :'(
May 30, 2018 10:30 a.m.
Hi DrkNinja! I really don't like cards like Fascination and Skyscribing, you need to spent too much mana, a "wheel" is strictly better. But, if you like those type of cards, try Minds Aglow and Prosperity.
May 30, 2018 11:01 a.m.
I only like fascination because it's a flexible card, you can use it to draw, or just straight mill someone out.
May 30, 2018 11:13 a.m.
Hi KIRK77. Kederekt Parasite is a nice card in a Nekusar deck, but it relies on having your commander in the field (or another red permanent). Nekusar, the Mindrazer isn't a wincon in this deck, we can use other cards like Underworld Dreams, Megrim and Liliana's Caress, i.e.
If you want to run the parasite, try to cast it only in the turn you're going to chain the "wheels" for victory.
June 4, 2018 3:07 p.m.
Hey, what do you think of running The Locust God in this deck? Also, what about creatures like Seizan, Perverter of Truth, Master of the Feast and Kira, Great Glass-Spinner.
June 6, 2018 1:38 p.m.
Hi kopil999, thaks for the comment.
The Locust God synergizes really well with this deck, you could run it if you want. The only problem is that it's a 6 CMC that will not win the game in the spot or bring me close to it. I think it would be better to run a "wheel" based deck with the God as it commander than trying to fit him in a Nekusar's build. We don't have cards to support creatures in this build (like a Coat of Arms i.e.)
I used to run both Seizan, Perverter of Truth and Master of the Feast alongside with cards like Font of Mythos, Howling Mine and Kami of the Crescent Moon. When nobody knows your game strategy they are nice, but with time they will turn you in a target for the rest of the table. I reckon it's better to forcefeed your opponents with extra draws only when you're going to finish them
I've never thought about trying Kira, Great Glass-Spinner, but it is an excellent card to protect our commander. The only inssue is that we really aren't THIS dependent of having Nekusar in play. Sure, it is the general and we'll always be able cast it from the CZ, but creatures are much easier to remove than enchantments like Underworld Dreams and Liliana's Caress.
June 6, 2018 2:07 p.m. Edited.
MarcosTithes says... #10
Hey, great looking deck. I have a Nekusar deck as well, but mine focuses more on quick acceleration into wheels, and doesn't really have any infinite combos specifically. Mine mainly hopes to be fast enough to outpace my opponents without combos, but I am curious how this build works for you. If you'd want to take a look at mine for any insight that you can give me or vice versa feel free to take a look. Nekusar, Legacy Storm? [[Competitive Multiplayer]] One thing that I didn't notice that I think is pretty cool is the Jace's archivist combo with mind over matter. That seems pretty sweet. Thumbs up from me.
June 8, 2018 8 p.m.
Scroll Rack for more manipolation can be extremely usefull and Yawgmoth's Will for recursion. I will swich some unfecthable lands for dimir, izzet and rakdos signet, you already compense the cmc with rocks. Still good deck!
June 11, 2018 5:37 a.m.
Maizena the looks amazing but I have a question why propaganda. I know its there to hinder your opponents but with only one "pillow" is it really worth it to even have use the card.
June 14, 2018 2:39 p.m.
Megalomania says... #13
I like Nekusar decks. This one seems to have too many combos though. I would drop a couple or more and focus on making the deck just a little faster. Also not a fan of Dark Deal as a wheel. You seem to have enough already.
Some mana rocks, Helm of the Ghastlord and some added protection/counterspells would definitely help. Oh, and add Vampiric Tutor and Personal Tutor. Those are always good.
June 14, 2018 6:19 p.m.
Podkomorka says... #14
You have no good tutors for any of your combo pieces. Fix that.
June 14, 2018 6:21 p.m.
Skillville says... #15
The more a player relies on combos the less skilled they are. It's a shame to see such a good deck rely on so many no skill handi caps. Terrible. Down vote.
June 14, 2018 6:54 p.m.
Megalomania says... #16
Looks like someone keeps getting beat by a combo deck. Lol.
June 14, 2018 7:04 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #17
nekusar isn't really meant for combo, more storm.. cards like Fevered Visions are REALLY BAD in nekusar, you're giving your opponents free card advantage while making them hate you and dealing next to no damage, while losing friends and games simultaneously. your deck is 40% casual which further shows its lack of any consistency, you aren't running nearly enough land fetches either
if you want to go combo theres a plethora of better generals like kess, jeleva, sedris, marchesa, thraximundar.. all of those are better at deterring other decks until you can combo.
furthermore, the entire purpose of combo is to win quickly, efficiently and consistently, the efficiency is there but its very inconsistent as most of the cards such as Temple Bell are complete garbage outside of the 2 card combo. if you want to be able to combo off early consistently and not a mere 60% competitive, which is barely half.. you need turors for your combos, currently of which you have next to none, so you're relying on the off chance you draw into a combo at the same time as helping opponents draw imto theirs.. a deck that loses you friends but never wins except when you get lucky is a bad deck.
id suggest referring to my primer or perhaps someone else's if you dont believe me, but fancy art and upvotes dont make it a good deck, good cards do.
but ill reiterate what basically everyone else is saying, combo needs tutors to be effective. and this is a discard spell deck, not a combo deck, nekusar should pnly be cast when you're going to win that turn, feeding people a free Phyrexian Arena every turn is how ypu DONT play nekusar, any Howling Mine effects should not exist here.
June 14, 2018 9:25 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #18
you're not running signets or talismans or fellwar stone or Sensei's Divining Top or any 0cmc rock like Chrome Mox and Lion's Eye Diamond, or any of the good mana rocks, 3cmc mana rocks are bad and planeswalkers are too fragile.. your defense is beyond poor, you have zero brainstorm or scroll rack effects. you have way too much passive draw and pain and almost no removal whatsoever, your ramp is embarrassing, you run too many wheels, command and archivist are bad and the latter is too slow, your land count is too high.. im honestly saddened you have the money to run crypt and chains (also bad, i have it and it shuts down your whole deck, ive tested it thoroughly.) and you still choose to run garbage like chromatic lantern and temple bell. the fact this has twice the votes my primer does makes me sick.
June 14, 2018 10:23 p.m.
Podkomorka says... #19
@goblinguide any grixis deck can be made into a storm deck. In the realm of competitive edh grixis storm has 2 different commanders it could use but they only cast their commander 20% of the time. They often dont need commanders to win. Nekusar could be a good storm deck, but you dont need nekusar. Forget storm and just play nekusar for what it is.
And yea someone is a little pissy haha (Skillville) "Skilled players dont need combos to win. They only need to play creatures and attack like a MAN" Fuck outa here kid we're here to win not build up a useless swarm of meat sticks thatll get removed in a heartbeat. Playing creatures its the first thing you learn when playing magic, you don't see any combo introdecks
June 16, 2018 4:10 p.m.
@Skillville First off a skilled player has a way to deal with every deck no matter the deck they are playing or the the colors they are playing. If you are playing with blue you run counters to counter key combo piece, black to destroy combo pieces, white to exile combo pieces, red to kill them before they get their combo (in a variety of ways), or green to kill the combo player before they get a chance to breathe (Refer to my deck Elven Fury for an example). A good magic player with skill can pilot a deck to victory at least 60% of the time that they play. How about stop trashing people who are asking for help and get that skill you clearly so desperately need.
@goblinguiderevealpls Nowhere on this deck page does this say that it's a cEDH deck like your deck (which for the record I like). He may just want to have fun and play Nekusar the way he was intended by Wizards, which was to be a hybrid group hug/discard/combo deck. I'm not saying you're wrong here, but you are coming off a bit aggressive.
@Podkomorka RIGHT!? Although don't hate too hard on building a swarm of creatures my Ezuri deck, or any krenko deck worth anything, shits on combo decks.
@Maizena They aren't wrong man most often than not you are just going to become a target, especially in a multiplayer format, and your friends are always going to gang up and kill you. It's why I stopped playing Nekusar.
June 16, 2018 5:03 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #21
yea i probably could have been less aggressive.. just irks me that bad decks get noticed purely because of formatting and feature tokens. basically means you have to pay for upvotes, and people assume a lot of upvotes means its a good deck, which is far from true in this case..
but you do need to make a lot og changes to make this deck respectable to play against, cuz currently all your doing is gassing your opponents with card draw while trying to combo, almost every game will result in your opponents comboing first.. even the temple bell combo.. give your opponents a single instant or flash spell before they hit 0 cards will lose you the game, so its not even a good combo as most opponents with any brains would and could respond to it rather than conceding.
June 16, 2018 5:17 p.m.
Podkomorka says... #22
@DrkNinja dont get me started on how casual and easy to disrupt any krenko deck is lol. If it plays against any player with removal the deck is a pile of red
June 16, 2018 6:29 p.m.
Podkomorka says... #23
@goblinguide you are completely right. I also dislike when some casual deck gets hugely popular like this deck for example and then they say its competitive. whats with this shit? no omnath deck is ever competitive worthy but just because its so popular and has a cult following you cant argue against them saying its soooo competitive. All the little page editing doo-hickies and gizzmos is fine as long as the popularity doesnt give misinformation about what the deck is and can do.
June 16, 2018 6:33 p.m.
Megalomania says... #25
I don’t see the guy saying it’s the best Nekusar deck in the site. It is really that bad that he takes time to make his page look good? I’ll give each of your decks an upvote to make ya’ll feel better. If you guys really want to get noticed, try helping more people. I personally tend to look at the lists of those who provide good input to the decks I am working on. They usually turn out to have pretty good lists themselves.
Skywatch says... #1
I would recommend swapping out Hive Mind for a targeted removal spell. Such as Go for the Throat
May 29, 2018 7:27 p.m.