Nekusar, the Friendship Destroyer [[PRIMER]]

Commander / EDH Maizena

SCORE: 342 | 188 COMMENTS | 73914 VIEWS | IN 151 FOLDERS

mistborn314 says... #1

@ Maizena, just a heads up, but still having trouble with the link to the primer.

On a different note, I am looking at building a wheel deck around Dream Halls, (WUBR, Tymna the Weaver and Kraum, Ludevic's Opus as the commanders). I am curious how you break parity once you wheel with Halls out since you basically refill your opponent's hands and turn all interaction into pseudo-Force of Will. I really want to build around Halls, but it seems foolhardy to go full archenemy and give your opponents god-hands. What's the line the of play here? How has Halls worked out for you? Is it worth it?

Overall, it seems like a really awesome deck. As a fellow wheel player, here are some cards worth considering:

Temple Bell and Geier Reach Sanitarium are sweet and simple repeatable effects that are pure gold in this deck. Additionally, Bell goes infinite with Mind Over Matter and Library of Leng--cards you already run. (Tap Bell to have the table draw, discard with Mind to the top of your library with Leng and untap Bell--rinse and repeat--deck the table but never yourself since your just redrawing the same card). Could be nice since it works independent of your commander in case he gets hated out of the game.

Duskmantle Guildmage is an insta-win with Mindcrank, can add redundancy for Bloodchief Ascension. Burning Inquiry is pretty good (better than Jace's Archivist IMO). Narset, Parter of Veils is a MUST--wheel and you are the only one with a hand. Plus, it's only $2 or something...

You run more shuffle wheels than I do, so take this with a grain of salt. I love Underworld Breach and Yawgmoth's Will to replay key cards--especially Breach, since you can cast Wheel of Fortune as many time as you can afford since it's not exiled. Mission Briefing, Snapcaster Mage, and Kess, Dissident Mage are pretty dandy utility single spell flashbackers. Bone Miser and Shadow of the Grave are hidden gems (don't appear on most lists). They go crazy with the discard wheels, Library of Leng, Mind Over Matter, and Dream Halls.

In closing, I haven't seen the deck play, but Hive Mind, Omniscience, Torment of Hailfire, Isochron Scepter/Dramatic Reversal, Mizzix's Mastery, and Wheel and Deal are fun, but they don't seem to fit the game plan of a Nekusar pain train. There seems to be plenty of wincons without jamming all of these amazing, but unrelated cards in there. They feel like "win-more" cards that deflects the focus of the deck. In the case of Wheel and Deal, it you don't net cards off of it but you give your opponents a full grip. You already run the best wheels aside from Timetwister, it seems like an extra "meh" wheel. Maybe cut some of these cards and go for low CMC interaction or cantrips. Just food for thought.

March 10, 2020 11:51 p.m.

Metachemist says... #2

Hmmmm why no Tainted Strike Grafted Exoskeleton or Glistening Oil ? These cards allow you to close out the game more effectively. You don't necessarily combo off, just fire off a wheel + a little more card draw and Bob's your uncle.

March 11, 2020 10 a.m.

Maizena says... #3

  • mistborn314 I'm aware of the primer problem, but I'm short on time to fix it right now.

Dream Halls is basically a double edged sword (a high risk high reward play). When you cast it, be prepared to kill or die this turn. The way I usually play it is setting the board first (1 or 2 cards that deal damage on discard/draw) and having a wheel in hand to cast after the DH. I run a lot of wheels in this deck, most of the times I'm able to chain 3+ wheels and win the game, but if you want a more "safe" way to interact with DM, try adding more counters and cards like Grand Abolisher.

I used to run Temple Bell and Geier Reach Sanitarium, but I decided to cut off all cards that give my opponents "small draws" (the trade off wasn't worth most of the time).

Duskmantle Guildmage cost more to activate than Bloodchief Ascension and is easier to remove. Jace's Archivist is here because of Mind Over Matter, but i'm thinking about cutting both cards off.

I'll test Burning Inquiry and you're absolutely right about Narset, Parter of Veils, it's a MUST.

I used to run Kess, Dissident Mage but people always shut her down pretty fast. I've been thinking about Yawgmoth's Will for some time , but I don't have the money for it right now. Underworld Breach is a nice substitute, thogh.

Bone Miser is worse than Waste Not in all aspects, I don't like it. I never thought about Shadow of the Grave before, I'll test it!

I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllyy like Hive Mind, Omniscience + Show and Tell , Torment of Hailfire, Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter (won some fun games with these cards), but it is quite understandable for someone to cut them off (I even recommend it in the primer, before the code start trolling me lol).

For last, Wheel and Deal will be cutted, don't know yet about Mizzix's Mastery.

Thank you a lot for the info exchange and sorry it took me some time to reply! o/

March 18, 2020 1:16 p.m.

m_to_the_three says... #4

instead of Damnation I would suggest running Fire Covenant. It is 1 mana cheaper, instant speed, and asymmetrical boardwipe. Even though it can cost you lot of life, the value generated from popping off an asymmetrical boardwipe is extremely high. I have used this card for as little as 5 life or as high as 28 life and have never regretted it, it puts people pretty far back while you still haven't lost anything. Similar to Toxic Deluge except you can cast it whenever and none of your creatures will die.

April 10, 2020 7:13 p.m.

arkclown says... #5

We run similar list, two cards that i really enjoy and are pretty good are Commit / Memory and Damnable Pact for insta kill a strong threat in the table.

April 23, 2020 11:59 a.m.

Alex-Seven says... #6

Awesome deck!!!

Maizena when can we expect the fully updated list?

July 8, 2020 10:16 p.m.

Maizena says... #7

Guys, sorry it took me that long to answer you (again).

m_to_the_three Thanks for the suggestion, I need to try it, but I'm with almost no time for MTG rn. :(

arkclown It's a interesting strategy, the new card (Peer into the Abyss) would be a better choice.

Alex-Seven I don't have a lot of things to update, the main issue is the Primer code that is broken and I don't know why. I'll try to fix it when I have some time!

July 27, 2020 10:52 p.m.

Maizena says... #8

Guys I know you all are waiting for a deck list update, i'm going to do it when the Commander Legends spoilers are over!

November 3, 2020 11 a.m.

Alex-Seven says... #9

Will you update the list?

What do you think of the cards: Wheel of Misfortune and Forced Fruition

November 28, 2020 7:44 a.m.

kumoovercast says... #10

I just lost two of my closest friends by playing this deck against them :(

August 9, 2021 11:26 p.m.

Maizena says... #11

Guys, sorry for the long time away from here. I'm VERY busy with my masters degree, I'll try to update the list this year.

Alex-Seven, Didn't test Wheel of Misfortune yet, but I think it might be a little inconsistent. Forced Fruition is a trap. If you aren't ending the game with it, the chance of a backfire is HUGE.

kumoovercast I'm REALLY happy to read this!!!! <3

October 29, 2021 1:13 p.m.

andi_maiden says... #12

Awesome deck. Hullbreacher is currently banned tho!

February 18, 2022 8:16 a.m.

NinjaKitty778 says... #13

How do you make a card the background of your page? Highly interested in doing this with my pages.

February 19, 2022 4:13 a.m.

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