TheBloxlord says... #2
Ad nauseam is powerful in anr deck, but it must be built around to gain the most cards. The highs mana cost isn't a concern when you do it on your opponents end step, then you untapped and have 5+ mana sources and 20+ cards in hand. From there, string rituals and tutors to get Tendrils or another wincon (I recommend Aetherflux Reservoir or Doomsday). When used in this way, a resolved ad nauseam usually is Gg, especially if you have permission to back up.
In order to play with ad nauseam however, the curve needs to be low to get the most value, as mentioned before.
I think this deck has a potential, and there are many other grixis storm lists out there (check out monix's jeleva storm primer). See if you can find a way to build around ad nauseam.
May 28, 2017 7:29 p.m.
PrestonShilling says... #3
Been away for a while due to work but recently started playing again, sorry for the late response time.
Weirdhat I've noticed the same need of cards to recover from similar scenarios. I'll be toying around with it in the next couple of weeks.
InfiniteParadoX the deck sets up in the early turns with Mana rocks and refills the hand with a wheel. From there your game plan changes depending on how your hand develops. Very rarely do I need to rely on a second wheel to keep digging for answers (noting whenever you draw a Curiosity ability, you draw enough to finish off the table.)
WombosCombosArchive is too expensive to and would add too much redundancy for my Curiosity effects. Unless I'm missing something, I don't understand how Pyromancer's Ascension would ever trigger? Syphon Mind seems too low impact when compared to other cards in the deck.
luclinraider The copies were strictly for testing and have sense been removed. However, their purpose was to copy wheel effects to force more draw triggers, but copying tutors was equally as powerful in testing. The Tutor targets change every game and usually fetch whatever piece of of fuel I need to keep going.
Guftders Essentially, yes. Haha. Through testing I noticed on most occasions, casting wheels started to chain together with additional Mana from Mana rocks and mana acceleration spells to dignify testing storm. My first go to was Mind's Desire to continue chaining wheels. It was really strong so I added tendrils next. "ToA" killed the entire table when tax on Nekusar was suboptimal,in the very first game I tested it with a storm count of only 16 (dealing 32 damage to each player.) It was instant love just seeing that it was a solid backup plan.
maddoxmtg notion theif is hilarious and almost always single handedly "wins" the game every time it's cast. For your second comment, the current build listed is indeed very busy but was edited as it was with testing certain techs. (With the exception of Paradox Engine which I preordered due to the amount of Mana rocks I ran.) The storm isn't a main wincon, just a back up plan that I like to keep in my pocket to win our of nowhere win Nekusar is gone. Storming in this list is only achieved with the help of one of the "broken engines" listed in the description.
Jarman_Kell Boseiju was thought of, but with my low land count I needed as many colored sources as I could fit, so over never actually tested it. Hive Mind and Eye of the Storm are both great engines for dedicated storm decks, but to keep "storming" in this all I need is to land one engine and adding 2 more seems like it may be excessive at the moment, however I'll keep both in mind during testing.
TheBloxlord Ad Nauseam indeed doesnt dig as deep in this as it does in dedicated storm decks, but when I cast it in this build, it's almost always at my opponents EoT (barring very rare occasions)However it's always enough to set up my turn by digging for that last needed piece of tech to finish off.
Whew, that took some time :)
Thank you to everyone for your input and comments. I've had some ideas and a few things pointed out that could use some smoothing out. Keep an eye out for an updated version soon. I've been playing a lot more lately, so lots of play testing will be done over the next couple of weeks. Cheers!
June 5, 2017 12:51 a.m.
SilverDracolich says... #4
A little combo I want to try is : notion thief + anvil of bogardan.
Opponents draws 2 cards during their draw phase.... Not really! With notion thieve, you draw their second card AND they need to discard a card.
If you add megrim or liliana's caress, they 1 draw card, discard 1 card and lose 2 life while you draw a card!
September 6, 2017 9:07 p.m.
KPSracker26 says... #6
All I can say is that this deck looks amazing, and with the tappedout playtest, it plays amazing too.
September 22, 2018 4:10 p.m.
So if I wanted to play a “budget” version of this, would Force of Will , Snapcaster Mage , Grim Monolith and the expensive non basic lands be a good place to start or are they too important to replace? They don’t seem to be super integral besides the lands. What other things would you recommend cutting to cheapen it up a bit?
maddoxmtg says... #1
I feel like this deck is trying to do too much with too little. By that I mean that with decks like this, you should honestly stick to 1 game plan. For example, your CMC is too high for 28 land, too high for ad nauseum, and just doesn't feel like a storm deck. Storm runs more infinite combos or ways too speed up the count. 2 or 3 wheels maximum. Nekusar on the other hand wants to have a cmc around 3 and just win off casting wheels and forced fruition or temple bell/azami/niv mizzet+mind over matter combo. Not saying you should take out storm or more wheels, just maybe increase the land count and round out the game plan. Just an opinion from a Storm EDH player.
May 6, 2017 10:29 p.m.