Because he has to answer the same questions over and over again as people keep asking them again and again because they can't be arsed to read the previous comments?
Although I am looking forward to any refinements that might be made with the Knights we'll see in Dominaria.
March 22, 2018 4:36 p.m.
not bad but flyers will wreak you. i had a similar deck around the same time though i used sun titans to bring back dead knights. but flyers would kill me faster than i could kill them. and ill say honor of the pure is way better than Gideon, Gideon isnt bad for pumping out tokens but the cheap and fast pumping of your other knights that Honor of the Pure can give i feel is much better.
here is a link to my White Knights deck that i updated not too long ago taking it from old standard to now modern status it might give a few ideas for flyers.
April 5, 2018 7:38 p.m.
NensouHiebara says... #4
How exactly do fliers wreck me? If they're attacking with an evasive creature, then that's one less blocker. And if that flier is a considerable pest, then that's what removal is for. A creature with evasion isn't automatically a death knell because it bypasses combat with my Knights.
Does adding fliers solve a significant problem? I don't believe so. The Knights that fly are also suboptimal chaff. Each Knight I've chosen is an important part of the deck's interplay. Shoehorning weak fliers breaks up the deck's synergy.
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar is leagues ahead of Honor of the Pure. There's no comparing them. Honor of the Pure is an Anthem, Gideon is an all-in-one Anthem, Knight token producer, and must-answer threat. He's an incredibly flexible card that does everything the deck wants, and that power and flexibility is well worth his mana cost. Being cheaper isn't enough of an edge to be considered over an objectively stronger card.
April 5, 2018 10:55 p.m.
shroom_dude says... #5
I'm not sure about Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, but I'm sure that Honor of the Pure is bad. Knight tribal is good for curving out and having powerful creatures with layers of synergy not spamming token's and hopping your opponent doesn't have a board wipe.
April 6, 2018 5:48 p.m.
JoaoWockeez says... #6
Good luck playing modern with that, you shouuld just build a STD knight tribbal once Doominaria comes out.
April 8, 2018 3:47 p.m.
NensouHiebara says... #8
I've clearly stated that this is a Pet Deck for casual settings in the deck description. I'd never take this deck to a Modern FNM. It would get slaughtered.
I have a proper Modern deck for sanctioned events.
I don't care about Standard. Haven't played the format since before Kaladesh released, and I have no intentions of wasting money on it again.
Dropping lands is too risky. This deck requires hitting every land drop to play out its curve. Less lands will lead to more land-light opening hands and increase mulligans.
The higher land count is also to offset Mutavault. Less lands, or more specifically less White mana sources, make the occasional colour-screw Mutavault causes more frequent and it can be slain while it's a creature to set me back a land.
Think of my manabase less like '24 lands' and more like '20 lands and Mutavaults'.
April 8, 2018 8:26 p.m.
I was going to consider dropping my suggestion for New Benalia and replace it with Zhalfirin Void as it doesn't ETB tapped, but provides the same Scry 1. However, your response to shroom_dude does remind me that running 16 Plains and 4 Voids (but not Void) would definitely screw your manabase up something fierce.
I'm glad to see that you're considering Benalish Marshal. It hits a lot of synergy with the deck, and hitting that on turn 3, then Gid's Emblem on Turn 4 is a pretty solid play.
April 8, 2018 9:48 p.m.
Have you considered Knight of Meadowgrain in place of Accorder Paladin. Also, I feel like Brave the Elements is too valuable to not have any copies in the main, since potentially making your entire board unblockable can be devastating. If you're looking for nonbasic lands to play, Flagstones of Trokair doesn't have a big opportunity cost, and neither would running a singleton Horizon Canopy.
May 15, 2018 3:56 p.m.
NensouHiebara says... #11
What's kept Accorder Paladin in the deck over other 2-drop is its 3 power and ability to boost other Knights. I'm currently looking at Sigiled Paladin as Accorder's replacement, as it can do the same.
Knight of Meadowgrain is okay, but doesn't make the cut due to a lack of synergy. Having my Knights benefit each other makes the deck play better.
Brave the Elements was in the deck before and was cut to make room for a full set of Gideon and additional removal. This deck plays to a strict curve, leaving almost no mana to spare for additional spells in the first few turns of the game. If any mana does happen to be left open, I feel it's better spent interacting with my opponent's board.
Flagstones of Trokair doesn't add anything to the deck whatsoever.
Horizon Canopy has a real cost in its lifeloss. An early Canopy would deal damage to me that otherwise wouldn't of happened, which will matter against other aggro decks and decks that use burn spells for reach.
May 15, 2018 7:44 p.m.
420Liliana69 says... #13
knights already have Kinsbaile Cavalier as their 4-drop.
June 20, 2018 10:42 a.m.
Upvote into triple digits! Congrats on the awesome deck!
I'm working on my own version of this deck and I have a couple thoughts:
Metallic Mimic seems strictly better than Accorder Paladin as a 2-drop "lord."
I'm a bit baffled why you aren't considering History of Benalia. That card is a house. It's essentially 2/3rds of Gideon, Ally of Zendikar for one fewer mana. Brave the Elements is unreal with History because you can make them unblockable for the big attack step. People obviously see the attack coming, but you can usually bait out their removal by saying "move to combat", then responding with Brave the Elements FTW.
What do you think about Righteous Confluence as a 1-of curve topper? Obviously not ideal CMC, but the effect is quite flexible and can refill your board in a single turn.
June 25, 2018 2:57 p.m.
NensouHiebara says... #17
Metallic Mimic has the issue of only being good if it's played before everything else. It's vanilla 2/1 body isn't great either. This deck isn't lacking in Lords, so it's not something I'm looking at for fresh additions.
History of Benalia isn't as good as Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. He has more staying power and is a lot more flexible. With Gids as a full 4-of, there's no room for History.
Righteous Confluence isn't Modern legal. Regardless, I currently have no desire to go above 4cmc. And if I do, I would want something more potent than three Knight tokens. A 1-of is also too inconsistent without quality card selection to draw into it.
June 25, 2018 5:24 p.m.
Oh right you are, Righteous Confluence ain't legal. Whoops.
I'm not saying to replace Gideon with History. I'm saying that if you like Gideon (and you rightfully do), then there's no reason that you shouldn't like History as well. Curving History into ANY of your other 3 or 4 drops is a crazy play-line because then they can swing in with +2/+1 on the following turn.
This deck really wants to win (or close to it) by turn 5. It's not quite aggro enough to win on turn 4, so turn 5 is the prime target. Given that timeline, History of Benalia is the perfect turn 3 play because it makes your turn 5 insanely explosive.
- Turn 2: Metallic Mimic or Accorder Paladin
- Turn 3: History of Benalia
- Turn 4: Gideon, Ally of Zendikar or Silverblade Paladin
- Turn 5: Knight Exemplar or Silverblade Paladin with Brave the Elements
This playline threatens upwards of 30 unblockable power on turn 5. History and Gideon alone threaten 17, while History and Silverblade threaten 20. You can't get anywhere near those numbers without History of Benalia. That card is an absolute house.
June 25, 2018 6:38 p.m.
NensouHiebara says... #20
If I'm curving out perfectly without being disrupted, then anything is going to kill my opponent.
The more I look at History of Benalia, the more I feel like Gideon already provides what it offers.
Isolate is pretty narrow. At best, it's a Sideboard card and this deck doesn't currently have Sideboard.
June 26, 2018 5 p.m.
Hey whatever works for you. All I can say is that in my playtesting so far, History of Benalia is easily one of the most powerful cards in the deck. There's a reason why this card is mythic rare. 1WW for two bodies, 4 power, and one turn of +2/+1 for your knights is absolute bonkers value and perfectly suited for a tribal deck. Also vigilance on the tokens can be surprisingly relevant, especially if they're indestructible or have double strike from Silverblade.
June 26, 2018 5:57 p.m.
Hieroglyphics87 says... #22
needs history as it is really hard to 1 for 1 history. it's an amazing 3 drop, and by the turn it goes off it puts you at a winning position at saga 3.
August 2, 2018 2:16 p.m.
Flooremoji says... #23
I have no suggestions. It seems like you know your deck well. The article on land thinning was interesting. I never liked the idea of fetches for Fatal Push and deck thinning. +1
August 4, 2018 1:05 p.m.
Iamme10000 says... #24
Man, this deck is sleek. +1 from me. I appreciate the rationale and thought put behind each card choice.
I'm with you on History of Benalia for this deck: it doesn't offer the straight up DPS that an aggro deck needs, and it doesn't have the long-game staying power of Gids. When it goes off, it'll be powerful, but here it's more of a win-more card.
On a slightly different note, I think one can have success with a knight deck in Modern. BW Knights can pack distruption, removal, and a bunch of solid threats. I've been messing around with one on here and it runs pretty well against the gauntlet I'm using (though it might just be that I'm bad at other decks.) It plays much more like a midrange deck, though, so it's a whole different ball game.
August 31, 2018 1:47 p.m.
Have you considered Flagstones of Trokair with how much Field of Ruin is going around in the meta?
mcsweeto says... #1
Why are you always being combative and using awkward and frequent italics in a passive aggressive way?
March 22, 2018 3:28 p.m.