Valor & Vanity | Foil Knight Tribal

Modern NensouHiebara

SCORE: 176 | 156 COMMENTS | 53036 VIEWS | IN 68 FOLDERS

NensouHiebara says... #1


This deck doesn't care about Field of Ruin. The only target is Mutavault, and Knight Exemplar makes it a nonissue.


Using Flagstones of Trokair to bank off of Field is weak at best. Only a complete idiot would waste their Field on a land that doesn't do anything to warrant destruction and already replaces itself.

September 27, 2018 5:50 p.m.

Have you considered Flagstones of Trokair tho?

It really seems neat and there's plenty of italicized text to trigger your autism!

September 28, 2018 8:06 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #3


How sad and pathetic your life must be if you have nothing better to do with your time.

September 28, 2018 9:33 a.m.

... says the guy asking for and then rejecting help on a site dedicated to getting feedback on your brews.

Yeah, I'm the one wasting time.

September 28, 2018 10:23 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #5


Creating a gimmick account to harass other users doesn't seem like a productive use of your time.

Get a job.

September 28, 2018 10:54 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #6


I block users that are only interested in provoking hostility, such as yourself.

If the best thing you can do with your spare time is to create gimmick accounts devoted solely for harassment towards a single user, you must be a terribly boring and lonely individual.

September 28, 2018 2:08 p.m.

Rolo1990 says... #7

Given the high ammount of double mana symbols in knight creatures I've found in a similar deck to this one that Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx works quite nicely.

September 28, 2018 3:01 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #8


This deck isn't build for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. It doesn't have a use for the extra mana nor do I want to add cards for it. And if I have enough permanents for sufficient devotion, then I'm in already in a good position without Nykthos-fueled cards.

My manabase is also strained enough from the set of Mutavaults that additional colourless lands will cause major mana problems.

September 28, 2018 4:10 p.m.

DragonKing90 says... #9

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx isnt a colorless land as long as your devotion is at least 3. and you don't need high mana cost cards to benefit from it. you could just as easily play multiple lower cost spells in a single turn. or pump the Student of Warfare you love so much. as others have pointed out, History of Benalia is too powerful to not use. you also contradict yourself when you say that Flagstones of Trokair "does nothing", then say the effect is "miniscule". "miniscule" may not be much, but its more than nothing. decks win by giving themselves every possible advantage, no matter how small. i'm not sure how you think giving everything double strike with Kinsbaile Cavalier is "bad". it can be a game ending haymaker if the opponent isn't just relentlessly killing off all of your creatures. hence where History of Benalia comes in. multiple bodies from a single card, and then on the turn it buffs your whole army you drop a Cavalier for the win.

September 28, 2018 4:50 p.m.

DragonKing90 says... #10

"being cheaper isn't enough of an edge to be considered over an objectively more powerful card".

yes it is. even a single mana can make the difference. the difference is even bigger when comparing 2 mana to 4. its literally double. in the case of gideon vs Honor of the Pure, you're forced to use gideons +1 first if you want it to live when you create the emblem. otherwise you've just spent 4 mana on an emblem you could have spent 2 on. there are 2 problems with using gideons +1 on his first turn in play. the first is he doesn't have haste. the second is that he can just be attacked, preventing you from even getting an emblem at all.

September 28, 2018 5:08 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #11


There is a real cost when it comes to colourless lands. You can only have so many before you start running into mana problems. This deck demands White sources as its first two land drops every single game. Opening hands that do not meed this demand are unkeepable. More colourless lands won't do my -costed creatures any favours and will lead to more frequent mulligans. The set of Mutavaults is this deck's hard limit of colourless sources.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is inherently win-more. It's only going to be beneficial when you have a board set up and aren't experiencing disruption. If the best it can do is level up Student of Warfare or allow me to needlessly burn through my hand, I can perfectly live without it.


History of Benalia has been growing on me in the past several weeks. Dominaria offered a much needed boost for Knight Tribal, and I shouldn't ignore this boon.

I'm planning on dropping the curve in this deck a bit for space. Eight 4cmc cards are no longer necessary.


Modern has a plethora of quality removal options. Opponents relentlessly killing off all of my creatures is a reality I must accept.

The major problem I have with Kinsbaile Cavalier is its 2/2 body. A 4cmc "game-ending haymaker" shouldn't fold so easily to commonly used burn effects. Valiant Knight is a better 4cmc option than Cavalier. It doesn't give double strike right away, but it has the Lord boost and a more resilient body.


I say Flagstones of Trokair 'does nothing' because it has no tangible utility. Its selling point involves being removed from the field, which most decks can't do outside its own interaction with the Legend Rule. More often than not, said ability is pulling off a very poor Fetchland impression.

Flagstones doesn't offer anything relevant for this deck, so it's never going to be a part of it.


Gideon, Ally of Zendikar is the choice between an Anthem, an endless legion of Knights, or an indestructible 5/5. Honor of the Pure is only ever an Anthem. He may cost twice as much, but that mana is well spent considering his flexibility and raw strength.

Honor of the Pure's smaller cost doesn't really help, as there's never an ideal time to cast it:

  • Turn 2) If I have a Student of Warfare on board, it's leveled to Lv2. Otherwise, a 2cmc Knight is cast. Leveling up Student is better than casting Honor of the Pure. A 3/3 with first strike beats out a vanilla 2/2. Casting Honor of the Pure instead of a 2cmc Knight prevents me from attacking next turn.
  • Turn 3) Aside from a Turn 1 Student, this is the earliest this deck can begin attacking. My options now include a Knight Lord or History of Benalia. Playing a Knight Lord is an additional body to develop my board presence and may be giving Student/the 2cmc Knight indestructible. History of Benalia begins setting up a power play on Turn 5. I'm also experimenting with Sigiled Paladin, a creature that boosts the lone attacker on this turn while leaving mana open.
  • Turn 4) At this point, I'll have two available attackers. This would be the first turn I would consider casting Honor of the Pure, except Gideon is now active to either drop his Emblem or stonewall my opponent with Knight tokens. Another Knight Lord or activating Mutavault to conserve resources are also options.

Of course, if my opponents have interaction to disrupt this curve, Honor of the Pure becomes a much weaker play with my board kept small. Gideon can still function in games with heavy attrition, repopulating my board and clocking my opponent by himself.

Gideon, along with the influx of new Knight support this year, has antiquated Honor of the Pure. Any conceivable way to add it into this deck would be an objectively wrong decision.

September 30, 2018 12:42 a.m.

DragonKing90 says... #12

you keep using the word "objectively", but i dont think you know what it means. using Honor of the Pure is not "objectively" wrong. there are plenty of "conceivable" ways to make it work.

September 30, 2018 1:09 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #13


Why should I use Honor of the Pure? Please elaborate, because all I see it a suboptimal card:

There's no place for traditional Anthems in this deck anymore. More powerful, synergistic options have been created, and they improve this deck far better than Honor of the Pure.

September 30, 2018 10:24 a.m.

Edzew says... #14

NensouHiebara says... #56 Why should I use Honor of the Pure? Please elaborate, because all I see it a suboptimal card:

It's doesn't have a body like the Knight Lords.
It's not a value champion like Gideon.  
It's less impactful than History of Benalia.
It's can't even buff every creature.

But you could have two Honor of the Pure for the price of one gideon, also they are a bit harder to get rid of

Honor of the Pure are also cheaper than history of benalia, they last longer as well. now they don't give you lil tokens but your deck should not rely on tokens anyways so...

Why the hell do you even have mutavault??? your deck should not need it at all, its a total waist in this deck. and that's also a lame excuse for not wanting to use Honor of the Pure

@DragonKing90 dont worry he refuses all feedback unless its overflowing him with praises. i just wish i knew how to make it stop sending me notices when people reply in here on this deck.

p.s. flyers will still beat this deck

September 30, 2018 10:57 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #15


Honor of the Pure's lower cost isn't a huge upside. With how this deck curves out, Knight Lords and Gideon are active options by the time my board is prepared for an Anthem effect.

Enchantments may be difficult to remove, but Emblems are outright impossible to be rid of.


This deck doesn't rely on tokens, but it does require creatures to defeat my opponent. History of Benalia strains 1-for-1 removal, and the +2/+1 boost outputs a lot of damage that some decks can't handle properly, even for that one turn, and are set back tremendously by it.


Mutavault is not a waste, it's a worthwhile addition that synergies with the entire deck:

  • It an additional creature within a land slot.
  • It benefits from Tribal boons.
  • It's immune to sorcery-speed sweepers, remaining on the field to keep up the pressure.

Honor of the Pure's inability to boost Mutavault isn't the most important problem I have with it, but it's not insignificant. An Anthem not boosting absolutely everything is something that will matter in a nonzero amount of games.


I still fail to see how creatures with evasion automatically defeat this deck's strategy. Care to elaborate? Or are you only interested in venting your frustration?

September 30, 2018 2:11 p.m.

Dreamweav3r says... #16

Didn't read all of your above discussions, but from playing it in standard you must add History of Benalia, and Benalish Marshal is probably better than Silverblade Paladin.

October 1, 2018 4:02 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #17


Definitely going to add History of Benalia. I initially turned down the idea of using it and unfairly compared it to Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. I've since changed my mind. It's a great addition for a Tribe that really needed the boost in quality cards.

Silverblade Paladin's days were numbered since Benalish Marshal was revealed in the Dominaria set leak. It's cost is a little awkward, but nothing major.

October 1, 2018 9:35 p.m.

2017qx22 says... #18

Hi! Since the release of History of Benalia I'd wanted to craft a good Knight deck, and you reignited my hopes! My meta has Blue Moon and Obliterator decks, so I replaced Meadowgrain with White Knight and utilized Knight of the Holy Nimbus and Mana Tithe to disrupt turns 1-3, also kicked out 3 Vaults and all tapped lands. I prefer Citadel Siege to a 4-drop lord. All said, Knights did well against many Modern strategies, even outracing burn. Keep up with the great work!

November 4, 2018 5:19 a.m.

Dango says... #19

Knight of the White Orchid seems like more of a value card than Sigiled Paladin as it allows you to ramp a bit on the same 2/2 body with first strike. I only suggest it considering that I don't see you attacking alone enough aside from a turn one Student of Warfare into a turn two Sigiled Paladin to fire of an exalted trigger. I know you mentioned you settled for Sigiled in the description, and that you think White Orchid loses its purpose due to the lack of emphasis on playing 4-drops, but I believe it is rather important to ensure you play your 3-drops. White Orchid allows you to comfortably be on the draw with a two land hand knowing that you'll still hit that needed third land. Just something to consider thinking over again, but it's ultimately up to you.

Other than that, you might want to consider picking up Aether Vials. I swear by these things being an avid merfolk player for years, and also some humans as well. They are just too good and help with the tempo of every match.

November 29, 2018 4:02 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #20


Due to the 'more land than you' restriction, the earliest Knight of the White Orchid can trigger on is Turn 3 on the draw. On the play, I'd have to miss my third land drop for a trigger on Turn 4. The ramp is very slow and not casting my 2cmc Knight on curve played horribly.

Finally having the opportunity to replace Orchid was a net gain. I don't miss it one bit.


I wonder why Aether Vial work so well in Merfolk and Humans. Perhaps it's because Merfolk have a plethora of Lords and ETB triggers at 2cmc? Perhaps it's because Humans is an all-creature deck with a critical mass of disruption attached to bodies? Does Knights have access to that? No. They don't. Not even close.

I absolutely don't care about Vial. Flashing in French vanilla 2/2s on Turn 3 or Lords on Turn 4 isn't something I find useful.

November 29, 2018 7:37 p.m.

Love the list. More so, I love the detailed analysis and chronology of deck choices. I haven't played the deck so I don't know jack squattery about it for sure, but, the only thing that gave me pause... I find it hard to believe that the best 4-drop outside of Gideon that a knight-tribal deck has access to is Valiant Knight. I mean the card is basically a very mediocre lord stapled to an even more mediocre mana sink. This deck could probably use a mana sink late game, I can see that, but it's hard to believe it's the best 4 drop white card available to you in modern. Or is it more a flavor choice? Some food for thought that still fits flavor: Light From Within. I know, I know, maybe its a win-more type of card, but imagine dropping a Light From Within on the battlefield turn 5 and having now a 6/6 benalish marshal, a 5/5 meadowgrain, and a disgusting 8/8 gideon while holding up a path to exile...

Also, the sheer amount of white mana symbols made me think of one other four drop in white... Heliod! Yes, he seems to be more into making clerics than knights (flavor issue), but this is one of the few decks I have seen that could easily support a Heliod. He gives everything vigilance, which is great with a bunch of beefy first strikers, and he is a 5/6 indestructible threat himself with a better mana sink on him than Valiant Knight has I bet. Also, I do feel your pain on the banishing light, is that really the best removal option available? Tempo them with oust, perhaps? After all, it rhymes with joust, am I right?!

I just liked the deck enough to throw out some ideas.

June 28, 2019 5:57 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #22


Valiant Knight is in the deck mainly because there's nothing else worth using. I'm not really interested in another 4-drop and intend to replace Valiant Knight with a cheaper Knight when it's printed.


With 10 Lords, History of Benalia, and Gideon, traditional Anthems aren't necessary. I dislike traditional Anthems in this deck anyway, as they take opportunities away from putting bodies into play and aren't good draws if I face heavy removal and need to rebuild.

Light from Within only affects creatures with mana costs, so it doesn't curve well off of History and can't boost Mutavault

July 1, 2019 3:49 p.m.

Melodystuck says... #23

Maybe Kwende, Pride of Femeref might be a card to consider? I still love the deck either way lol.

July 2, 2019 4:21 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #24


Kwende has the same problem as Kinsbaile Cavalier: a 4cmc creature with low P/T.

July 2, 2019 7:17 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #25


Light from Within is unable to boost Mutavault and tokens. Curving into it from a Turn 3 History of Benalia wouldn't be very effective.

Regardless, this deck doesn't need more 4cmc cards. Gideon, Ally of Zendikar provides everything this deck needs out of a curve-topper. Trying to find room for another 4cmc card that only accomplishes a fraction of what he does isn't going to work out.

August 8, 2019 11:14 p.m.

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