This is the fastest competitive Aggro-Midrange deck out there. This build can fire off blistering Turn 3 kill-combos against unsuspecting decks, or can grind endlessly for attrition-based wins, and this versatility makes this deck the strongest Neo Bloo variant out there at the moment*.
*Edit: it's quite possible that h0lydiva's new Bloo 3.1 build usurps this title though. Further testing will be required for comparison.
Bloo Shadow can be just as fast as traditional Bloo when it needs to be, but it can also play a midrange-control strategy postboard with disruption, removal, countermagic, and both virtual and direct card advantage.
It has honestly been really surprising seeing how well this deck can grind. Initially, I wouldn't have suspected that Death's Shadow would be such a good fit for the Bloo shell, but after playing it in half a dozen competitive Modern events, I can attest to the fact that DS is an absolute powerhouse here. Targeting Death's Shadow with some combination of Apostle's Blessing, Mutagenic Growth, and Temur Battle Rage can steal games so quickly that it often leaves opponents in a state of disbelief.
Kiln Fiend and Thing in the Ice
still provide early game combo possibilities, but Death's Shadow can hold the board in mid to late game and combos well with many of Bloo's staple cards. There are other builds using the Bloo shell that are viable right now, but none as ruthless as this one.
Claim / Fame is the newest addition to the deck. Early playtests suggested that it is VERY strong in this build. The "Claim" half can return any creature in the build other than Bedlam Reveler to the battlefield for a single , and "Fame" can help line up accelerated finishers in late game with combinations like DS + Fame + Apostle's Blessing to push through as much as 14 unblockable damage on the same turn that you cast the creature. It's also great for additional cast triggers on Kiln Fiend.
For more information about Bloo and its history, Click Here.
Latest Tournament Results Show
7/10/17: Went 5-0 with this list again at a big local Modern tournament:
Bogles: 2-0
Shadow Jund: 2-0
RG Ponza: 2-1
12-Whack Goblins: 2-1
Gifts Storm: 2-0
7/28/17: Went 3-1 at FNM. Would have been 4-0, but I misplayed against Esper Shadow:
BW Smallpox: 2-0
Esper Shadow: 1-2
Merfolk: 2-1
Tezzerator: 2-0