
This shell is based on the Neoform Combo, which is widely known as a creature cheat deck.

My intention is to use it to cast Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant.

(Bonus points if I can keep with the Dinosaur theme)

Neoform Combo

The intention is to follow events like so:


Dependent on how one chooses to play, I've seen a variety of card choices, some now outdated.

  • For example, Simian Spirit Guide at one point was a cast member. I believe this is because you would use the mana alongside the Chancellor in order to generate , and then cast Manamorphose into the Neoform chain.

  • Most of the build variance comes from personal choices for your deck count, I.e.; counterspells, creature preference, etc.

  • A lot of the One-Of inclusions I see for a list like this have things that counteract against other concepts; things like Endurance to prevent being milled out at instant speed, and Laboratory Maniac for the "oops" where you accidentally draw over your library.

  • I could imagine a spot for Birgi, God of Storytelling   if you were so inclined to stick with the Manamorphose angle, but that seems very Tier 2, even for this kind of a deck.

  • I think this concept is best described as a Combo deck at best, and unfortunately a Glass Cannon at worst.

Ghalta best Dino

  • This deck will be an ode to her Majesty, the ever beautiful Ghalta. Dinosaurs are wicked awesome cool and were gonna use them in our deck and we're gonna kick ass and look sick AND-

So yeah dinosaurs, man.

The Right Time

  • The reason I haven't built a deck of this capacity yet is due to the fact that I didn't have a reason, or variant that I felt attached to. Truthfully, I had drafted something similar prior to this involving Thrasta, Tempest's Roar but the scale didn't align with what I wanted to accomplish.

  • Now that Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant has been printed, I have plenty of reason to not only make that the focal point°° of our build, but to include other flavorful, impactful dinosaurs that create a nasty boardstate.

°°(because it's mana value is , and that's Neoform's magic number in this shell).

In order to have this deck function as it should, we need the core pieces of the combo:

Aside from the aforementioned staples of the deck, I'll be detailing other slots of the list to explain how I intend to pilot the build.


Updates Add

  • Deck reached Modern Creature Cheat Rank #1
  • Deck reached 100% competitive ranking as of (2/23/24)



97% Competitive

Revision 2 See all

(1 year ago)

+2 Apostle's Blessing side
+2 Dismember side
+1 Endurance side
+2 Force of Vigor side
+1 Laboratory Maniac side
+1 Melira, Sylvok Outcast side
+3 Noxious Revival side
+1 Subtlety side
+2 Surgical Extraction side
Top Ranked
Date added 1 year
Last updated 2 weeks
Exclude colors WBR
Splash colors UG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 4 Mythic Rares

39 - 3 Rares

7 - 6 Uncommons

2 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 5.15
Tokens Dinosaur X/X G, Vampire 1/1 W
Folders Fun Stuff
Ignored suggestions
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