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Never ending exile U/B fun time



This deck was made off of a bundle of cards I bought and a couple that I threw in. Most of the time it made my friends rage quit 100% of the time. It works on trying to keep the board clear of threats and their library dwindling. The card list should explain itself with plenty of removal and exile to boot. The main idea as stated is to keep you in full board control as well as milling down the opponents deck in the process. The real mvps of this deck have been king macar and agent of the fates. King macar combos excellently with spring leaf drum forcing a tap and setting up an exile without and attack and adding a mana to boot. This combo can be increased by throwing in a triton tactics to get an instant untap exiling for 1 mana and again supplying you with another mana thanks to the gold token generation. As for agent of the fates a mizzium skin or triton drop are just as effective as each other for a one drop sacrifice or if you have multiple agents on the field even more sacrifice. This works great for board control and is a major threat to many opponents. Both of these abilities and others such as tormented heroes life steal and nightveil specters exile are further helped by strionic resonator. Doubling if not tripling an abilitys proc is fantastic. If you've got enough gold tokens out the rain of exile/sacrifice just keeps coming and makes your opponent very salty. Jace has a close place in my heart salt generation as he is and almighty douche. A 5 drop for a 10 mill. I find it worth it even if you don't get a second shot at it. Master of waves is a risky play but if you have a couple of nightveils out he plays out well and really pays off if there is a strionic on the board. All in all, I love this deck and I'm open for suggestions on what to change and for what lands too add as I'm just running base lands as of present.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.16
Tokens Elemental 1/0 U, Gold
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