
This is my idea for the direction to take the old amulet bloom deck to maintain viability. Constructive advice is welcome Needs a lot of testing and iteration as this is a deck with a lot of choices regarding lands.

Primeval Titan: same as original deck

Reality Smasher: additional beater, due to slower nature hivemind is too inconsistent for mainboard, forces two for ones.

Matter Reshaper: essentially explore on a body.

Crumbling Vestige: comparable to bouncelands, esentially come in untapped if you have something to play even without amulet

The Lands:Originally this deck used bouncelands, amulet, and summer bloom to gain a lot of temporary mana and push out and early titan or hivemind. Without the consistancy of getting cards like hivemind early the combo works less well as it is more easily countered or even just payed for. Instead the bouncelands in this deck are mainly to reuse the abilities of other lands.

Cavern of Souls: Uncounterable Creatures, primarily titans, if another colorless source is had then you can even use it on eldrazi

Crumbling Vestige: Essentially bounce lands without bouncing. with no amulets produce mana anyway which means they can be good to fetch off titan.

Gemstone Mine: Color Fixing

Ghost Quarter: For getting rid of pesky lands the opponent has or getting a green source if opp casts blood moon

Khalni Garden: Mainly for Lili.

Lumbering Falls: For the removal heavy matchup (may change after testing, on trial)

Mana Confluence: Color Fixing

Mortuary Mire: Can get back titans, is a black source for Slaughter Pact, can enable long game

Radiant Fountain: Gain life against burn

Slayer's Stronghold: Both Haste and Vigilance means it can be used on titans to get mroe lands or to leave a big creature as a blocker

Sunhome, fortress of the Legion: 8 Trample creatures to give doublestrike

Tendo, Ice Bridge: Color fixing and enables eldrazi

Tolraria West: Gets pact, which gets titan, which gets another tolraria West

Vesuva: copy utility lands.


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1 - 2 The deck fought valiantly but two of my oppoents were running mainboard Aven Mindcensor and one of them was running tech edges and ghost quarters as well. The third deck got crushed do to still being slower then titan even after pathing the first two.

Changes: Mainboard: - 1 Confluence, -1 Bridge +1 forest +1 waste Reasoning. Looking at what others where playing there were a lot of decks playing cards like path to exile and a few running blood moon.This change is to facilitate winning those matchup without making path a free exiling effect. Pending further testing to determine if the manabase can support it

Sideboard: -1 khalani Graden, +1 Bog There were no people playing lilis and I still have reshapers to protect my titans from her. Therefor I decided this was an unneeded card from the original deck. Bog allows for hate against graveyard relient decks of which there were quite a few.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 3 years
Splash colors WR

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

25 - 9 Rares

10 - 3 Uncommons

16 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.24
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C
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