Modern Mill

Modern SimicMystic6969


wallisface says... #1

Some thoughts that you can take or leave:

  • Fraying Sanity is a card that can only really be justified as a 1-of at-best. Drawing a second copy will almost always lose you the game as you’ll never get time to play it, and mill games can easily be lost by one useless draw.

  • Running 4x Jace, the Perfected Mind seems excessive. 2-3 feels like the most a deck can justify before its high mana cost impedes deck functionality.

  • I get what you’re aiming for with Scheming Symmetry, but it’s far more gimmick-than-useful. The fact this card puts you down 1 card in-hand means its almost always hurting you more than helping you - it might help with one strong turn, but the card disadvantage will ruin your ability to close-out games. Imo just run the full playset of Field of Ruin and aim for more ”individually strong” cards.

  • imo your mainboard feels lacking in quantity of both interaction (Fatal Push, Surgical Extraction) and mill-spells (Tasha's Hideous Laughter). I think Fraying Sanity, Scheming Symmetry, and Trapmaker's Snare are all taking up a lot of space in your deck, and taking away your ability to compete.

October 24, 2023 11:50 a.m.

Thanks for the feedback !! I have yet to test this. I played a scheming symmetry build a few months ago but it felt really top-decky after, I agree the individual strong cards are probably better. I don't love Tasha's given meta, and my local store, I see some ppl just siding it for amulet and low cmc decks. I like what you say about 2 copies of freying sanity, it feels slower looking at it but I am trying to see if some of these other cards have any place in the deck. The original idea was like: "how can I pull off 4 Archive traps in one turn lol", will make considerations; thank you.

October 24, 2023 3:28 p.m.

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