New Format Idea: Shelf

Modern bananamaniaman

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wolfging says... #4

How's about just calling it Shelf format (as in, the previous standard decks you had to put on your shelf because they cycled out)? It is simple, one syllable, and not centered around a pun. Hahah. But seriously, I like the idea. Modern is a splendid format, but there are just OBVIOUS better cards than others in it, so adding some more limitations will help keep it interesting instead of every deck that runs white having four Path to Exile's in it. I think there might have to be some banned blocks though, cause there are definitely some older ones with totally broken mechanics (I am looking at you Urza's block) compared to new ones. So maybe say that they have to be modern legal set's?

April 10, 2015 6:33 p.m.

bananamaniaman says... #5

Yeah, only modern legal sets was my intention.

I also like this idea because older players will be able to reminisce on old standards, while newer players will become familiar with older cards.

How do you guys feel about the sideboard deal. I feel that with extremely different standard decks, a sideboard of cards that follow regular modern rules would be necessary to make games against very different decks realistic, but if someone chooses a standard that has a ton of modern staples like the Ravnica/Inistrad standard, by the second game they could sideboard in all the rest of the modern staples for that deck, and have a descent modern deck by game 2 when it should play like standard. What do you guys think about the sideboards?

April 10, 2015 9:11 p.m.

bananamaniaman says... #7

yeah, that is what i was worried about. I think Onslaught/Mirroden standard would not be legal to use.

April 11, 2015 9:32 a.m.

AwesomeName says... #8

Will there be a banned list? Maybe certain cards could be banned, but only in certain standards.

April 11, 2015 9:39 a.m.

This sounds like a lot of fun. A banned/restricted list would probably need to be created over time to balance the format but it would definitely be interesting. As a name suggestion how about Modern Rotato block constructed.

April 11, 2015 9:59 a.m.

The list of suggested names:

Ratation modern, Sub-standard, block head, Modern cycle, mototcycle BiBlock, shelf, Modern Ratato Block Constructed (or M.R.B.C for short)

ninjakai: There will probably be a banned list. I'm thinking for starters I will just throw every card banned in standard when it was in standard on the list. If anyone can pull up a list of cards like that it would be fantastic. After that, we might get more technical with the bannings.

April 11, 2015 10:15 a.m.

OtakulordAndrew: did you mean Modern Rotation Block Constructed? That would make more sense.

April 11, 2015 10:18 a.m.

The following cards are banned in Block Constructed Tournaments: Intangible Virtue (Innistrad-Avacyn Restored block)Lingering Souls (Innistrad-Avacyn Restored block)AEther Vial (Mirrodin block) Ancient Den (Mirrodin block) Arcbound Ravager (Mirrodin block) Darksteel Citadel (Mirrodin block) Disciple of the Vault (Mirrodin block) Great Furnace (Mirrodin block)Seat of the Synod (Mirrodin block) Tree of Tales (Mirrodin block) Vault of Whispers (Mirrodin block) Skullclamp (Mirrodin block) Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero (Masques block)Rishadan Port (Masques block)Gaea's Cradle (Urza block)Memory Jar (Urza block)Serra's Sanctum (Urza block)Time Spiral (Urza block)Tolarian Academy (Urza block)Voltaic Key (Urza block)Windfall (Urza block)Cursed Scroll (Tempest block)Squandered Resources (Mirage block)Amulet of Quoz (Ice Age Block)Thawing Glaciers (Ice Age block)Zuran Orb (Ice Age block)

This is a list of cards are banned for block construsted format by WOC but quite a few of these cards where legal in there respective blocks in standard. In terms of cards that I remember being banned in standard there was the following.

Stoneforge MysticJace, the Mind Sculptor

April 11, 2015 10:28 a.m.

Rotato is a reference to the parody series Friday nights produced by loading ready run you can find the episodes on the official Magic: The Gathering youtube channel. In the parody series they referred to the cards rotating out of standard as their rotatos.

April 11, 2015 10:32 a.m.

OtakulordAndrew- Yeah, I've seen a couple of their episodes. Alright, rotato it is then!

April 11, 2015 11:18 a.m.

JexInfinite says... #15

It's a terrible idea because standard is an always changing format, including power level. Mono black devotion would absolutely crush some other standard periods.

April 11, 2015 11:45 a.m.

JexInfinite: I don't expect every single standard to be equal. This format will have competitive decks and casual decks like anything else.

April 11, 2015 noon

Here is a full list of every mtg cards that has been banned during standard and what block set it was banned in as some of these cards where reprinted in sets where they where not banned. Feel free to ignore everything before eighth edition as it would not be modern legal, I just included it for a complete list of standard bans.

Amulet of Quoz ice age

Ancient Den mirrodin

Arcbound Ravager mirrodin

Balance 4th edition

Black Vise 4th edition

Channel 4th edition

Darksteel Citadel mirrodin

Disciple of the Vault mirrodin

Dream Halls tempest

Earthcraft tempest

Fluctuator tempest

Great Furnace mirrodin

Ivory Tower 4th edition

Jace, the Mind Sculptor zendikar

Jeweled Bird arabian nights and chronicles

Land Tax 4th edition

Lotus Petal tempest

Memory Jar urza

Mind Over Matter rath

Mind Twist 4th edition

Rebirth 4th edition

Recurring Nightmare tempest

Seat of the Synod mirrodin

Skullclamp mirrodin

Stoneforge Mystic zendikar

Strip Mine 4th edition

Tempest Efreet 4th edition

Time Spiral urza

Timmerian Fiends homelands

Tolarian Academy urza

Tree of Tales mirrodin

Windfall urza

Vault of Whispers mirrodin

Zuran Orb ice age

April 11, 2015 12:05 p.m.

Wow OtakulordAndrew. Thank u so much. This looks like a perfect starting place for this formats banned list.

April 11, 2015 12:07 p.m.

If you would like I can take some time later this afternoon to do some theory crafting on what the meta game for the format would look like by going back through the mtg top 8 standard tournament records from eighth edition up and compare the deck's present to the current modern meta and how the standard decks would hold up in games against each other to get a rough idea of what the dominant and effective deck arch types of this format would be.

April 11, 2015 12:33 p.m.

Dude, that would awesome. Thank u so much.

April 11, 2015 1:58 p.m.

jandrobard says... #21

This sounds like a fun experiment. My only thoughts worth mentioning is that faeries sounds top tier.

April 11, 2015 4:24 p.m.

Anyone care to make a deck?

April 11, 2015 4:38 p.m.

seanobiwan928 says... #23

Fairies will be busted

April 11, 2015 6:12 p.m.

jandrobard says... #24

Faeries will be strong. Does anyone remember the kuldotha red standard deck (overshadowed by cawblade when it was around, but it was still boss)? That would be busted too.

April 11, 2015 6:20 p.m.

seanobiwan928 says... #25

Do the cards have to legal in modern aka dread return / jace mindsculpter

April 11, 2015 6:41 p.m.

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