Newt on my witch you don't Gary!
SCORE: 49 | 84 COMMENTS | 9865 VIEWS | IN 19 FOLDERS Top 8: 10/19
fatality292 says... #2
Magnvs Nvs also suits for an early game blocker and flying defense, as without that I'll be stuck with only Desecration Demon for flying defense...
November 20, 2013 6:32 a.m.
Ok, that makes sense. But do try it out for all means :)
November 20, 2013 1:26 p.m.
Cool deck :) i would love to play against you with my LANDBLASTER5000 +1 from me :)
December 18, 2013 6:04 a.m.
fatality292 says... #5
Thanks REAPERl put this deck on 30! Haha that deck looks awesome fun and interesting to play against,
December 18, 2013 7:59 a.m.
Huge fan of this deck. I saw the deck a while ago when it only had a score of like 1 or 2. While ago I made a copy of your deck and then did some alterations and have been playing it in standard. If you wouldn't mind checkin out my version of the deck we could share some Ideas about how to tweak the deck. The deck is called "newt you to death"Great Job with your deck
December 19, 2013 8:04 p.m.
i like your deck a lot ill give you the +1, i dont even know what to suggest to make it any better. I have a similar deck using a lot of the same cards but with Volatile Rig as my main card. could you take a look when you get a chance? Kamikaze COMBO Immortal Orzhov Rig!! NO BRAKES!!
December 20, 2013 5:54 a.m.
If you would be willing to fit Angelic Accord in there, Solemn Offering would be a ridiculous sideboard card
December 23, 2013 8:19 p.m.
Jrjersey01 says... #11
Great deck. Would High Priest of Penance be good for nightveil? It can be good with gift of immortality, and it could be a wall for Aggro.
December 28, 2013 7:36 a.m.
fatality292 says... #12
Jrjersey01 - I genuinely couldn't take Nightveil Specter out of this deck - I have no other dependable flying blocker, especially if Cloudfin Raptor drops T1 and has evolved I end up losing a big chunk of life... Desecration Demon does fly, but usually it spends the whole game tapped out just keeping creatures in check...
I do like High Priest of Penance but when I played it in other decks opponents playing heavy agro didn't mind losing 1 creature because they had another 4 to play next turn lol
December 28, 2013 9:50 a.m.
Tomazinhal says... #14
I thought about building a deck based on the witch once, never actually got to do it. Looks like so much fun! And it also did great on game day, well done! +1 for theme and title ;)
January 13, 2014 6:54 a.m.
How did you get the blue mana to play Archaeomancer ? Maybe I'm missing something. If you wanna play stuff with Nightveil Specter a few Scry lands would be fun but I don't think it would be worth it. I'm sorry if I missed something completly obvious.
January 25, 2014 6:29 a.m.
If you exile a land with the specter, you are allowed to play that land, so thats how he got blue mana
January 25, 2014 7:17 a.m.
fatality292 says... #19
notan88 Kossie >>> I used to have Chromatic lantern in my deck to produce any colour mana for fun lol
January 25, 2014 10:15 a.m.
nashbridges52 says... #20
I used to run a bogbrew witch deck and I really like Orzhov Charm for the removal and the ability to buyback any newts I use.
February 10, 2014 1:07 p.m.
fatality292 says... #22
Well... you take the phrase "not on my watch you don't"Reconsider it as it has a Bogbrew Witch and a Festering Newt in it... then the deck utilises Gary (Gray Merchant of Asphodel ) and make alterations according you come out with..."Newt on my witch you don't gary" ...
February 10, 2014 4:37 p.m.
When you gain life from your Asphodel and Bubbling Cauldron and anything lifelink try getting a Sanguine Bond out there. It has 2 devo. and works great in multiplayer. Yesturday I played a Gray Merchant of Asphodel against 2 opponents with 8 devotion and when resolved I gained 16 life and each opponent lost 24 life.
February 20, 2014 12:12 p.m.
fatality292 says... #25
I do have Sanguine Bond - but - I don't think it has a place in this deck. Two or Three reasons. First - Cost - Its got a big mana cost and it requires other stuff to make it work. This is for one v one standard so it needs to be quick.Second - I run Vizkopa Guildmage and I can just activate it's ability to the same affect.Third - my old deck run Sanguine Bond and Exquisite Blood and I wanted to do something different :)
Thanks for the suggestion though zombie41 :)
Magnvs says... #1
Even though Nightveil Specter is without a doubt a fun and good card, I wouldn't suggest it for this deck. Instead, try Lifebane Zombie . He's a stealthy attacker that won't be blocked, pretty much like an extra burn card. Plus his effect is almost always a 1 for 2, he delivers you card advantage against most decks. Totally worth it I say!+1!
November 20, 2013 5:59 a.m.