Newt on my witch you don't Gary!

Standard* fatality292

SCORE: 49 | 84 COMMENTS | 9864 VIEWS | IN 19 FOLDERS Top 8: 10/19

Glad someone is continuing the Newt. I ran a deck with BW Humans as a a shell pre Theros, but this list is the best I have seen yet. On the topic of rotatio, You don't want to have Herald imo because he doesn't have any particularly good matchups.

I would much rather see something along the lines of Erebos, God of the Dead which not only can become a creature quite easily, but converts your unneeded excess life into card advantage. As for the other 4 slots (I only recommend 2 Erebos) I feel like those 4 slots could be used to provide some more removal, and a whip and an Angelic Accord . Accord is a huge boon in the control matchup, and with your already strong lifegain sources is sure to go off more times than not.

Finally, Doom Blade is simply not as good as Ultimate Price right now. Not only does it hit most of the threats in devotion decks but it also hits most of the threats in a lot of the popular decks. I also recommend finding space for Orzhov Charm . It can hit your Newts again as well as provide removal. I am not sure what would be taken out but it really is a great card.

February 21, 2014 12:33 p.m.

fatality292 says... #2

Thanks for the compliment OutspokenFerret - also nice tag, my gaming tag is FatalFerret haha :)

Herald of Torment is primarily in there as it is the best black flier that we will have as it stands post rotation, nothing more frustrating than getting prodded over and over by fliers, but I do see that it isn't amazing...

I do think post rotation I'll have to spot some more white in and at that point Angelic Accord might work its way in, at the moment I'm quite happy with my mana curve, so without dropping the witch or demon I'd have to do a lot of fiddling.

I do see your point given the high dominance of black currently, but, my local meta holds a lot of ravnica stuff and thus monocoloured creatures don't pop up all that often, so Doom Blade starts and then is swapped for Dark Betrayal against black or other removal in my sideboard. I do now have a platset of Hero's Downfall so I might make it 4x HD and 2x DB. I'll do some testing with ultimate price if i've got some laying around though :).

I'd love to include Orzhov Charm I just can't bring myself to remove anything for it right now, especially as it'd involve a lot of manipulation to bring in something that'll rotate out, trying to work away from that end.

Sorry if I seem a bit anti-suggestions! I will definitely test out Ultimate Price and Erebos, God of the Dead although I unfortunately only have 1 Erebos right now...

February 21, 2014 1:16 p.m.

SobbingAcorn says... #3

I'm not sure if M14 is still standard or not, I personally don't play much of it, but if it is Elixir of Immortality could get you back sacrificed newts, slain witches, or shattered cauldrons. That may be useful. I'd probably put it in the sideboard instead of the two Dark Betrayal . Just my two cents, and nice deck btw, it's pretty fun to play with in the playtesting.

February 24, 2014 4:46 p.m.

fatality292 says... #4

Thanks SobbingAcorn

February 24, 2014 5:53 p.m.

isrealcaldera says... #5

If put in the accord would you consider putting in Blood Baron of Vizkopa or does that mess with your mana curve?

February 27, 2014 1:36 a.m.

isrealcaldera says... #6

Also you can look into a combination with Xathrid Necromancer considering Bogbrew Witch and Vizkopa Guildmage

February 27, 2014 1:39 a.m.

fatality292 says... #7

isrealcaldera - I think i'd want to make a completely human deck to utilize Xathrid Necromancer properly and Blood Baron of Vizkopa is in the RTR block and quite expensive, trying to avoid putting any more value cards from that block in. thank you though ;)

February 27, 2014 4:58 a.m.

DarinBrony says... #8

March 7, 2014 5:34 p.m.

fatality292 says... #9

DarinBrony that's the plan... Also funny if you put it in gray merchant

March 8, 2014 5:42 a.m.

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