

Artifact (3)

The inspiration for this deck came from my EDH/Commander deck which runs and acts as a "second hand" for the player. The deck focuses on milling yourself and getting your huge creatures and win conditions into the graveyard before cheating them into play with the use of Unburial Rites. As if to add insult to injury, the creatures also have ETB and LTB effects which are perfectly spammable with Restoration Angel's flash. Lingering Souls is added to design as a cheap spawn engine for chump blockers while you stablize the play.

You'll notice the deck adds speed by utilizing a lot of mana ramp, acceleration, and shocks. To offset this loss of life, a couple of the creatures run ETB lifegain effects such as Thragtusk and Griselbrand. Centaur's Healer is added as a baby thragtusk and is designed to be hardcasted when life is needed.

Revision 2:

2x Farseek, 2x Craterhoof Behemoth. 3x Lingering Souls, 2x Centaur Healer , 1x Gavony Township all removed from the mainboard. Deck currently updated to its current version.


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Welcome to Friday Night shenanigans. Team Nyan Cat is on scene.
Tonight's Featured Sideboard: 3x Abrupt Decay, 2x Deathrite Shaman, 2x Loxodon Smiter, 2x Sever the Bloodline, 2x Sin Collector, 2x Obzedat, Ghost Council, 1x Acidic Slime, 1x Thragtusk

Top 4. Ended the night in 3rd place with 2 wins and 1 loss. (2-1, 2-0, and 1-2 respectively).

was a wash. Mulliganed twice down to 5 cards in the opening hand. It was a risky hand with more 3 lands and 2 ramp creatures. It wasnt enough apparently. He had a perfect hand. Delver of Secrets  Flip was dropped on turn 1. Ended up flipping. Anything I was able to play ended up being countered so I died.

was risky. Opponent ended up dropping Tormod's Crypt. I considered baiting it but decided not to do so and just play midrange by hardcasting it. Luck was on my side. He had 2 delver up but was unable to get them to flip. He just kept poking me with Judge's Familiar. The longer the game runs, the harder it is for him to win and the more win conditions I have even if I had to hardcast. Ended up hardcasting Angel of Serenity, uncounterable thanks to Cavern of Souls

Opponent mulliganed himself down to 4. No delver. Sideboarded in Loxodon Smiter. I hard casted one and ended up getting one into play for free thanks to opponent’s mill. After that, Acidic Slime was hard casted and took one of his two lands. Slime was bounced with Restoration Angel to claim his last land. It ended up being a standard issue beat down.

Opponent ended up mulling down to 6. He kept a hand with 2 lands. Both lands were summarily blown up with Acidic Slime and the Resto Angel bounce. I drew well and didn’t really use Unburial Rites at all. Ended up hard casting for the win.

This was the interesting game. The board momentum had to have shifted 4 or 5 times as we exchanged thragtusks, restoration angels, and thragtusks. The focus on my end was to keep bouncing acidic slime to blow out his lands while using Garruk Relentless  Flip as a deathtouch token factory. Without any removal for the planeswalker, the game ended quickly.

The opponent had no plays and was flooded. Things were progressing well until he top decked Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker at 7 life remaining. He cleared my board and just kept destroying my lands. I wasn’t going to scoop. If he wanted to win without a “win condition” I was going to make him work for it. He ended up having to ult with Nicol three times for the win.

Sideboarded in Loxodon Smiter, Abrupt Decay, and Sin Collector. Opponent declined to sideboard at all but managed to throw Grafdigger's Cage up on the second turn (which is very curious…). This ended up hurting him more than it hurt me because he could no longer flashback Counterflux and Think Twice. Moreover, he could not fetch is Counterflux back from the graveyard with Mystic Retrieval. His own precaution against Reanimator ended up becoming my own win condition. After baiting out all four of his Counterflux, by attempting to play Acidic Slime against the Cage, there was some hard casted face stomping.

Mulliganed down to four. Bad hand. Bad draws for a very long time. All lands, no creatures. He was able to stabilize and countered everything I happened to top deck down. Eventually he was able to mill me down to death using Nephalia Drownyard and Jace, the Asshole (Jace, Memory Adept)

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

26 - 12 Rares

9 - 3 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.50
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Human 2/2 G, Wolf 1/1 B, Wolf 2/2 G
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