So after I posted my spider deck I thought I'd take a dive into insect creatures, when I noticed
Hornet Queen
... I guess I'm doing subsubtype tribe deck now. I went through all the cards to see what resemble anything close to flying stingers and tried to make a deck out of it. I was trying to give this deck more style points than efficency, so everything should have something to do with the flying critters (e.g. flowers, sun, forest, etc...).
Black also has some interesting creature cards for this setup (
Foundry Hornet
Jagwasp Swarm
Wasp of the Bitter End
Lethal Sting
Death of a Thousand Stings
), but they did not fit into the grand sceme, so once again it's a mono colored deck.
The Hive
Hornet Cannon
are just not cost efficient enough to put them into the deck,... but they are both really flavourful, so maybe I'll try to squeeze them in somehow later.
To the Cardchoices:
- Should be enough to get everything into play, Vernal Bloom and Nature's Lore help our plans
- You don't want to see more than one in play cause of the card costs and pumping ability
Xantid Swarm
- ...It's a bee...right? Wonderful, much needed one drop which grants you freedom in casting whatever you want during your turn.
Hornet Nest
- Awesome little defender, in most cases the least you can expect is a 0/2 defender and 2 flying deathtouh tokens, this can also get abused.
Killer Bees
& 4x
Unyaro Bees
- These are our main guys in the deck, green flying shades that benefit from ramping. This helps you to either:
a) Convert your mana into damage, flying helps to get it through to the player
b) pump up a stinger and sacrifice it for
Life's Legacy
to gain insane draw
c) invest mana and let the pit fight with either an opponent OR even better, target
Hornet Nest
. This gains you a bunch of flying deathtouch insects.
Xantid Swarm
attack beforehand gives you the security of doing all this without any disruption.
Giant Dustwasp
- It's either our 2-drop which takes a while or comes buzzing in right away with 5, nothing special needed something to fill this spot. It also the strongest plain stinger in the deck when looking at p/t.
Hornet Queen
- We should get the mana needed relatively quick and the produced tokens are going to do some damage either way. One is enough since a nest only has one queen.
: If combined with Xantid Swarm this should give the opponent headaches trying to get rid of your creatures. Since it's not desperately needed and you don't want to see more in play one should be enough.
Blanchwood Armor
: We play alot of forest and ramp, we like high p/t for shenanigens... in the deck you go!
Vernal Bloom
: Doubles up the mana output which makes the shade-bees just ridiculous.
Greater Good
: A permanent
Life's Legacy
which is easy to use with the pump spells, only 1x since we can draw into it with Life's Legacy.
Instants & Sorceries:
Hornet Sting
- Creature removal and token producer as well as direct damage
Life's Legacy
- As mentioned before, this can gain you immense amount of card netgain if done right. Attack with xantid and pump-bee, see if it survives, pump the bee for damage into the face, sac it for this and get cards.
Pit Fight
- Creature removal and token producer, doesn't fit as much as the other cards into the "foresty vibe", but let's just say the nest has a pit inside or afront of it... I tried...
Nature's Lore
- Untapped mana ramp, fills the 2 Mana spot and thins out the deck... perfect.
Woodland Guidance
: This can reactivate a combo and with a little luck give you double the mana while doing it!
The deck needs a while to take off (badam tsh), but if you get setup on the board it's hard to get the bees off of you, a well timed pumping effect can change the game.
The Maybe-board consist of cards that either fit into the deck machanic-wise, or they would be things bees would encounter in wildlife. Maybe one or another card will still find its way into the deck,
Primal Bellow
I'm looking at you!
Thx for reading,