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Nicky B and his Pro-Life Posse

Commander / EDH Superfriends UBR (Grixis)



"Your Dragon-God has returned."

And he brought some friends :D

Main gameplan

  1. Ramp

  2. Proliferation engine

  3. Planeswalkers / control

  4. Proliferate

  5. Ultimate

  6. Reck 'em

Bolas's Pro-Life Superfriends is my first attempt at:

  • grixis

  • proliferation

  • planeswalkers in edh

Initially i thought of going Bolas Tribal (hence the commander) because i got a japanese prerelease promo of Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God while on holiday in Tokyo, which i really wanted to build something with. Piece by piece i adjusted the list to be a little more synergistic instead of a theme-deck until it looked like the list below. Very little Bolas left, but probably something that can sometimes hold its own. Still very casual, but I think fun for a while. I think it should work but i haven't played a game yet.

Any feedback and tales from experience from my fellow T/Oers is much appreciated.


Proliferers (In order of impact)



  • Narset, Parter of Veils gets me deeper into my deck and hinders others, likely to die on sight

  • Ashiok, Dream Render disables tutors for others, is graveyard hate. If her abilities don’t matter she’s pretty unimpressive, could be cut

  • Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast defends us, kills threats and can win the game with his ult by copying some dumb stuff. A bomb for 3cmc

  • Saheeli, Sublime Artificer defends us, can make temp copies of our more powerful non-pw permanents and doesn’t hinder others too much. Seems innocuous, but can build up a wall to protect our walkers if left alone for too long


  • Chandra, Torch of Defiance ramp, removal, cards and a great ult

  • Daretti, Scrap Savant helps dig into the deck and can get back our more important artifacts

  • Jace, Architect of Thought helps on defense a bit, can get us some cards, but is mostly here for his ultimate: stealing oppo’s wincons and fetching one from our own deck. If we drop this + Deepglow Skate in the same turn we should be able to win.

  • Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentor is just a bit of a nuissance. Making blockers and making our walkers and creatures harder to target and looting all contribute towards my endgame

  • Ral Zarek untaps key permanents to either ramp, proliferate or do somethjng else multiple times, bolts a key creature in the early game and can help us win through additional turns as ult

  • Teferi, Master of Time looting and protection at instant speed are great, but it’s got a big target on its head due to being able to activate every turn. Hopefully I get to ult it some day


6 CMC +

Card advantage

The real card advantage is in activating the walkers multiple times


Mostly for flavor

Infinite turns

Magistrate's Scepter with enough proliferation (e.g. Contagion Engine with either Lithoform Engine or Mirage Mirror )

Infinite everything!

Stage 1: infinite walker activations

  1. The Chain Veil (to do what it does)

  2. Tezzeret the Seeker (To untap the veil and a mana artifact)

  3. Produce 4 mana through ramp or pws: either Chandra, Torch of Defiance (+1 for 2 mana) + Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God (copying chandra’s ramp ability) or Chandra, Torch of Defiance + artifact that taps for 2 or artifact that taps for 4

This exactly gives us infinite PW activations (including ultimates) for any walkers not required in the loop.

Stage 2: Infinite mana + artifact usage

If part 3 has either any mana artifact, a 3 mana producing artifact or a 5 mana producing artifact respectively in the different scenarios this also gives infinite mana.

Infinite mana in turn gets us infinite non-veil artifact untaps: Because we don’t need all our mana for the veil we can store at least 1 per cycle and untap a non-ramp artifact at least once every 5 turns. What we do with infinite mana? Who cares :D

What if we only have chandra and tezzeret though? Well infinite mana also gives us infinite chandra ultimates because we don’t need her for her mana ability every cycle, which allows us to -7 every few cycles.

The next spell we cast can dome our opponents for [insert big number] * 5.

Stage 3: infinite everything

If the untaps can be used for Lithoform Engine or Magistrate's Scepter we really got there. The scepter gives us the turns immediately. In the case of the engine you can find a spot to copy the chain veil ability (they stack). This gives tezzeret a cycle off of untapping veil to fetch the scepter with his -X.

Because yeah, we needed that ;)

Possible cuts:


Strong Considerations:

  • Sorin Markov : Drains slowly, can help table take care of archnemesis, resets the lifegain deck, has evil ult. Especially the -3 here is just “fun”

  • Will Kenrith / Rowan Kenrith : will is the real powerhouse here, but playing either to tutor for the other might be good enough to include rowan too

Other Options:

  • Nevinyrral's Disk : destroys a lot of our own (ramp, most notably) but is a great, cheap, instant way to prot. my walkers, the play-pattern just isn't fun though

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94% Casual


Revision 36 See all

(3 years ago)

-1 Island main
+1 Polluted Delta main
Top Ranked
Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

21 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.70
Tokens Construct 1/1 C Token w/ Defender, Copy Clone, Dragon 4/4 R, Elemental 3/1 R, Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Emblem Teferi, Temporal Archmage, Emblem Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor, Servo 1/1 C, Thrull 0/1 B, Wizard 2/2 U, Zombie 2/2 B
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