Night Terrors

Vintage TragicMagicAddict


Syinide says... #1

How about Blood Seeker ? It can be pretty helpful in FFA games. If you splash white, Suture Priest does a very good job.

Vampire wise, i'd look into bloodlord of vasgoth. He's terrifyingly good.

December 16, 2011 2:28 a.m.

Ritz_PBoD says... #2

Interesting deck. Free for all eh? Well I would suggest cutting it down to 60 cards and getting rid of the creatures that aren't vampires. I would focus on the smaller vampires Blood Seeker , Pulse Tracker , Gatekeeper of Malakir , etc. Eldrazi Monument in decks like this is INSANE because if you have a bunch of little guys then you can just get in with your INVINCIBLE guys!

Instead of Dead Weight I'd get my hands on some Lightning Bolt s or something.

card:Yawgmoth's Edict seems REALLY specific and I would prefer it taken out for something more general (ie non-white specific). I don't really like Disentomb because it's just a weaker card:Yawgmoth's Will.

Have you considered a one of Blood Tribute or Sorin Markov ? They really go with the flavor of Vampires.

+1 for being vampire fun times!

December 16, 2011 4:24 a.m.

I like your suggestions Ritz, I definitely want more pulse trackers in, and I don't like dead weight that much either so I'll throw it out (I just have like 10 of these cards already haha). Disentomb is out, and added another Blood Seeker and seriously considering Eldrazi Monument (the only problem is that it would change my entire playstyle). I cut out my goblins and added another Tormented Soul . Should I get rid of Korlash, Heir to Blackblade and Mephidross Vampire ? Are there vampiric alternatives for a mana-based regenerator, and Mephidross can abuse stat gains with [Blade of the Bloodchief]] but he could possibly be replaced with another Rakish Heir .

December 16, 2011 12:42 p.m.

Question: Does card:Black Sun's Zenith affect my own creatures as well as my enemies, or just my opponents?

Does Blood Seeker and Pulse Tracker stack? Will my opponents lose 2 life if 2 blood seekers are out on the field?

Also are there any black spells that can counter instants or sorcery? I can't seem to find any. Thanks for all the good help so far!

December 16, 2011 12:58 p.m.

icekillaxx says... #5

Theres alot in this deck that you dont need at all. Or there cards in there that should be side boarded...

December 16, 2011 1:03 p.m.

Hence why I'm asking for help in trimming this down, instead of vague answers that aren't constructive at all...I did move some cards to the sideboard though, since they'd only help against my friend's W/G control deck

December 16, 2011 1:59 p.m.

Also, would I keep the counters on a creature that has been using Blade of the Bloodchief , if I remove it and equip it to someone else. Or would I lose the benefit of using it?

December 16, 2011 3:46 p.m.

notinuse says... #8

If you're going to run Blood Tribute , you should add Sanguine Bond . The combo is pretty awesome.

I'm not sure why you have Tormented Soul in there unless you're trying to trigger bloodthirst. A better card to trigger that would be Goblin Fireslinger . In the case of using BT vamps, you might consider Bloodlord of Vaasgoth since the bloodthirst counters stack (i.e. first bloodthirsted Lord is a 6/6 and gives your next Lord and additional bloodthirst 3, making it a 9/9).

Vampire Nighthawk is an amazing card and I'm bummed it isn't still Standard or else it would be in my own vamp deck. On the other hand, Pulse Tracker and Blood Seeker are not great even if there are multiple on the field.

Curse of Stalked Prey works well with the counters from bloodthirst and cushion the slith-like vampires like Rakish Heir and Stromkirk Noble . Volt Charge is a great card for both types of vamps.

I would drop card:Curse of Death's Hold. It works agains weenie decks, but is really not that powerful as a 5-drop.

Overall, you should trim your creatures down so you have 3-4 of each type. It will make your deck much more consistent.

My deck is Standard, but look here for some ideas an +1 if you like: R/B Vamps

December 20, 2011 4:56 a.m.

notinuse says... #9

P.S. Creatures do lose counters when they go to the graveyard, though the equipment stays on the battlefield and be paid for/equipped to another creature.

December 20, 2011 4:57 a.m.

notinuse says... #10

P.P.S. card:Black Sun's Zenith does put -1 on your creatures as well. Black isn't known for counter spells. That's mostly a blue thing (i.e. Mana Leak , Counterspell , et cetera).

December 20, 2011 5:05 a.m.

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