
Let's start simple; what is the deck? This deck is a mono black vampire deck that utilizes cards that have costing prices of mostly or entirely black to get "more bang for your buck," your buck being mana. Each creature and card has been carefully selected to make sure that not only does it fit in the deck but it also is the best of it's kind at what it does. In this description, we'll go through each card (alphabetically) and its purpose. Let's begin!

The first card on our list is a one of, Bad Moon. Bad Moon is the perfect enchantment for the deck for a couple of reasons. The first reason is the casting cost. Not only is it a mono black card, it is dirt cheap to play and can be played turn one or two. This means that not only does it buff our creatures but it keeps our rhythm going and disrupts our opponent with these "new and improved" creatures. The next reason is its effect. Although because Bad Moon reads, All black creatures get +1/+1, it means that our opponents creatures (if black) will gain the same bonuses as ours. When facing similar decks or any deck with black creatures, it will be beneficiary to not just our board state. However, it does usually benefit us more than them. That's the majority of the benefits. As previously stated, the cons of the card include buffing their creatures. Another reason it's only a one of is for sheer damage purposes. Although it'll make our creatures larger, if we had more Bad Moon's, it would lower the chance to draw our other creatures.
Blade of the Bloodchief is just a must. to play and just another to equip is ridiculous. With removal in the form of instants, creatures (Gatekeeper of Malakir) (Vampire Hexmage), planeswalkers (Liliana of the Veil), and even artifacts (Umezawa's Jitte). The equipped creature gets so large it is a must for them to deal with, and the threat of us simply re-equipping botbc to a new creature if they don't kill the artifact is constantly looming. (I'm saying that because if they destroy the artifact, the creature keeps the +1/+1 counters, and if they destroy the creature, we reequip the botbc on our turn). Every creature in this deck is a vampire, and that in addition to the removal and sacrificing we have, (Viscera Seer), is just so strong.
Can you spell value? B-l-o-o-d-g-h-a-s-t. Bloodghast. Here's a fine ol' list of why Bloodghast is so good. -Creature type: Vampire -Casting cost: -Damage/Power: 2 -Recurring: Yes -Game finisher: Yes (Haste) The two possible downsides are the toughness being a bit lack luster, and the inability for the creature to block. But, might I add the fact that the toughness is one, not only does it mean that it will be dying more, it will probably take down its foe with him/her early on in the match. Why would two deaths ever be better than one? Blade of the Bloodchief. And, Bloodghasts death, although not to sound awful doesn't really matter. It doesn't matter if he dies. He'll just come right on back. Another reason his recurring-ness is so good is Viscera Seer. Sacrificing Bloodghast to Viscera Seer when your opponent is below ten health while having land in hand is a free scry, and might also trigger a botbc too. Free scrying and counters, why not? When facing decks that force sacrifices on your side, just sac a Bloodghast, as previosly mentioned, it barely changes the board state when he dies. Easy choice to put four of them in here.
W-O-W. Goodness gracious, in a fast paced aggro deck with no mana ramp, Dark Ritual is the hero of, well, everything. Because this card is so good, I'm just going to point out my two favorite uses of this card. 1. Hands down the first turns you can pull with this thing, Swamp -> Dark Ritual -> Vampire Nighthawk. Thats right, a 2/3 with evasion, deathtouch and lifelink... Turn Uno. Facing a green deck? Perhaps they played Llanowar Elves or a Birds of Paradise, Swamp -> Dark Ritual -> Gatekeeper of Malakir. What I'm to show is just how versatile Dark Ritual is when it's in your opening hand. For that reason, it's an obvious 4 of. My second favorite purpose of Dark Ritual is recasting it from the graveyard using Yawgmoth's Will, such good synergy honestly.
Drana, Liberator of Malakir is in the same position as Champion of Dusk. Fairly new and used more for utility than anything else, she gets our creatures large, and she herself will get very threatening and with first strike poses quite a threat to our opponent. She is of course a Vampire, which ties back to our theme. Another thing to take note of is her cmc, 3. All of the creatures in this deck with cmc less than four are very good turn one moves when we posses a Dark Ritual. Previously, I was running a one of, Captivating Vampire, only for the +1/+1 counters. His second ability was of no use to us because if we ever get out five vampires, its usually game and we don't want to idle around. Drana, Liberator of Malakir however is of full value when we use her, and for that reason I phased out Captivating Vampire. She is only a one of however because a 2/3 flyer w/ first strike for 3 isn't that amazing. Vampire Nighthawk is a 2/3 with flying, deathtouch, and lifelink. Her second ability, (Whenever Drana, Liberator of Malakir deals combat damage to a player, put a +1/+1 counter on each attacking creature you control,) is very useful to us. It permanently makes our creatures bigger and now each creature is more imposing than ever. One thing I would like to point out, a quite cool little feature in her kit, first strike + her second ability. If she goes unblocked, because of her first strike, she will deal damage first, then all of our creatures get +1/+1, and THEN they do their combat damage. A cool little thing wizards of the coast added.
Gatekeeper of Malakir is so perfect for this deck. We'll start off by stating the obvious, a 2/2 for is pretty dodo. But, pay one more and wabang! A 2/2 that makes them sac something, all in one card, for three mana! And, he's also a viable turn one when facing red aggro or green ramp. Sac-ing cures indestructible, hexproof, indestructible hexproof, it's just amazing. Paired with our removal, we get rid of the none threats and then we throw him in and kills the main threat our instants couldn't get to. Nuff' said, Gatekeeper of Malakir is an auto include and an easy four of.
Geth's Verdict is the best of its kind, instant speed, same remedy Gatekeeper of Malakir offers, (indestructible and hexproof) and even loses them one life. Mono black, fast, and pushes advantage. There's only two in our deck because it's not as precise as "target creature" removal and and wouldn't be as useful if we carried a set. That being said, very strong card and works perfect in the deck.
Another one of removal spells, Go for the Throat is a great card. For only , it works wonders against none-artifact decks. Of course that's the only problem with it, artifacts. For that reason and that reason alone really, we only run two.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Vintage legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 2 Mythic Rares

9 - 7 Rares

13 - 6 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.17
Folders Vampires
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