Peppersmoke & Mirrors

Modern tacolover25


Kringo says... #1

Very well thaught out and put together. Personally im a huge fan of Scion of Oona though. Is there a reason you don't run that card? Either way, I absolutely love faeries and you did a fantastic job designing this deck. Out of curiosity though do you actually own every card listed? If so that's quite impressive to have a $2500 deck O.o as amazing as faerie decks are I would rather go buy a car lol. All jokes aside you got my +1 :)

December 19, 2015 3:02 a.m.

tacolover25 says... #2

Thank you very much. The reason Scion of Oona did not make the cut is because I don't play enough faeries to make the most of the anthem + shroud effect. Do get me wrong, I would love to include the card, but it's just to fragile and janky in Modern with creatures constantly dying. The spot for Scion of Oona is currently being tested by Oona's Blackguard and Oona's Prowler. Do you have any other suggestions for the deck? If so leave a comment below.

P.S I do actually own the deck but it has taken a long time to acquire the cards. It didn't happen overnight.

December 19, 2015 3:34 a.m.

JonnyIV says... #3

Nice deck tacolover25 +1 from me. I was looking for a way to get into modern and this might just be it, however the price tag is quite high, is there a way to make this budget? as you said in the previous post it didn't happen overnight so would an earlier iteration of the deck have been cheaper?

Other than that why aren't you running Cabal Therapy if it's in your colours. Also, though I assume it's already been considered, would Gitaxian Probe have a spot in the deck, maybe even just the budget version?

December 20, 2015 3:09 p.m.

tacolover25 says... #4

Johnny! Thanks for your comment. There is a way to play faeries that is budget. Have you heard of Ninja Faeries? There's a guy on tapped out (Think his profile name is Korlus) that plays ninja faeries and it's a lot of fun. If you still want to play U/B faeries like this deck though, it's going to be relatively expensive. Sure you could play more basic lands. Replace Vendilion Clique with Pestermite, and a variety of other things, but the deck just won't be as good.

Cabal Therapy is not modern legal unfortunately. I would run it as a two of otherwise. Gitaxian Probe is great, but I would rather be protecting my Bitterblossom by stripping a card from my opponents hand on turn one with Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek.

December 21, 2015 12:36 a.m.

tacolover25 says... #5

I think it goes without saying that you'll also get the non-promo cards as well. That will take off quite a chunk of the price tag. You could also run Sleep over Cryptic Command and some of the Mutavault's could be replaced by Faerie Conclave. Let me know if you want more suggestions though.

December 21, 2015 2:36 a.m.

JonnyIV says... #6

Thanks tacolover that's a big help. I'll take a look at Ninja Faeries and decide which route to take from there.

December 21, 2015 2:45 p.m.

tacolover25 says... #7

No problem. Good luck with whichever deck you choose! :D

December 21, 2015 3:26 p.m.

Loyalty says... #8

Firstly I'd like to let you know that I'm jealous and wish I could afford a deck like this. Secondly would you ever consider Liliana of the Veil? It's just damn near impossible to figure out what I would remove for her.

December 22, 2015 4:03 a.m.

tacolover25 says... #9

Loyalty, I am not a huge fan of Liliana of the Veil, however I could see why you might want to add her. If you do decide that you want to add her to this deck, I would take out the two Oona's Blackguard's for two of her. She performs a similar attrition function of the deck.

I'm sorry that this deck is out of your price range, but if it makes you feel any better it took me a long time to acquire the cards required.

December 22, 2015 4:27 a.m.

veeonix says... #10

Bitterblossom protecting Lily often just wins games.

The age old philosophy of "Faeries must be U/B and run Snapcaster Mage and Cryptic Command" is bad for the deck's development. It also ensures bad matchups against many common Metagame decks. This tradition should be thrown in the trash. Keeping the deck 2 colors weakens it. Straining your mana base to forcefully play Cryptic leads to mana issues in the early game, demands that you run a worse mana base too begin with, and makes you soft to Bloodmoon. Also, U/B can't actually deal witth Bloodmon.

April 5, 2016 2:24 a.m.

tacolover25 says... #11

veeonix. . . you are not incorrect in suggesting that Faeries should throw away Snapcaster Mage. I plan on returning to the tempo version (with Scion of Oona) very soon now that AV has been unbanned. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.

April 5, 2016 2:30 a.m.

veeonix says... #12

I tossed Snapcasters and Cryptics out ages ago. Kolaghans Command is simply a better card. Discard/Kill creature + buyback on Spellstutter Sprite is back breaking. Bolts give you a much better aggro matchup. This is my current build. Im running Grixis.

Sultai offers Decay, Golgari Charm and Maelstrom Pulse. Esper offers Path, Stony Silence and Disenchant. Not to mention Verdict/Revelation if you want to go that route.

Each three color set has something to offer. each have better matchups against Different things. Aggro/Affinity/Tron? Run Grixis. Midrang and control? Go Sultai. If you face a lot of burn or boggles, or rogue builds, Esper is good. The dimir build basically sucks against all non combo decks. It has slight advantage against control and big advantage over combo. But that's because by nature, Faeries are a control deck. The aggro build isn't bad (Scions) But then you lose to better aggro, and nolonger have advantage against combo.

The Dimir build loses to just about everything. Especially aggro, burn and Tron. I wouldnt willing run straight Dimir.

April 5, 2016 3:01 a.m.

BotaNickill says... #13

I really like this build! Nice work. I'm working on a similar list currently as well. All the new faerie cards inspired me, and I finally obtained three copies of Bitterblossom. I was trying to decide how much life loss I would be dealing myself between Polluted Delta, Watery Grave Thoughtseize and Bitterblossom. Do you ever feel you have a need for lifegain somehow?

October 11, 2023 8:52 p.m.

tacolover25 says... #14

BolaNickill, sorry for the late response. I don't get on much. I'm happy to hear that the Faerie tribe has inspired you.

As a matter of fact, I do frequently feel as though I need extra life, but only against hyper aggressive decks. Even with the 3 copies of Collective Brutality, it feels as though I'm walking a razers edge at times.

January 12, 2024 4:22 a.m.

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