

Nightsky Aggro is a deck built around abusing its namesake card, Nightsky Mimic , with an Extort subtheme.

This deck is packed full with multicolored cards to trigger Nightsky Mimic every turn, so it can start swinging in every turn very early in the game. Whether little lifelinkers like Nip Gwyllion or massive buffs like Edge of the Divinity , every spell will give a huge advantage early on.

The Extort subtheme has two main purposes. The first is to get some reach towards killing the opponent. Those couple of points will add up on the opponent and eventually lead to an earlier win. The second purpose is to buffer your own life total so you can go in full force without as hard of backlash. As an easy way to dump extra mana, Extort puts in hard work for the deck. In removal-heavy matchups, the Extort theme can become the main game plan, making the deck play a long and grindy game.


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4x Chainer's Edict -> 4x Diabolic Edict
I haven't run into a situation where I even come close to casting the flashback on Chainer's Edict. I figure it's more relevant to have an instant speed edict than a "potentially in a super grindy game" reusable one. Also helps drop the price for anyone wanting to try the deck.


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #3 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 5 years
Exclude colors URG

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.97
Tokens Spirit 1/1 WB
Folders Pauper, Pauper, 10_Deckideen von anderen Leuten, Pauper, Interesting Pauper Decks, Pauper to do, 60 card decks, Pauper, Other People's Deck Ideas, Favorites
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