Nihilistic Pulse - MonoBlack sacrifice at its best
OniricPlayground says... #2
thanks buddy, hope you'll enjoy it! Let me know your opinions/ideas!
November 13, 2014 7:55 p.m.
What about the "Gravepact-with-flash" printed in Journey into Nyx, Dictate of Erebos? it's not transmutable with agent, but flash is nice.
November 14, 2014 5:37 a.m.
OniricPlayground says... #4
I tried to insert Dictate of Erebos 1x just to see how it worked. Flash is indeed a nice feature, but to be honest i found myself more comfortable with having a mana cap of 4 (potentially 4th turn Grave Pact rather than 5th can be valuable), plus, flash isn't essential as, if everything works as it should, you don't need to wait for the opponent to kill your creatures or to attack you to be sure to make some serious damage sacrificing some returners or eldrazi tokens ;)
November 14, 2014 7:54 a.m.
OniricPlayground says... #6
thanks buddy, any suggestions?
by the way, anyone has any idea about why it says that Grim Haruspex is not modern legal? seems like a site bug to me, at least i hope so!
November 17, 2014 1:30 p.m.
@OniricPlayground: Khans of Tarkir cards seems to be bugged as now, I hope they fix that soon =)
Here are some suggestions my friend:
Smallpox: Yeah! This cards synergizes so well with the deck, you need so many lands to develop your strategy and you can sac and discard recursive creatures while disrupting your opponent's gameplan =)
Fleshbag Marauder: This guy is not so awesome, but having a body and a kind of removal in one single spell for 3 CMC seems sweet to me. The problem is that Elcetrolyze really disrupt all adventage it can build. It comboes amazingly well with Grave Pact
Liliana of the Veil: Seems like an obvious and pretty expensive choice. If you can afford her, she will be a pretty decent choice. If you can't or doesn't wan't to pay that much $$$ for her, I guess it's ok anyways.
Cry of Contrition: This cards almost translates to "B: Target opponent discards two cards" in this deck. I'm not sure how powerfull or lame it could be in this strategy.
Deathgreeter: Seems like a funny and decent sideboard choice against burn decks.
Quest for the Gravelord: Could be a 5/5 for B without taking so much time.
Blood Artist: Could be so powerfull in this deck, try to make a place for him, please.
Yoke of the Damned: This and Bone Splinters have many similarities and differences, it's all about testing.
Dark Prophecy: could be used in a build much more focused on resolving Gray Merchant of Asphodel, but it has to be tested for sure.
Dross Harvester: can be an interesting sideboard, but I'm not sure.
Mindslicer: You doesn't seems to have problems about playing with the topdeck. I guess your opponent will have a problem with that.
He Who Hungers: Is totally INSANE with Bloodghast and Nether Traitor, but I guess he encourages a more control-ish strategy.
Hope I've been of help =)
November 17, 2014 3:41 p.m.
OniricPlayground says... #8
wow. ok, you just opened a few doors in my head here. i didn't quite think at Smallpox as an option for this deck, but yeah, can't see why it shouldn't be in.. Actually it looks to me like it could totally replace Bone Splinters, it's more effective, and as a solid removal i still can rely on Tragic Slip.
Liliana of the Veil is indeed too much for my pockets at the moment.
I'll skip to what really hit me:
1) Dark Prophecy could replace Grim Haruspex, the pros are: harder to remove, more devotion.. but the cons would be losing a 3/2 meatwall and the damage that can be serious (and i mean Griselbrand serious!). needs some thinking and testing, could be a half suicide.
2) i couldn't even remember the existance of He Who Hungers. He is at Lightning Bolt sight, which isn't nice, but if i have 5 mana to play it and he doesn't get killed, it means i actually can discard my opponent's hand, lands included, which would be rather insane, yeah! I'll immediately insert a few proxies in the deck. Even if it's not a control-ish deck whatsoever, this guy is.. tasty. We'll see if it's going to be seriously useful or just for fun.
About the other guys you mentioned, i had considered them, but i realized that the core of the deck doesn't allow many side-effect cards, so i had to focus on the few ones that i found more universally useful.
You surely helped me a lot, buddy, so thanks, and i'll let you know if it gets better!
November 17, 2014 10:39 p.m.
Has you asked for sideboard proposition in my decklist Is Human Sacrifice legal?, i will first, thank you for your nice comment. So for the sideboard proposition: Leyline of the Void is good against graveyard deck, and it dont ruin your own, its also (mostly) free. Duress or other card with this effect can ruin your opponent plan or just protect yours, expetially against combo deck. Drown in Sorrow destroy litteraly most weenies deck. And Dash Hopes is a black counterspell!!!
November 22, 2014 3:32 p.m.
OniricPlayground says... #10
thanks a lot buddy, Leyline of the Void is a really nice idea, i was having problems in avoiding the exile of my own graveyard!I was thinking already at a strategy based on discard (Duress, Inquisition of Kozilek, Thoughtseize + Extirpate) to avoid combos and stuff like that, yours is a confirm that i was right. Drown in Sorrow is a nice removal but actually kills everything in my own deck, so i's rather choose Bile Blight, which is less efficient but saves my own stuff. Dash Hopes is indeed a black counter, but can be eluded and it probably will be eluded with the life loss... i don't like giving opponents a choice ;)i still need to find answers to cards like Grafdigger's Cage and Relic of Progenitus that can be a real pain for me, i was thinking at Engineered Explosives or Nevinyrral's Disk or maybe Ratchet Bomb. Thanks a lot, i'll update a prototype sideboard soon enough :) cheers buddy!
November 22, 2014 3:55 p.m.
Unfortunatly, modern mono-black doesnt have in-color artifact destruction, but, discard is the best solution indeed, this and Sadistic Sacrament type of cards, but they are mana-hungry (except for Surgical Extraction. Oh and Ratchet Bomb rocks!
November 22, 2014 4:15 p.m.
I think replacing 4 to 6 of the lands with fetches would actually make it THAT much faster and consistent. An Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth couldn't hurt either.
Liliana of the Veil would also be a powerful addition, but Smallpox could replace her in the meantime.
I can see this deck having issues with UR Delver, UWR Control, any turn 1-3 combo deck, Planeswalkers and Hexproof.
I keep wanting to add Green to this for things like Lotleth Troll and Rancor but I think that's just me.
November 25, 2014 9:01 a.m.
OniricPlayground says... #13
yeah, i agree that my 70$ deck might have problems with the world top 1000/1500$ decks.. there are sideboards worth more than my whole deck. i am not putting in fetches and Liliana of the Veil because this was meant to be a cheap and fun deck, and still able to give problems to my friends' proxied "fun" decks (pod, jund, living end..) and it works smoothly!
i tried using Smallpox but i chose to keep in Bone Splinters instead, the lower the CMC, the faster the deck, but that's probably just me :)
November 25, 2014 10:58 a.m.
very nice idea +1 of course. a friend plays a similar deck and he uses Skullclamp too. works great with Grave Pact :)
December 3, 2014 6:49 a.m.
razvaniorga says... #15
What do you think of adding Abyssal Persecutor to the deck? He's a huge, fast clock, and you've got the sac outlets to get rid of him when the opponent's dead.
December 3, 2014 6:54 a.m.
I have to agree with razvaniorga, I think Abyssal Persecutor would be great here
December 3, 2014 12:03 p.m.
OniricPlayground says... #17
thanks for the suggestion, i'm going to test Abyssal Persecutor asap, but i fear the 4 mana cost is going to be a bit mana greedy for my idea of fast deck.. about Skullclamp, sadly it's not modern legal!
I'm getting very positive feedback from Dross Harvester, by the way. for three mana i get a 4/4 protection for white (no Path to Exiles whatsoever!), outside Lightning Bolt range with his 4 toughness, which gives me (+2 life x per death on the battlefield) - [ 4 life at the end of my turn]<---ONLY IF i decide he's gonna stay until the end of turn! + 2 life when i sac him as well! This guy is so bossy.. gotta love Dross Harvester!
December 4, 2014 5:58 a.m.
PlanetEarth says... #18
I love decks like this. Agree with Abyssal Persecutor. Awesome!
December 4, 2014 6:06 a.m.
razvaniorga says... #19
Pawn of Ulamog helps with the cost at least, and Grave Pact is the same cmc; I think it'll be a solid addition! The other cards I wanted to mention are Blood Artist and Mortician Beetle.
Blood Artist I mostly see in B/W token sac decks, but he can be a huge blowout with Viscera Seer on the board! And Mortician Beetle seems self-explanatory, haha.
December 4, 2014 7:14 a.m.
TheGreatLiar says... #21
Not sure what the meta looks like for you locally, but i would definitely put in an answer for Grafdigger's Cage and/or Leyline of the Void. Facing either one makes this deck a lot worse, and cage at least is incredibly common side board graveyard hate.
December 19, 2014 9:30 p.m.
OniricPlayground says... #22
sadly black is the one color that lacks artifact and enchantment disruption, so against all these threats i just sideboard in the cheap one-drop discards i can afford (Duress, Despise, Extirpate) hoping i am faster than my opponent and Ratchet Bomb as last chance. I have to say though that the deck can still make some damage even against grave haters. The best card i could sideboard if i could afford it would be Phyrexian Obliterator.. with three of those my Gray Merchant of Asphodel win would get much more consistent, although it does do its job anyway. obviously it's hard to compete with the top of the meta decks, but keep in mind the worth of the deck is around 60 $ on magiccardmarket, which is nice when you beat a pod deck or a junk ;)
December 19, 2014 9:41 p.m.
OniricPlayground says... #24
Not bad really. It's rarely a dead card, even though it attracts Abrupt Decays and other removals like a magnet, I don't always manage to keep it on the battlefield more than one turn, but that's quite nice anyway, as on that same turn I usually try to kill as much as i can. With a grave pact in play it's easy to gain 10 life in the same turn he comes into play.Another nice feature is that having the -4 life at-the-end-of-the-turn issue, it will more often get killed in my opponents' turn, as they want me to lose 4 life at the end of my turn. I never ended up with less life than the one i had before playing Dross Harvester anyway.
December 23, 2014 8:56 a.m.
SealableZero says... #25
Graveyard removal would be good as a sideboard. Might be a few issues running this up against 8-rack. Other than that. It looks fun!
Much says... #1
This deck is funky and awesome and I wholeheartedly approve. Can't wait to pilot it, looks like a blast!
November 13, 2014 6:21 p.m.