Nihilistic Pulse - MonoBlack sacrifice at its best
APPLE01DOJ says... #2
the whole reason for me making the post and forgot to mention it haha. Mortician Beetle
December 26, 2014 11:57 a.m.
bananamaniaman says... #3
What's working wonders for my undying sacrifice deck is Blasting Station. I haven't play tested it but it looks like a great deck!
December 27, 2014 10:23 p.m.
Hubologist says... #4
Hey there! I loved this deck.
One question: if you would splash in a bit of red, what could you possibly take out, and why / why not.
I was thinking of cards like Mark of Mutiny, Sarkhan the Mad, Terminate and possibly some direct damage with Lightning Bolt.
Also, what about Jinxed Idol?
May 24, 2015 5:01 a.m.
Hey! Im currently working on a sac deck and your deck really helped me a lot! Maybe i can help too: i think Shriekmaw would fit here (at least in the sideboard). A 2 mana removel +sac for Grave Pact
APPLE01DOJ says... #1
I like it! I have a mono black deck all foiled out built around sacrifice.
You could add in a Sword of Light and Shadow (Protect your Returners from eating a Path to Exile
I find 1x Grave Pact to be the right number. U could add in some... Geth's Verdict Tribute to Hunger or Killing Wave
I assume this is budget but Liliana of the Veil would do this deck wonders.
I think I would SB the Dross Harvester in favor of MB Phyrexian Arena ...another alternative could be 2x Vampire Nighthawk. They can gain u quite a bit of life if left unchecked.
December 26, 2014 11:53 a.m.