Nikola Tesla's Artifact Charge Counter Control

Modern Zer0w


twospires says... #1

Playtested this once against They Won't Stay Dead! and twice against BBB Horcruxes. It beat BBB Horcruxes once. After a Chalice of the Void for 2, another for 3, and another for 4, and after 16 turns of Lux Cannon I gave up on that one. Even with a Chalice of the Void on 2, the Immortal Servitude deck won.

I think the real problem is that you can't put any sort of pressure on your opponent. You can stop them from doing a lot, but you can't kill them while you're at it.

January 8, 2014 11:31 a.m.

Zer0w says... #3

After testing it I like it but it still needs work. I might try Titan Forge and more proliferate cards and take out the Quillspike . another thought is Predator Ooze because it generates counters and it will survive a Ratchet Bomb The deck is also a little slow, any ideas on how to speed it up a little?

January 8, 2014 11:40 a.m.

Zer0w says... #4

I agree. When I am testing it is seems like the only way I can win is to stop my opponent to the point where he gives up. I need more/stronger win cons.

I also like the Chalice of the Void it can totally shut some decks down and can be case for 0 and added to later or cast big of the bat.

January 8, 2014 11:44 a.m.

Might I suggest either Contagion Clasp as a cheap proliferator that will really help out you defensively and offensively late game. Also if you are looking for mana ramp instead of devoted druid why not try Everflowing Chalice. It keeps you mono blue and it can potentially mana ramp MUCH more with proliferate effects. Not sure what Gitaxian Probe accomplishes since you aren't really comboing off that fast or anything

January 10, 2014 12:20 p.m.

Zer0w says... #6

Thanks for the advice, I have actually been thinking of taking out the Druids, I have them in not so much for mana ramp (though they do great at that in a bind) but because I can add a -1/-1 counter on them for free and then bounce it around with Power conduit. But I think I will take them out and add a 4th Coretapper (because they are awesome) and a few Surge Node, with all of those charge counters I will never need -1/-1 counters and thy will leave my power conduit open to bounce counter on and off of my Chalice. I might also test Everflowing Chalice. I tried Contagion clasp but think 4 is a lot to spend to proliferate, I'd rather just tap a coretapper and then voltaic key it and tap it again to add counters. Plus late game is already taken care of with just about everything in the deck.Lastly, Gitaxian Prob is in there to both thin the deck and to give me a better idea of how and when to play Chalice of the void.

January 10, 2014 1:42 p.m.

Ok the interaction with Chalice of the Void makes a lot of sense. I think the deck thinning is overstated though. One card doesn't actually make a significant difference when it comes to thinning.

have you thought of Tezzeret, the Seeker?

January 10, 2014 1:51 p.m.

Zer0w says... #8

I haven't really looked at plainswalkers, Tezzeret the Seeker is very strong here he comes out and untaps 2 artifact off the bat and then next turn might end the game, I like it. But, my group that I play with usually plays "Modern Super Budget' decks and a $7.00 card is kinda out of that range. The best deck I have The Best Modern Deck for under $20 "Untouchable" is about $18 and really only looses to Super fast decks like Infect that'll kill you on turn 3. With that said, I like him and I'll toy around with putting him in. Thanks for that suggestion.I also took out fabricate and put in Muddle the Mixture because I almost only ever tutored up a Power Conduit or Ratchet Bomb so I think it fits better. And went mono Blue and took out the Druids and added Surge Node . Havent tested it though. but I like things that have CMC of 1 so when I ratchet bomb for 2 I don't loose a ton of stuff, and Trinket Mage cat pick 'em up.

January 10, 2014 4:31 p.m.

Zer0w says... #9

January 11, 2014 12:51 p.m.

Zer0w says... #10

I saw Storage Matrix and think is fits quite well. Also, since the deck is a bit slow and I can't find a good way to speed it up much more I added the Vedalken Certarch to slow the other player down. they will also play well with the Storage Matrix as I can tap the Storage Matrix before my turn and untap everything. I added Darksteel Citadel because it procs my Vedalken Certarch and I can untap them when an untapped Storage Matrix is on the field.

+2 Storage Matrix

+3 Vedalken Certarch

+4 Darksteel Citadel

-2 Island

-1 Buried Ruin

-1 Mirrodin's Core

-1 Gitaxian Probe

-2 Tumble Magnet

-2 Muddle the Mixture

I'll try it like this.

January 11, 2014 1:10 p.m.

Zer0w says... #11

Storage Matrix is too situational but Howling Mine is great because I can tap it OR I can let you draw cards if I have a chalice or two out, 'cause whatever you draw you cant really cast so "go ahead and draw 2."

January 13, 2014 12:45 p.m.

UpsetYoMama says... #12

What about Energy Chamber Speeds up your stuff and can make more lethal threats as well.

July 31, 2014 1:38 p.m.

Zer0w says... #13

I like the thought, but, it doesn't work with the untapping from the Unwinding Clock and the Voltaic Key like Coretapper does. plus there is a balance between things that need charge counters and things that provide them.

July 31, 2014 4:12 p.m.

bkimpland says... #14

Just checking to make sure that you know you cannot respond to someone casting a spell by putting counters on or taking counters off of Chalice of the Void. Once they declare the spell they are casting, it has already been cast and changing the counters on Chalice will not affect it. :(

November 19, 2014 12:15 p.m.

Zer0w says... #15

I know that... it's sad... but that is why Gitaxian Probe is good. I've actually been thinking of adding a few Telepathys that way I always know how to manipulate the counters on my chalices to keep you from doing anything useful. twospires, HostOfSmallPox, SolelyUbiquitous, what do you guys think about running 2 Telepathys and only 2 Gitaxian Probes?

November 24, 2014 3:14 p.m.

neosapien says... #16

How about Chimeric Mass? You can search for it with trinket mage and it's something you can put charge counters on. Perhaps there are instances where you are putting more charge counters on lux cannon than you can use, with chimeric mass thats not a bad thing

I'm really looking for some input with my blue proliferate deck. Its modern except one card and I very recently changed it from tri to mono color, except for one guy in the deck is still tricolored. any suggestions are welcomed. +1 to ya mate!

December 10, 2014 10 a.m.

Duffzord says... #17

what do you think of Clock of Omens? I think it would be useful for you..

+1 though, very interesting deck idea

December 10, 2014 10:12 a.m.

neosapien says... #18

That would work really well with howling mines. Interesting

December 10, 2014 10:15 a.m.

Zer0w says... #19

Very cleaver suggestions

Clock of Omens works not just with Howling Mine, but there are lots of artifacts that do stuff whether or not they are tapped, so I really like the idea... However, the biggest problem this deck has is that is is not particularly fast, (put it toe to toe with and infect deck or a boggle deck, or really any aggro deck and it just can't keep up) and a 4 drop that only untaps artifacts is not going to help speed the deck up.

I like the idea of Chimeric Mass because it can do so much. Give me counters, take counters to become a good beater, Trinket Mage can call him up if I need him. I just don't know what I'd take out to put it in. Plus I feel like the other things I have are better providers and spenders of charge counters.

What I really need is a way to speed it up.

Thanks a million for looking and +1ing it.

December 10, 2014 9:43 p.m.

neosapien says... #20

Everflowing Chalice is the best way to do it with proliferate. I've been looking for some cool card draw combo and I wonder if I could fit in Clock of Omens and Howling Mine.

December 11, 2014 12:10 a.m.

neosapien says... #21

actually scratch that, you should use that combo somehow

perhaps ill playtest sometime and see how it runs

December 11, 2014 12:23 a.m.

Zer0w says... #22

I wanted to use proliferate but found that many times when I want to proliferate many of my artifacts do not have counters on them so it is not as efficient as I was hoping. I had thought of the Everflowing Chalice maybe I'll give it more thought.

December 11, 2014 9:48 a.m.

neosapien says... #23

Maybe Power Conduit is worth taking out because it doesn't produce a net gain of any counters.

December 11, 2014 12:25 p.m.

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