
Nikya, Eldrazi Summoner

This is my deck for a casual Nikya of the Old Ways , ramp deck for EDH. It's about as simple a deck as it comes, get Nikya out as fast as possible, then just drop threats until someone stops you. It's pretty easy to to have access to 12 mana by turn 5 if you've hit your land drops and just one of the ramp creatures. This spilt means the cards are arranged as pre-Nikya, your 1-4 drops that help ramp to her, and post-Nikya drops, 6+ that you cast after. This gives the deck a really strange mana curve, as 5 and 6 drops aren't really played unless they give an ability we need, as we blow right past them with Nikya's ramp ability.


I wanted the 'threats' for this deck to be eldrazi, originally I was going to use the three new Eldrazi ( Kozilek, the Great Distortion , Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger , Emrakul, the Promised End ), however after playing I removed Emrakulfor not be fun for others. I also prefer the new Eldrazi without annihilator, just because the mechanic is a bit harsh...and new Ulamog is better, and new Kozilek has the awesome redraw and counter ability. This does mean I need to run colourless lands for Kozilek, the Great Distortion , so going with the old Eldrazi will mean an easier manabase.

I also run both Genesis Wave and Primal Surge so that Primal Surge isn't just an instant library dump, for causal games I want the chance it doesn't go off completely. Just drop the Genesis Wave if you want Primal Surge to be an instant win if not countered.


The aim is to ramp out Nikya by turn 4, then drop a massive threat turn 5 when you should have 10 or 12 mana. This generally means an Eldrazi if you've managed to search one up with Fierce Empath or Fauna Shaman , or if you've naturally drawn into one. Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger is good if you're worried about removal or need some removal, Kozilek, the Great Distortion is good for refilling your hand if you're empty. Generally once you have one of the main threats out, Nikya will no longer be the target and it'll only be a boardwipe that takes her out.

The deck's main weakness is someone removing Nikya, and unfortunately there is not much you can do to stop that, most of your protection, Archetype of Endurance , Soul of New Phyrexia requires Nikya out already to be cast. Temur Sabertooth is a good cheap way to bounce her to hand instead of the commandzone if you can wait until you have an extra land spare.


Since we are trying to keep Primal Surge as a win con, all our ramp has to be creature or artifact based, and any artifacts need to have CMC less than 5, else they can't be played after Nikya comes out. I only have Sol Ring and Gruul Signet , which if you open with can mean a turn 2 Nikya, but I find that more expensive rocks start interfering with our creature ramp which happens between 3-4 mana. Just remember once Nikya is out, any rocks you draw will be dead cards, while the creatures can still trigger other effects and thin your library.

Creature Ramp

For Nikya we generally want creatures that can fetch a land, like Sakura-Tribe Elder , or can untap lands, like Voyaging Satyr . Your normal elves like Elvish Mystic just don't generate the same mana late game. Dawntreader Elk , Diligent Farmhand and Yavimaya Granger are: put nonbasic into play tapped. It's expensive compared to Rampant Growth , Cultivate and Kodama's Reach , but sometimes you've got to play things like that.

Shaman of Forgotten Ways and Somberwald Sage are another choice, though they can't help you cast Primal Surge or Genesis Wave, so I've excluded them from my deck. Some other untap land creatures could be Blossom Dryad or one of the many options, but I feel most of these are too expensive.

Then we have Courser of Kruphix or Oracle of Mul Daya to potentially get some land off the top, but I'm only playing Courser of Kruphix since it's quite easy to skip over mana with this deck and then she's a bit useless. Bloodbraid Elf is also basically ramp in this deck, as almost everything under 4CMC is our ramp creatures, with just a few exceptions.

And lastly is Magus of the Candelabra , which doesn't ramp until after Nikya is out, but allows use to tap out, untap everything for half of what we created, and tap out again, turning our potential into . Regal Behemoth also fits in here, as it and Nikya will allow us to tap our land for 3 mana each as long as we can stay as Monach. We also have Growing Rites of Itlimoc   which can help us find a big threat when played, and later can produce a ton of mana, especially with one of our land untappers.

Card Draw

This is where the lack of instant and sorceries really hurts the deck, as it can limit our card draw. With green creatures, we are relying on effects that draw a card when a creature is cast or enters.

Obviously Beast Whisperer is the all-star here, it can be played pre-Nikya and triggers for every creature we cast. Elemental Bond also sneaks in there, as it can be played early and hits most of our creatures. Post Nikya we've got Kozilek, the Great Distortion and Lifeblood Hydra for some draw and Primordial Sage and Soul of the Harvest for additional creature cast triggers.

Some notable alternatives could be Garruk, Primal Hunter , Abzan Beastmaster , Garruk's Packleader , Regal Force , Lifecrafter's Bestiary and Heartwood Storyteller .


Again, lack of instants and sorceries really hurts our removal options. Luckily we are in green, so we have plenty of enchantment and artifact removal on creatures, however creature removal is mostly limited to fighting.

Acidic Slime is an all-round champ for getting rid of whatever is a problem, and Caustic Caterpillar , Reclamation Sage and Thrashing Brontodon can help out for artefacts and enchantments. Bane of Progress is our wiping option for when we have multiple artifact/enchantment threats. Temur Sabertooth can also be used with these creatures to recur them and remove multiple threats. We also have Terastodon for clearing up troublesome lands or planewalkers.

Otherwise we have the classic Steel Hellkite , a must run for any deck with mana to burn, and Scavenging Ooze to deal with pesky graveyard decks. Graveyard interaction is quite limited in this deck, so if your group has a lot of it, a Loaming Shaman would be useful here.

We then have Ulvenwald Tracker and Gruul Ragebeast to provide some targeted fight effects, and since our creatures will tend to be huge, these fights should go in our favour. Polukranos, World Eater is good once made monstrous, and can clear a large number of creatures if Nikya is out to generate the mana. Archetype of Endurance can help remove hexproof, or you could run an Arcane Lighthouse or Detection Tower .

Lastly we have the nuclear deterrent, Bearer of the Heavens . This is definitely a cut-able card, but will just clear the entire board if things have gotten out of hand, requiring everyone to rebuild. Not for every deck, but combo's well with Soul of New Phyrexia .


Playing Nikya, you have a massive advantage over your opponents, all your cards are creatures, so your can punish players that want to cast non-creature spells. Nullstone Gargoyle is very powerful and can lock some decks down until removed (currently out until I get one), and Thorn of Amethyst will slow everyone else down. Void Winnower is another good choice as it can outright prevent opponents from casting answers to your threats. Ruric Thar, the Unbowed will also slow down your opponents, as he can deal some serious damage if not dealt with quickly.

Another powerful option is Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger , but I've left him out just because in my mind, he just makes the entire game way too complicated with remembering what was tapped on what turns.

Archetype of Endurance is a useful creature for preventing directed removal, and Soul of New Phyrexia can be used to survive boardwipes and destroy effects. Stonehoof Chieftain will also protect our creatures when attacking. Another option would be to run Spearbreaker Behemoth , however it can only save our big stuff, though Nikya is included in that.

Worth mentioning is Yeva, Nature's Herald , which adds flash to our entire deck, allowing us to respond to threats on other player's turn. This could include dropping a Archetype of Endurance or Soul of New Phyrexia to blank their removal.

Unfortunately, this deck will always be weak to a good boardwipe and lacks recursion if that does happen. A good inclusion is Genesis , in the case you get wiped and lose your biggest threats.


So we have a bunch of big threats to drop, but how can we get them into our hand. Fauna Shaman is quite good to replace a mana dork with a threat once we've hit Nikya, and Fierce Empath can fetch any of our big stuff. Woodland Bellower is expensive, but can fetch Fierce Empath , which in turn can get our bigger threat immediately, he also provides a decent body. Otherwise we've got Growing Rites of Itlimoc   which will let us dig down a bit when cast.

One major addition would be Duskwatch Recruiter   which allows you to dig quite a bit into your library with enough mana. I've left him out, but you might want to include.

That's it for tutors though, but your deck is mostly threats anyway, so you should have drawn into at least one by the time Nikya is out.


In order to support Kozilek, the Great Distortion , we need to run a bunch of colourless sources, however thanks to Nikya, only one will be needed when casting, so it's not hard to meet the requirement. Ash Barrens and Blasted Landscape are good and can be cycled away if not needed and Darksteel Citadel is included as it is hard to remove. Shrine of the Forsaken Gods is included for flavour, and High Market and Reliquary Tower provide other ability along with colourless mana. We also run a single Wastes that can be fetched by our ramp creatures or with Evolving Wilds or Terramorphic Expanse . Eldrazi Temple is another flavourful option for this deck.

Otherwise it's just general Gruul lands, Stomping Ground , Sheltered Thicket and Cinder Glade can be fetched by Wood Elves and Yavimaya Dryad , and several taplands with upside. Command Tower is included of course, as it always goes in an EDH deck.


So how does this deck win? Well it has a few ways.

Primal Surge / Genesis Wave

Casting either of these cards will most likely dump a pile of high powered creatures onto the field. With creatures like Khenra Charioteer and Ogre Battledriver , and Rhythm of the Wild , you can easily drop enough to instantly overwhelm one or more opponents. In order to cast them though, we need to tap out and remove Nikya of the Old Ways , for this we have Ulvenwald Tracker , Dark-Dweller Oracle , Horned Kavu , Starved Rusalka , Temur Sabertooth and High Market .

Bearer of the Heavens / Indestructible

By using our sac outlets Dark-Dweller Oracle , Starved Rusalka and High Market , we can kill Bearer of the Heavens, and use Soul of New Phyrexia or Stonehoof Chieftain to give our creatures indestructible. We also have creatures Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger which will survive the wipe. This will destroy everything except our creatures and should end the game as the only player left with any permanents.

Woodfall Primus / Rhythm of the Wild

Using one of our sac outlets, Dark-Dweller Oracle or Starved Rusalka , we can recur Woodfall Primus many times by giving it a +1/+1 counter with Rhythm of the Wild . This then allows use to use all the mana we have from Nikya to take out most of our opponent's noncreature permanents. This one is a bit harder to pull off, mainly because we have to draw Rhythm of the Wild as we have no tutors for it, and we are limited by how much mana we can produce. Still a good way to really set back everyone else, or even take a player out.

Just Big Threats

Lastly this deck can win just by dropping multiple 6+ drops every turn if not interrupted. Nikya is the key piece, but if your opponents only have targeted removal, she will not be the biggest immediate threat. The threats you pick to put into the deck are completely up to you, I went with Eldrazi, but anything big with powerful effects will work just fine.


This is my interpretation of what a Nikya of the Old Ways deck wants to do and it feel quite good to me. It doesn't require much thinking and feels great to drop massive threats on the board. The best part is you can completely remove the Eldrazi theme from this and put in some other big threat and it'll play just as well.

If you have any other suggestions, feel free to post in the comments, I'm open to other ideas.


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94% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.08
Tokens Beast 4/4 RG, Elephant 3-3 G, Emblem Domri, Chaos Bringer, Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Monarch Emblem
Folders EDH, nikya
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