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Nin, The Pain Artist. Pump Tribal Tiny Leader

Commander / EDH* Aggro Combo Competitive Tribal UR (Izzet) Weenie




Nin, The Pain Artist - Pump/Spell Utility Tibal Tiny Leader deck.

The deck aims to:

Field / Search for a pump creature to gain massive value from casting cheap spells.

Cast/Search for an unblock-able spell.

Combo out using pump to deal massive damage.


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Why Burn and not Pump?

I originally included more Pump creature spells. After careful consideration, play testing and watching others play the format - I've realized how strong removal can be in this format. As a result I've tried to include some of the best Removal/Face Burn to give high versatility/Value based on the current board state. This should give me the option to either go for the kill or control the state of the board. Additionally I feel that If the deck only ran X/0 Pump such as Fists of the Anvil that it could become too vulnerable to Boomerang spells. The choice to run mostly burn ensures obtaining good card value and reduces the risk of massive card trades that bounce may cause. I've only included some of the best pump spells.

Mana management?

I felt whilst play testing this deck that some of my original 3 mana spells often felt very clunky. Ultimately all this did was prolong the number of turns before could effectively combo out. I've only included the best of the 3 mana drop spells such as Rush of Blood which played last in a combo can easily line up an unblockable 1 shot.

Tutor value

The deck includes 3 tutors - Mystical Tutor, Gamble, Personal Tutor.

These tutor's allow you to either:

1.)Search out an unblock-able spell such as Distortion Strike to combo out.

2.) Search out Assault Strobe or similiar spells to increase your combo output.

3.)Search out Gamble to search for a creature you may need.

Creature Combo's

Nin, the Pain Artist / + Basilisk Collar - Deathtouch Lifelink Pings

Gelectrode + Basilisk Collar - Deathtouch Lifelink Pings.

Cackling Counterpart + Any Creature - Doubles your threat.

Basilisk Collar + Pumped Creature - Significant life gain.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 3 Rares

14 - 4 Uncommons

14 - 3 Commons

Cards 51
Avg. CMC 1.82
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Elemental 1/1 R
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